causes of the disease "There are no healthy people, there are"under-examined", - says one well-known and rather old joke. But, as you know, there is some truth in every joke. The human body is full of various "cohabitants", and not all of them have a beneficial effect on the body and its functioning. Even a completely healthy person can have serious health problems, but for the time being the disease proceeds autonomously. For example, ureaplasma in women is quite difficult to diagnose. Today's medicine has discovered a wide variety of sexually transmitted infections. Almost all STDs are accompanied by the same or very similar symptoms. So in no case should you diagnose yourself and certainly not self-medicate. One of the most common diseases is ureaplasmosis, it occurs mainly in women and is usually transmitted sexually, much less by contact-household. There are also cases of ureaplasma infection in newborns: infection occurs during the intrauterine period or directly during labor.diagnosis of the disease

What is ureaplasma?

Ureaplasmas are microorganismsdiameter of about 0.3 microns. They do not have a cell membrane and their own DNA, so they live at the expense of the organism in which they parasitize. They often live on the mucous membrane of the genital tract. In small quantities, they do not cause problems or concerns to their carrier, but as soon as the general resistance of the body decreases, they begin to multiply rapidly, which can lead to various complications and inflammatory processes. The reason for a sharp increase in the number of ureaplasma in women can be: menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth, manipulations with intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUD), medical abortion, general diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Possible consequences of the disease

  • colpitis (inflammation of the vagina);
  • cystitis (inflammation of the bladder);
  • endometritis (inflammation of the uterine wall);
  • cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix);
  • postpartum endometritis;
  • various pathologies of pregnancy and fetus.

Today there are many drugs thatwill be able to cure the disease quickly and without consequences. Diagnosis of the disease The whole difficulty of diagnosing this disease is that in 90% of cases it is almost asymptomatic. The period of the disease lasts from several days to several months, but sometimes the disease does not manifest itself at all throughout a person's life. Ureaplasma is diagnosed by taking a smear for analysis. Two methods are usually used for its study: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or bacterial culture on nutrient media. For a more accurate determination of the presence of microorganisms, complex studies are best suited. Symptoms of the disease The first conditions that differ from the norm usually appear after an asymptomatic period, which lasts from 4 days to 1 month. The duration of this period is the same for men and women. Symptoms in women:

  • Allocations, usually transparent and not very abundant;
  • Rapid and painful urination;
  • With the oral-genital route of infection, there may be a sore throat, a purulent coating on the tonsils and other symptoms resembling angina;
  • In the formation of inflammation, a cutting pain in the lower abdomen.

Symptoms in men:

  • Discharge from the urethra, in a consistency resembling slime;
  • A burning sensation and a slight itching when urinating;
  • The urine becomes turbid.

Even the presence of all symptoms at the same time does notmeans the presence of ureaplasma in the human body. Do not forget about the complexity of diagnosing this disease, but each of these symptoms is a deviation from the norm and is a reason to visit a doctor.the appointment of treatment for the disease

Treatment of ureaplasmosis in women

For successful treatment of ureaplasmosis you needa comprehensive approach and specially selected drugs. Taking vitamins and immunomodulators, using special antibiotics, local procedures, sometimes physiotherapy is added to this list. This is the only way to completely rid the body of harmful microorganisms. Subsequently, after complete recovery, it is necessary to systematically conduct control examinations. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can go away on their own, but this does not necessarily mean that the disease has receded: it is imperative to undergo a full course of treatment, otherwise not only a relapse of the disease is possible, but also an aggravation of the problem, as well as unpleasant consequences, which will be much more difficult and dangerous to get rid of. Since both partners are carriers of the virus, they must undergo treatment in parallel, otherwise the sick partner will again infect the healthy one. In case of suspected ureaplasmosis, a woman should consult a gynecologist, and a man - a venereologist. This disease must be treated with a drug prescribed by the attending physician, ureaplasma microorganisms are immune to some types of antibiotics. The sooner treatment and medication intake begin, the sooner health will return to normal.ureaplasma during pregnancy

Ureaplasma and pregnancy

Scientists still can't say100% certainty whether ureaplasma can cause suppression of reproductive functions and, as a result, infertility. But, regardless of the answer to this question, when planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to get tested for this infection. Ureaplasmosis in a woman can be caused not only by intimacy with an infected partner, but also by a visit to a public toilet. The disease is dangerous for a child in the first weeks of life in the womb; antibiotic treatment is also highly undesirable during this period. Do not forget about the fact that ureaplasma grows during pregnancy in infected women. Even a small number of these microorganisms can rapidly grow and go beyond the critical point. Constant stress, decreased immunity and hormonal surges are simply ideal conditions for the reproduction of ureaplasma. Often, due to the disease, labor occurs prematurely, and the postpartum period is quite difficult. Ureaplasma is not a direct indication for termination of pregnancy. After 22 weeks of pregnancy, you can undergo a course of treatment, after which further gestation and childbirth will be successful. With proper treatment of ureaplasmosis in women during pregnancy, the consequences of the disease will be minimized. Treatment of ureaplasmosis during pregnancy Treatment of ureaplasma in women during pregnancy is possible. But it is highly undesirable, especially in the early stages, since such treatment can cause consequences associated with the body's reaction to drugs. But the absence of treatment can also lead to unpleasant consequences. During the period of intrauterine development, the fetus is protected by the placenta and usually the infection cannot reach it, although there are rare cases of intrauterine infection. In sick women, every second newborn is infected during labor at the time of passing through the birth canal. For prompt and proper treatment, you must immediately tell the doctor supervising your pregnancy about the presence of the disease or suspicions of it.

