How fleeting our life is - you canjudged by the fact that another New Year is just around the corner. It seems like only yesterday we were preparing Olivier salad, stocking up on gifts for loved ones and friends, setting off holiday firecrackers, and now... The pre-holiday bustle is upon us again, during which the question inevitably arises: how to spend the New Year holidays? There are actually a huge number of options - it all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities. Some people begin to thoroughly prepare three months in advance, writing a script for the New Year's holiday and the days that follow. And some, on the contrary, prefer improvisation and act spontaneously, according to their mood. Both options have the right to exist. We offer you several excellent ways to spend the New Year holidays with benefit for you and your company.
The most important thing is to decide your desires
After heavy working days, which wereбогат год минувший, каждому человеку нужен хороший отдых. Поэтому к организации новогодних каникул следует подойти с умом и со всей долей ответственности. Для начала просто расслабьтесь и уделите внимание близким, хотя бы на некоторое время забыв о работе, неудачных сделках, квартальных отчетах. Проведите время с детьми, прогуляйтесь с друзьями по заснеженному лесу, приготовьте шашлыки на природе, сходите в кино и покатайтесь на коньках и санках. Не совершайте ошибку многих людей, которые, устав от рабочего цейтнота, все каникулы проводят, лежа перед телевизором. Наслаждайтесь жизнью, дышите свежим воздухом, наконец-то займитесь тем, до чего никак не доходили руки: вышивайте, вяжите, проведайте родителей, почитайте книгу. Во время новогодних праздников проходит масса интересных мероприятий: утренников, спектаклей, представлений, всевозможных выставок. Сходите с детьми на елку, которая наверняка стоит на центральной улице вашего города, поведите их в кукольный театр или на новогоднее представление. Пусть ваши малыши проникнутся атмосферой праздника, увидят Деда Мороза и его друзей, потанцуют и повеселятся. Однако не стоит превращать каникулы в целую череду культурных мероприятий, таская своих близких по всем представлениям, которые только есть в городе. Вы должны получать удовольствие! Поэтому выберите один-три утренника или спектакля, этого будет вполне достаточно для вашего малыша. Однако, отдавая предпочтение тому или иному мероприятию, обязательно учитывайте темперамент своего чада, а также его возраст. После такого двухдневного отдыха соберите семейный совет и спросите, как бы ваши близкие хотели провести время. Выслушайте каждого, предложите свои варианты, придите к какому-то совместному решению. В России существует масса красивых мест, которые стоит посетить. Поэтому самое главное — это придумать желание и затем воплотить его. Сегодня очень популярны новогодние туры в Великий Устюг, куда можно отправиться с детьми и показать им родину Деда Мороза. Красочные и невероятные по своему размаху представления проводятся на елках в Москве и Санкт-Петербурге. Если вы предпочитаете активный отдых и любите спорт, предложите своим близким посетить горнолыжный курорт. Не только за границей, но и в России существует широкий выбор таких мест: Абзахово, Банная, а также Завьялиха на Урале, можно отправиться в Сочи или на Кавказ. Однако учитывайте, что бронировать места нужно заранее. Поэтому подобный отдых следует организовывать за несколько недель, а то и месяцев до Нового года: звонить, договариваться, заказывать номер. В разгар сезона попасть туда будет довольно сложно, к тому же и сумма проживания наверняка взлетит до небес. Если вы не хотите далеко ехать, можно посетить главные достопримечательности России — Москву или Санкт-Петербург. Безумно красивые здания и проспекты, невероятное количество памятников архитектуры, музеев, неповторимая атмосфера, пропитанная историей и романтикой, поразят ваше воображение. Не сбрасывайте со счетов Нижний Новгород, Астрахань и Екатеринбург. Там тоже есть на что посмотреть, поэтому обратитесь в агентство и попросите рассказать о том, какие туры они могут вам предложить. Можете отправиться в путешествие без чьей-либо помощи: просто определитесь с местом, заранее купите билеты и пакуйте чемоданы. Как видите, вариантов проведения новогодних каникул существует масса. Все зависит от ваших пожеланий, времени, которое вы планируете выделить на отдых, а также финансовых возможностей. Людям, предпочитающим активный образ жизни, подойдет:
- a trip to the ski resort;
- going to the ice rink;
- sledging ;
- participation in the sports events that will be held in your city
- a sortie with friends in the woods for shish kebabs and the like.
For cultural enrichment, visit a museum,go to an art exhibition, buy tickets to the theater or opera. Fortunately, we have many talented artists, actors and singers whose works are worth seeing. If you want to organize a grand trip around the cities of Russia or go abroad, then start buying tickets and planning this type of leisure in advance - a few months before the New Year. Now let's take a closer look at where and how you can spend your mini-vacation.
Go to the sea
It is not at all necessary to spend the holidays inRussia. Why not celebrate the holiday at home, with your family, children and friends, and then pack your bags and go abroad. Believe me, it is so nice to enjoy the sun, sunbathe, splash in the sea, sip cocktails, while your compatriots at home are shivering from the cold. Yes, every year more and more Russians prefer to leave the damp or too frosty winter for warm shores for the New Year holidays. The main tourist destinations are Egypt and Thailand. The wealthiest people choose win-win and exotic options, for example, going to the Dominican Republic or Cuba. Just imagine: your fellow citizens shudder from the cold, leaving the entrance to the street, turning up the collar of their coat or fur coat higher, and at this time you are lying in a sun lounger on the seashore or ocean, sipping a watermelon cocktail or a delicious, refreshing mojito. Isn't that paradise in the middle of winter? You come back from such a vacation feeling amazingly rested and refreshed, and even the upcoming work does not scare you. Therefore, it makes sense to plan a trip to the sea, buy a plane ticket and book a hotel online. And it is not at all necessary to contact travel agencies, you can arrange everything yourself. To do this, decide in advance on the place where you would like to go, look at the hotels that offer their services in this country, compare their prices, read reviews from people who have visited these places, and book a room online. Plane tickets should also be booked in advance, and for this you do not have to leave the office and go to the airport. Today, this can be done online.
Finland - the birthplace of Santa Claus
Take your family away from Russia for the holidays,leave your native land, leaving all unpleasant thoughts and worries at home. A trip to Finland would be a great option for spending the New Year holidays. Beautiful nature, clean air and pleasant company will make the trip unforgettable. What could be better than skiing or sledding all day long, and in the evening taking a steam bath in the famous Finnish sauna, sipping kvass or beer? By the way, the more people go with you on this trip, the cheaper such a vacation will cost. How do you prepare for the trip? It all starts with choosing a house where you and your whole company will live. Most often, people who have experienced the charm of such a vacation recommend agencies to their friends and acquaintances through which you can rent a house. But there is one nuance: the earlier you book and pay for everything, and also buy plane tickets, the more chances you have of not “missing” the trip. Closer to the New Year, it is very difficult, almost impossible, to find a suitable option. So don't be lazy and start preparing for the Finnish New Year holidays in advance. By the way, if you are going on a trip with children, don't miss the opportunity to please your little one. Many agencies organize tours to the birthplace of Joulupukki, as Santa Claus is called in Finland. Your child will surely be delighted with such a gift.
Moscow Region sanatorium
If you are planning to spend your New Year's holiday inRussia, here you can have a wonderful rest, gaining strength for the whole next year. Going to a sanatorium or a holiday home for the New Year holidays is a great idea! Just don’t be surprised by the prices – at this time of year they naturally skyrocket. And yet, it is quite possible to find a budget option. The cost of your stay will most likely include room rental, three meals a day, a festive table (if you want to celebrate the New Year there) and various entertainment. In addition, many boarding houses offer SPA, saunas, massage, various cosmetic procedures. The presence of a stable in the sanatorium will allow you to ride horses, you can rent ski equipment or snowmobiles. In any case, if you are with a cheerful company, you will definitely not get bored and have a great time! And for sports lovers, we recommend visiting one of the ski resorts in Russia, which are not inferior to their foreign competitors in terms of the quality of services provided and have been famous throughout the world since Soviet times.
Country holidays
Many residents of Russia, tired of work,constant crowding in minibuses, metro and trolleybuses, breathing in exhaust fumes from vehicles, becoming more aggressive and nervous, getting sick more often, and suffering from sleep disorders. Therefore, every person needs to change their usual environment at least for a while and go out of town. New Year's holidays are the perfect time for this! We are children of cities and megalopolises, and some of us do not even suspect how chic New Year's holidays can be spent in the village. Surely you or one of your friends have a summer house or a house with a stove, a well and amenities in the yard. Many people may be scared by such conditions, and they will immediately refuse this option. And in vain! When else will you have a chance to experience the whole flavor of village life? You will have the purest and most delicious water, crystal fresh air and the opportunity to lie in fluffy snow to your heart's content! Forget how old you are and have fun like kids do. During the day, you can go sledding with friends or make a snow woman, and in the evening, gather around a warm stove, play board games or make dumplings together. A very exciting and fun activity!
Go on a trip to the Golden Ring
We all know about the cities that are locatedaround Moscow and which are commonly called the "Golden Ring". These include Sergiev Posad, Vladimir, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Ivanovo and Kostroma. The most favorable time for traveling to the cities of the Golden Ring will be the New Year holidays. Having bought tickets for an excursion tour, you can go on an exciting journey with the whole family, along the way learning many interesting facts about the life of the cities. Each of them is a whole era with its own unique history. You will taste the most delicious Russian cuisine, you can buy souvenirs for friends and family. You will literally combine business with pleasure! After such an exciting trip, you will certainly want to come back there again.
Visit Saint-Petersburg
One of the most popular places to goMuscovites and residents of other cities travel to this city with pleasure. Petersburg attracts like a magnet with its unique architecture and some special, inimitable charm. It is not for nothing that this city is called the Northern Palmyra, it is a unique mix of historical events and a modern lifestyle. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of how to spend the upcoming holidays in Petersburg, first decide which places you would like to visit in this city. We recommend that you definitely go to the Hermitage, even if you have already been there before. Just approaching this palace makes your heart beat faster. Be sure to visit Peterhof, even if you will not be able to admire the fountains in winter, which only work in the summer. The huge and beautiful territory of this castle is impressive at any time of the year. Petersburg is famous for its cozy cafes and bars, where it is so nice to go to warm up and drink hot mulled wine. In short, you will not be mistaken if you decide to spend the New Year holidays in this city - they will certainly be remembered for a long time!
Spend a vacation at home
If none of the options offered suits yousuitable, you can spend the holidays at home. Some people are so tired at work and so exhausted by the end of the year that their only desire will be to finally get enough sleep. And it is not necessary to sit in the apartment all the time - in any city on holidays various entertainment programs are held on the central streets of the city. You can watch a bunch of films at home or go to the cinema, visit the theater or an exhibition. Well, and visiting friends is unlikely to be avoided. In short, this option, although not the most extravagant, also has a right to exist. And if the weather is good and not too frosty, you can go to the skating rink, it is a lot of fun! At the same time, skating will help shake off after abundant holiday feasts. Whatever type of recreation you give preference to, the main thing is that you are in a good mood, the weather is excellent, and there are close and loved ones nearby, for communication with whom there is so often not enough time. Discuss the upcoming holidays with your family, look through tour operator offers, find out about performances and shows that will be held in your city during the holidays and organize your leisure time. Good luck!