tips on seducing men Sometimes you meet women who are deeply in love,ready to give everything they have, barely knowing their chosen one. She blindly believes her man, often wondering how to make this particular man fall in love with her. Agree, a familiar situation. Each case is individual, and it will not be possible to solve the issue with a couple of recipes from magazines. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail and find the right answer.

It should not be done

If a man is dear to a woman, and she is trying to make him fall in love with her, then she needs to take into account certain conditions that should never be violated.

  • In no case can he be rude, rudeness is notadorns the beautiful half. Even the rudest man will not like rudeness and obscene words, although he himself can afford a lot. If a man hears from women's lips something like that, then he can never fall in love with such a woman and will change his opinion about it radically.
  • If the girl (woman) is smoking, at first she does notIt's worth demonstrating your bad habit before a man whom she is trying to fall in love with. You should first know its relation to dependence, otherwise you can cross out everything.
  • At the initial stages of dating is not recommendedspill out the full extent of his sociability. It should be remembered that excessive sociability can push away from you that single man you were looking for.
  • Wondering how to fall in love with a man,remember that you should be attentive to it. It is necessary to listen to everything he talks about. Asking leading questions that will emphasize interest in all his life successes and problems, all men appreciate this highly.
  • Do not put on a "mask of a modest", if one is not. Sooner or later a man will notice this, the situation will get out of control, and relations will fail.
  • Before you fall in love with a man, you needTake care of your discipline in relation to your appearance and order in your own room. Slackness immediately determined, but men do not like it.
  • Do not be jealous of a man you love, if thisthe feeling is present, you can not show it, because by your behavior you will question the honesty of a loved one. A man can get angry, and the relationship is reduced to a quarrel, it is necessary to show that you trust him.
  • It is not recommended to call a man often,which you want to fall in love with, excessive obsession, especially during working hours, will greatly irritate him. Phone obsession kills a man morally.
  • If there really is a desire for a man to bein love, it is recommended not to give all his time only to work. It should be remembered that men are egoists and owners by their very nature, therefore they require special attention. This advice can be used, when the elect has become accessible.
  • If you feel the love of a man, he doesyou compliments, do not be embarrassed by them, it's best to smile and accept flattery. This will emphasize self-confidence and say about the full adequacy of their self-esteem.

prove your love to a man

It's important to prove your love

Many people can talk about their own in wordsfeelings, but, as a rule, behavior does not always correspond to words. Flattery and the external glossy cover work only up to a certain point. In order for a man to be truly in love, it is necessary to act, to prove the sincerity of your words. Behind the proof of words there are 2 functions:

  • Suppress all your doubts and complexes (remember that nothing is impossible, the main thing is desire).
  • All the positive qualities can be emphasized as much as possible, which in itself is a powerful weapon for seduction.
  • Demonstration of courage and selflessness (withoutfanaticism) will cause a powerful positive emotional reaction from the man. The manifestation of nobility applies not only to men, but also to women. When resistance is encountered in the process of seduction, do not be afraid and bury your head in the sand, this is a completely normal phenomenon. The more obstacles on the way, the sweeter the victory will be when the man falls in love with you. It should be remembered that the process can only fail because the woman misinterpreted the resistance of the object (man) and gave up without a fight. Resistance should be treated as a weapon. It indicates that the man's feelings are involved in the process. Logically, it is difficult to make a man fall in love with you if he is cold and insensitive. Emotional resistance can turn into its own opposite. Here, as in jiu-jitsu or aikido, the physical strength of the opponent is used to put him on his shoulder blades. Next, you need to figure out what caused the resistance, what prevents you from making a man fall in love with you.causes of resistance

    The reasons for the appearance of resistance from men

    The first reason why men don'tfall in love - mistrust. Maybe your chosen one was cruelly deceived by a woman or simply does not trust the beautiful half. Then it's time to do a selfless act that will prove your attitude towards him, and such a manifestation of feelings will become an effective medicine. If the resistance is caused by the fact that the man is in love with another object and is faithful to him, then you can go several ways. The first way is an impromptu, spontaneous act. Each person has vulnerable spots, and he needs help. It is necessary to determine this place and provide a small service or help, as if unobtrusively, without demanding anything in return. Such a service may be needed at any time, unexpectedly, so you need to be ready for this. Then there is an opportunity to impress the object by devoting more time to this problem than expected, even donating a small amount, without hesitating for a second. In this case, it is worth showing that it took a lot of effort, but only indirectly, through rumors or third parties, so that the object does not suspect love. The second method is a decisive act, a pre-planned action carried out at a convenient moment. This method is good when you feel that the man is distrustful or things are taking a bad turn. To really make him fall in love with you, it is worth developing an interesting combination and performing a real feat. It is important that the man somehow understands how much effort was spent on all this. Bring your object to some kind of crisis situation (imperceptibly and very carefully), the man gets into a hopeless situation, then the role of a savior will come in handy. Perhaps the object will fall in love immediately, appreciating the feat, thus it will be possible to attract attention and evoke some feelings that over time can develop into love. Today, women also make sacrifices for the sake of their chosen one. If you take care of the maximum nobility and recklessness, you can be sure that the plan will reach a new level. Such a step will certainly cause some reciprocal feelings and will allow you to hide secret motives, if any. In order for the object to be in love, he must know at what price the solution to his problem was obtained:

    • you have lost sleep;
    • they were wasting their time;
    • not thinking about anything;
    • spent money;
    • podstavili under attack career.

    You can also exaggerate your importance in order toachieve greater effect, but you need to suffer silently, your chosen one must know with what nobility he is dealing. In this world, virtually everyone is guided by their own benefit, especially women, and seeing your selflessness, the chosen one will not be able to resist generosity and over time may fall in love with you. Before you make a man fall in love with you, you should remember that it will take time and effort, and for this you need to make a challenge, declare yourself. A challenge can ignite a spark of temptation, and if the other half responds to it, then the seduction will begin to gain momentum. By causing a response in a man, you can prove yourself, in this case there is a high probability of increasing your self-esteem and hiding your own flaws.clues to seduction

    Keys to seduction: what's important to know

    How can you tell for sure if you havemen are in love? Of course, by his reaction to the woman. You should be wary if the man shows excessive signs of attention or flattery, an incomprehensible game. Perhaps he needs something from you. It is best to pay attention to those signs that are not subject to the control of our consciousness:

    • involuntary imitation of your intonation or gestures;
    • sudden shyness and blush on the cheeks at the moment when you enter the room;
    • an outburst of indignation or anger.

    All this suggests that the "victim" is giving inyour influence, the chosen one can succumb to influence. It is very important to know what goals a woman pursues when trying to make a man fall in love with her. To begin with, choose an object of seduction; it should be the person whose inner emptiness you are capable of filling. Most often, lonely men are depressed by some kind of failure. If you want to make a man who is completely satisfied with his life fall in love, then you need to create a feeling of vacuum, loss, lack, so that he feels that he needs a woman. Next, you should create a deceptive sense of security and approach the man in a roundabout way so as not to scare him off. From the first steps, you cannot show directness (do not forget that you may not be an object of desire for him), as this can cause resistance. Everything is done in such a way that the object does not suspect that you are in love. you should behave neutrally. It is best to arrange the matter in such a way that from a casual acquaintance you become a friend, and from a friend - your beloved. Lull vigilance and strike. Give signs of contradiction, thereby drawing attention to yourself. At the same time, it is necessary to show such feelings:

    • stiffness and tenderness;
    • cunning and innocence;
    • earthiness and spirituality.

    There is a possibility to confuse the chosen one and causehis increased interest in your person. Mixing qualities speaks of the ambiguity and depth of nature, which cannot but delight and attract a man.

    Additional recommendations

    Create a triangle to become an objectlust. It is necessary to create an aura of popularity that will emphasize that you are in demand as a woman. The principle of a love triangle stimulates the spirit of competition, we must not forget that men have a developed hunting instinct. Let your chosen one come up with something like this thought: "If many have fallen from the charms of such a woman, then she is really worth it." Then men will immediately have a question and interest, is this really so? Arouse anxiety and dissatisfaction with a feeling of suggestion. It is impossible to make a completely satisfied person fall in love with you. Surely all men have some youthful memories that they have forgotten. Remind him of romanticism and suggest that this is exactly what he lacks. Make a man feel the need for your attention very subtly. Most single men are locked in their own little world, which hides them from other people's influences and makes them stubborn. Therefore, a method is needed that will help pull a man out of this shell. Here it is worth playing by his rules and living his life, in other words, imbuing yourself with his spirit. This will make it easier to break the man's resistance. By luring a man deeper into the wilds, you should create temptation and allow him to catch a glimpse of the coming pleasure. Reveal the weakness of the chosen one, the dreams that have not come true, and hint that you will help turn the dream into reality. Constantly stimulate curiosity and impatience, drowning out worries and doubts, and soon the chosen one will fall in love with you. Do not be afraid of anything and accept the challenge, any reckless knightly act will leave the man no choice, and he will have to fight for you.

