Girls sit on diets for months and refuseeat in the evening, run around the house for hours and exhaust their bodies in gyms, but the ominous kilograms are in no hurry to leave their sides. Why does this happen and what should you do to get in shape? Let's look at this in order.
The hunger strike for the night: for and against
Natalia decided to lose a couple of kilograms in order toto look stunning at her husband's corporate party. To do this, she completely stopped eating after six, only having breakfast and lunch. In the first two weeks, a pretty good result was achieved - minus two kilograms, and then the weight began to rapidly increase. The reason for this failure lies in the fact that the girl's body began to store fat, since the brain was repeatedly sent a signal about a long fast. In addition, the so-called ten-hour unloading "rest" is very harmful to your health, since, despite the fact that processes slow down during sleep, the stomach still secretes gastric juice. And if at this time you are hungry, the intestines begin to digest themselves, which leads to gastritis, ulcers, etc. Many nutritionists recommend that the break between meals be about four to five hours, only the portions should be relatively small. Of course, you shouldn't eat flour, sweet, spicy, salty and fatty foods at night, it's enough to make a light salad of vegetables or fruits, drink kefir or low-fat yogurt. Please note that it's better not to eat some fruits before bed, since, for example, an apple causes a wild appetite. If you want to lose weight very quickly, start following a regimen and the result will not only not take long to come, but will also last much longer.
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Should I stop eating high-calorie foods?dishes? It is worth it, but you need to do it wisely, otherwise you can exhaust yourself and harm your own health. "I want to lose weight quickly" - thought the beautiful Marina and went on a strict diet, excluding proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other useful elements from her diet. The girl achieved the desired result quite quickly, but instead of the desired sexuality, she got bruises around the eyes, sunken cheeks and poor health. As her doctor explained to her, you can not suddenly stop consuming useful and nutritious substances. The human body is a building, for the construction of which certain building materials are needed, and if you remove even one brick, the building will become unusable ahead of time and collapse. And in this case, Marina removed stone, clay and sand. Vegetable fats affect the production of vitamin D, which, as strange as it may sound, burns your fat. As for protein, it will be hard to live without it, as it helps to recover from exhausting loads and diets. So, if girls want to get rid of excess weight very quickly, they just need to replace some products with others. For example, instead of bakery products and potatoes, you can eat bananas, apples and other fruits that will saturate your body with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, while, if you comply with the required norm, they will not turn into fat.
Juice and water
Clever Katerina always looks her best,She has never had problems with excess weight in her life. How does she do it? "I don't have any special secrets, I just drink a glass of mineral water before each meal. This way, I eat much less, and if after a while I still feel hungry, I drink homemade juice, after that I don't want to eat until lunch or evening..." - the girl answers embarrassedly. In fact, this technique has long been known all over the world and many nutritionists recommend using it to keep yourself in great shape. The fact is that the human body only understands that it is full after at least half an hour, and until that time we want and can even eat everything tasty that is on the table at the moment. However, not all liquids are equally useful! If you are planning to get rid of excess weight very quickly, do not drink carbonated or sweet water. Carbon dioxide has a magical effect on fat, so no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to lose weight, and in the future you risk getting cellulite. Packaged juices, alcohol, coffee, sweet and strong black tea, unpurified and unfiltered tap water are also not recommended, especially when you are on a diet.
A properly selected menu is half the success
Remember how your mother has been since childhoodaccustomed you to borscht, soups and porridges, which few people liked. Now we are faced with delicacies and fast food products at every step, so the need to cook at home has practically disappeared, due to which there is a tendency for mass obesity of this population of our planet. If you want to become slim very quickly, start eating oatmeal for breakfast and liquid for lunch. It is best to make broth for borscht or soup without frying and on chicken, since it contains a minimum amount of fat. Those who are not used to eating first courses without flour can eat croutons from black or diet bread. Never buy porridge, for the preparation of which it is enough to pour hot boiling water over the mass from the bag and wait a couple of minutes. The fact is that they contain too many harmful and high-calorie substances that only dull the feeling of hunger and create the illusion of satiety. If you eat a full-fledged porridge cooked on the stove, you are unlikely to want to eat for the next three to four hours. Don't like oatmeal? Add a teaspoon of honey, cut up some fruit (bananas, apples, peaches) and you will notice how its taste changes. It is also important to understand that a diet is not a panacea or the easiest way to lose weight! You cannot constantly subject your body to such stress, since starvation can lead to a metabolic disorder or even dystrophy, anorexia, etc. If you decide to be slim and graceful, always eat right and do not rely on flour or sweets as soon as you start to fit into the outfit you like. And finally, remember, if you really want to eat unhealthy food (sweets, potatoes, flour, buns), do not deny yourself the pleasure and eat a small portion. In extreme cases, sweets can be replaced with dried fruits or honey, potatoes can be baked in the oven, and salty crackers with kefir are tasty and quite healthy.
Cleaning the body
Nastya wanted to lose weight very quickly and startedeat boiled pumpkin, which has quite high beneficial properties and at the same time contains much fewer calories than, for example, her favorite potatoes. For breakfast - porridge, pumpkin soup for lunch, and for dinner - a light salad of pumpkin, apples and carrots or pieces of this delicacy baked in the oven. After just a week, the girl discovered that the scale showed three kilograms less, which was a very pleasant surprise for her. Even when she stopped following a strict diet, at least once a day Nastya still eats this vegetable to always be in shape. There are a number of products (sauerkraut, apples, grapefruit, parsley) that will help you cleanse yourself of toxins and prevent fats from lingering in the body. Thanks to their magical properties, you can eat bread, potatoes, sweets and at the same time you will not gain weight, and the excess weight will disappear before your eyes. For example, a well-known salad called "Broom" will help you lose two or three kilograms in just a couple of days without harming your health. To prepare it, you will need: raw beets, carrots and olive oil for dressing. If desired, you can add other, no less useful ingredients: onions, celery, lemon juice, parsnip root, etc.
Healthy sleep, sports and walks
According to statistics, women whoThose who constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not get enough sleep, it is much more difficult to lose weight than those who walk to work, sleep at least eight hours a day and move actively. The fact is that the body in this case leads a "sleeping" lifestyle, so it cannot cope with the load and does not process incoming proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but stores all this as fat. In this case, even if you completely stop eating, you will have to wait a very long time for results. In order to stir yourself up, make it a rule to walk in the fresh air for at least half an hour once a day and go to bed at the same time, and you will see improvements. Do not forget to go to the gym, pool or sign up for dancing. The main thing is not to go gray and wait for a miracle diet or medicine to start working, but to take serious measures for this. For example, belly dancing, strip dancing, salsa will help not only quickly get rid of fat on the hips, buttocks and sides, but also add to your self-confidence. You need to exercise at least twice a week, without missing a single session. Don't forget to do exercises at home and, of course, eat a balanced diet. If your health allows, start running in the mornings and evenings.
Massage: quickly and effectively
Only the most experienced can decide on this methodbrave and courageous, who are not afraid of pain. The procedure itself is not pleasant, but after three or four sessions you will notice how your waist begins to shrink and cellulite disappears. This happens due to improved blood flow and accelerated metabolism, which is difficult to achieve at home. The advantage of massage is that you lose weight only in the part of the body that is problematic, and do not follow the standard pattern: first the chest, then the butt, cheeks, and only then everything else. If you decide to use the services of a massage therapist, be sure to make sure of his professionalism, ask to provide certificates, diplomas and permission to carry out such procedures. Before you decide to experiment with your own body, be sure to visit your doctor and take all the tests so that you do not have to be treated for the consequences of diets later. If you suddenly started to gain weight or cannot lose weight, no matter how hard you try, this is a sign of some kind of disorder in your body, so only a doctor can advise you on a suitable diet. We recommend reading: