Oh, how much effort we put into this,to please men! How much time, energy and money we spend to always look great, without knowing how the man we like will react to our image today! We go on strict diets, have plastic surgeries, buy fashionable dresses and short skirts for fabulous prices, so that that cute neighbor will pay attention. We try to at least a little closer to Hollywood standards, because a colleague at work likes skinny girls a la Angelina Jolie. And we carefully monitor our makeup, so that, God forbid, the mascara does not smear on a date. It seems to us that we know exactly what kind of women men like, and we try to match the ideal as much as possible. Thin, glamorous, smart, fashionable, reserved. And then, having achieved this, we begin to be surprised, asking ourselves spectacular, well-groomed, sexy, educated: "Why don't men like me?" And really, why does this happen? It's all quite simple. Girls are sure that worn-out sneakers and a face without makeup will cause nothing but disdain in guys. Older women are convinced that men simply lose their heads over tall, thin young ladies. And it is desirable that these ladies be a little prettier and younger. But where did the ladies get all this from? Why did they decide that men only like girls who meet generally accepted beauty standards? One step to the right, one step to the left - execution! In fact, everything is not quite so sad. Each man has his own idea of the ideal woman. Some people like plump girls the most, some are crazy about petite beauties. If you try to somehow classify all these ideas, you can come to a stunning conclusion: most men like in women something completely different from what TV screens and glossy magazines tell us. They understand female sexuality somewhat differently. What's most interesting is that only a few people like glamorous and bitchy ladies in red dresses with a slit up to the buttocks and a deep neckline.
Than to attract the guy's attention: physical data
Today, many young ladies answer the question:"What kind of women attract men?", they will answer without thinking - well-groomed. A representative of the fair sex should have beautiful hands, a fashionable hairstyle, expensive clothes, a figure resembling that of models. In a word, what is written in black and white in every glamour magazine. However, guys are a peculiar, independent people who prefer to have their own opinion about everything. In addition, each of them has personal taste preferences, their own concept of female sexuality. And all this is often strikingly different from what representatives of the fair sex consider sexy in themselves. So what kind of women do men really like? And what should you do to attract the attention of the young man you like? Let's take it in order.
- Makeup
We are all confident in what we like the mostmen in girls first-class professional makeup. And we spend a lot of money on cosmetics and a lot of time on applying mascara, lipstick, eyeshadow, etc. It turns out that there is no need for this! Many guys are attracted not by the makeup on a girl's face, but by her natural beauty. In addition, as it turns out, they really don't like kissing painted female lips, because then you have to wipe off the lipstick. One thing can be said: men like what nature itself has given a woman. Perhaps he will fall in love with a mole on her cheek or freckles that you are trying to cover up with a ton of powder. And many guys consider smudged, not quite fresh "morning" makeup to be very sexy. It excites a good portion of the stronger sex, since it suggests that the girl has just had sex with someone until exhaustion. These involuntary associations of smeared makeup with intimate closeness excite men so much that they can even lose their heads.
- Hair
We pay a lot of attention to our hair,We wash them with expensive shampoos, do the most fashionable haircuts, dye them in bright colors, trying to hide the grown roots. Of course, guys really like luxurious, well-groomed hair. However, it turns out that a careless hairstyle is also attractive. Young men, like the fair sex, are impressed by a certain touch of brutality in a woman's appearance, a kind of reminder of liberated "bad girls". We can say that men are attracted to women by their natural animal sexuality, and not by excessive glamour. But you should always know when to stop. Tousled hair is one thing, unwashed hair for a week is something completely different.
- Figure
What kind of female figures do men like?Each of us dreams of slimness and a firm, toned belly. To achieve this, we want to go to the gym, torture ourselves with diets, spend all our free time in fitness clubs, sometimes exhausting ourselves with heavy physical exertion. And, of course, we never part with a tape measure and scales. All this is in vain! Because it is not the toned abs that turn men on, but the soft female belly. It looks natural, plus, it does not make guys feel inferior because of its not-so-perfect appearance. And do not think that a bulging belly will not allow you to wear tight jeans. Many men consider the folds of the female body protruding above the jeans to be very sexy, because they subconsciously associate them with good fertility. Again, it is necessary to distinguish between sexual plumpness and hanging sides.
- Wrinkles
Folds that appear on the forehead, near the mouth and incorners of the eyes, when we are not yet thirty, cause panic! How they upset women, how much they cause anxiety. But men, it turns out, are not too worried about our wrinkles. On the contrary, they often excite, because they remind us of life experience, which, from the point of view of the strong half of humanity, indicates a well-developed sexuality.
- Stretching
Stretch marks are a cause of serious worry for many peoplewomen. However, their husbands, oddly enough, often love these stretch marks madly. Because, firstly, these pink and white scars remind them of the child that the woman gave birth to. Secondly, they are located on the most intimate parts of the female body, which are visible only to the husband. What can turn a man on more than the feeling of complete possession of his wife?
- Chest
Many girls get upset because they haveThey have small, almost unnoticeable bust. They strive with all their might to make it as big as possible. High and lush breasts, if they are given to a woman by nature, look excellent and seductive, no doubt. But small, elastic ones are no less seductive. They evoke in men a feeling of the purity of the inner essence of a girl. Plus, such representatives of the fair sex can go without underwear. And protruding nipples excite men more than a bust of the fifth size.
How to dress to attract the attention of your MCH
So, we found out what a man likes ina woman in terms of her physical characteristics. Now let's see how a representative of the fair sex should dress to get a rich, smart and handsome boyfriend. Agree, a miniskirt and thigh-high boots look sexy. But you can't wear them every day in front of your husband. Underwear is the main weapon Many of us are sure that men are extremely excited by lace or thin satin underwear, which we save for special occasions. When putting it on, girls think that men like relaxedness, promiscuity and the willingness to get turned on at the drop of a hat. And they are often wrong. Surprisingly, everyday comfortable underwear often turns young men on much more than transparent lace that barely covers intimate areas. White tight panties with funny inscriptions indicate that the girl did not plan sex. This circumstance is extremely exciting. After all, persuading such a young lady to have sex is much more tempting than making love to someone who is already waiting for it. Home clothes: sexy dress or jeans Some women, trying to always look seductive in the eyes of their loved ones, constantly dress in long translucent negligees at home. And in vain. Because shorts with a faded T-shirt or a man's shirt look much sexier. Such things indicate a woman's relaxation, her self-confidence and complete trust in her man. And this is very conducive to intimacy. Stylish clothes for society Outfits that deliberately emphasize the lines of our forms are attractive. Open evening dresses are very beautiful. But we look much more seductive in light cotton sundresses, knee-length skirts or comfortable trousers. Because such clothing gives a woman an aura of mystery and speaks of her independence. What could be more captivating for young men than the presence of some mystery and inaccessibility in a girl? This awakens the excitement of a hunter and the desire to chase prey. In other words, women's clothing that men like should demonstrate the girl's inner freedom, her incomprehensibility and lack of obsession with sex. Such qualities appeal to young men much more than aggressive sexuality, obsessive showiness and an overt desire for seduction. Of course, animal sex suits a certain part of guys. But a real man still wants a woman to be attractive, soft, beautiful, and not look like she is trying to attract everyone's attention.
How should a decent girl behave?
So, the first thing you must review is yourотношение к алкогольным напиткам и еде. Долгое время нам внушали, что наиболее привлекательными для мужчин являются практически непьющие, предпочитающие ограничивать себя в еде женщины. Оказывается, все не совсем так. Нет, конечно же, постоянно употребляющие спиртное дамочки богатым мужчинам совершенно не интересны. А вот девушки, умеющие в компании подруг расслабляться, привлекают молодых людей больше, чем полные трезвенницы. Потому что под действием спиртного красавица перестает тщательно контролировать свое поведение. Такая женщина становится более раскрепощенной и в словах, и в действиях. Она запросто сможет рассказать мужчине о своих чувствах и позволит себе в постели то, на что не решалась раньше. Что касается отношения девушки к еде, то ее здоровый аппетит нравится молодым людям больше, чем одержимость диетами. Во-первых, он свидетельствует об уверенности барышни в себе. Во-вторых, это дает основания думать, что и в сексе она тоже не будет особо придерживаться каких-то границ. Однако это правило не касается сигарет. Прошло то время, когда длинные тонкие муштуки и папиросы в руках дамы считались сексуальными. Сейчас успешные мужчины предпочитают некурящих партнерш. Дым, запах табака (даже дорого), горьковатый привкус – все это только отпугнет МЧ. Чрезмерная демонстрация интеллекта отпугивает мужчин. Об этом говорили нам наши мамы и бабушки. Но мы почему-то решили, что очень умные женщины весьма интересны представителям сильного пола, и изо всех сил стараемся показать свое интеллектуальное превосходство над окружающими. И зря. Потому что слишком умная красавица (как и чересчур глупая) отпугивает. Мужчина не видит в такой девушке объект вожделения. Он воспринимает ее, скорее, как друга, коллегу, соперницу, но не как соблазнительную загадку, которую хочется разгадать. Можно сказать, что нравится мужчине в женщине легкая бестолковость, но не беспросветная глупость. Она делает девушку более близкой и беззащитной, позволяет парню расслабиться и почувствовать себя умным и сильным. Запомните, соблюдение правил приличия не всегда уместно. Мы умеем правильно пользоваться ножом и вилкой на банкетах, вовремя и к месту смеемся, следим за каждым своим жестом и словом, не допускаем оскорблений в спорах, да и самих споров избегаем тоже? Прекрасно. Мы стараемся всегда выглядеть на все сто и даже, выгуливая собаку, надеваем туфли на каблуках? Отлично. Только не надо при этом удивляться, что мужчины ведут себя с нами благородно, а хотят, почему-то, других. Любят тех, кто может от души хохотать в приличном обществе, тех, кто запросто ссорится с обидчиками, тех, кто позволяет себе гулять босиком по лужайке в центре города, сбросив надоевшие за день туфли на шпильках. Секрет особой привлекательности таких «невоспитанных» барышень прост: они непосредственны и органичны. И нисколько этого не стыдятся. Такая позиция – отличный стимул для возникновения мужских сексуальных фантазий, которые особенно разыгрываются от вида босых женских ног. Парни понимают, что такая партнерша не упадет в обморок, услышав о новой позе и секс-шопе. Конечно, сложно ответить на вопрос, чего же все-таки хотят мужчины. Но можно с уверенностью заявить, что нашим парням уже надоели холеные гламурные куколки, способные думать лишь о дорогих вещах и фешенебельных салонах. Устали современные мужчины и от эстеток, интеллектуалок, выражающихся исключительно цитатами, взятыми из знаменитых фолиантов (что еще хуже – из контакта или фейсбука). Утомили их барышни, навязчиво демонстрирующие свое тело, и дамы, которые даже по дому ходят в туфлях на высоком каблуке. Нет, конечно же, все это не говорит о том, что нам нужно забыть об изящных вещах, умелом и свежем макияже, ограничениях в еде и занятиях спортом, и вести себя в обществе, как только что спустившаяся с пальмы обезьянка. Во всем нужно знать меру. И стараться, чтобы оттенок небрежности всегда присутствовал и в нашей внешности, и в поведении. Иначе мы превратимся в эдаких ухоженных и образованных кукол, с которыми мужчинам сложно, скучно, неинтересно. Стоит ли прилагать столько усилий в стремлении к навязанному обществом женскому идеалу, если мы придем к плачевному результату! Хотя бы время от времени позволяйте себе быть непосредственными. Ведь именно наша природная непринужденность является тем, что больше всего привлекает мужчин. Советуем почитать: