exercises for intimate muscles Imbilding, or vumbilding - this isis a fairly new direction for us, although it has been known for a long time. It is a system aimed at developing intimate muscles. There are many people whose intimate muscles are poorly developed - this is where a lot of problems of a sexual and even medical nature arise (up to the formation of tumors and the inability to bear a fetus). Therefore, it is very important to train intimate muscles. You can easily do imbilding at home, without wasting time and money. Moreover, intimate gymnastics is useful and enjoyable in one complex. In our article, you will learn who needs intimate muscle training and why, how it is useful, and we will also introduce you to a program of exercises that will help you quickly achieve the desired results.imbilling

The Benefit of Imbilding for Women's Health

The art of mastering your intimate musclesoriginated in the Ancient East. There, all girls were taught it from childhood. It was also mandatory in the training of geishas and concubines in the harem - after all, they had to have perfect control over their bodies in order to please the master. But if in those days the sexual sphere was put at the forefront, now even medicine has recognized the undeniable benefits of imbilding. Although all modern exercises of the vumbilding system are based on ancient Taoist practices aimed at working with orgasmic energy. It should be noted that doing intimate gymnastics is equally useful for both women and men, since both may have insufficiently developed intimate muscles, or, as they are also called, pelvic floor muscles. Not only does this negatively affect the sexual sphere, but this can probably be considered the least harm that insufficient development of intimate muscles brings. For women, underdeveloped muscles have the most negative impact on the sexual sphere: inflammation and even tumors appear, the uterus prolapses, urinary incontinence may begin (especially with age). It can even lead to infertility. If the problem has not led to such serious consequences, and the woman carried and gave birth to a child, then after childbirth this situation always worsens even more. In addition, the better the intimate muscles are developed, the easier it is for a woman to carry a fetus and give birth to a child. Intimate gymnastics has two directions: development of intimate muscles and facilitating the course of labor. So, what are the benefits of doing intimate gymnastics in different areas of a woman's life:

  • Health

Prevents various gynecologicalproblems (inflammation, prolapse of the uterus, swelling, etc.), cures some diseases (inflammatory processes in the genitals), helps not only to bear and give birth to a child, but also to get pregnant.

  • Sexual sphere

Makes sex life more vibrant anddiverse, helps to solve the problem of frigidity and impotence. In addition, if partners do this gymnastics together, then their intimate culture increases in an incredible way, they learn to feel each other again (and some for the first time!) And not only in an intimate way, but also in a psychological way.

  • Psychological sphere

Vumbilding allows a woman to improve herself,better understand and reveal yourself, develop your own sexuality, establish a connection with your partner. All this makes a woman more self-confident, sexy, feminine and relaxed.vumbudging

Vumbilding: an exercise system for women

Exercises that later formedThe imbilding system was created in the 40s of the 20th century by Arnold Kegel, a famous urologist and gynecologist. The exercises were aimed at developing the perineal muscles. Both women and men performed the exercises. And over time, patients noted that they began to experience brighter orgasms, their sex life began to bring much more pleasure. After that, the gymnastics became famous and began to be supplemented with new exercises. Today, imbilding is gaining more and more popularity. The beauty of imbilding is that you do not need to visit gyms, etc. - it can be successfully practiced at home. For this, special exercise machines are used: a vaginal egg, a Kegel exercise machine, a laser exercise machine. Gymnastics consists of the fact that a woman, placing them in her vagina, develops intimate muscles. After the exercise machines, a special camera is used, which massages the vaginal walls. However, you can do without buying special exercise machines. It will be enough to learn a few simple exercises and perform them regularly. To get the first noticeable results, 2 weeks of training will be enough. Of course, you should not stop there - there is no limit to perfection in this matter! So, where should a beginner start training? First, you need to determine where these intimate muscles are located. If you do not know for sure which muscles we are talking about, try to determine it this way: when urinating, try to hold and then release the stream. It is the intimate muscles (vaginal) that are responsible for this, which need to be trained. When you have determined which muscles need to be developed, it is important to choose the right place for training. Some exercises are performed in a lying position, but most of them are done sitting. Therefore, for training you need a hard chair. You need to sit on it straight. In addition, there are several rules, the implementation of which will speed up the results of your training:

  • exercise regularly, every day;
  • do them at a time convenient for you;
  • Don't rush - you definitely won't see results in one day.

Exercises for intimate muscles with the sphere

Complex exercises for the system of imbilding for women

The system includes a complex of fiveexercises and massage. Do them correctly, regularly - and the result will not take long to come. Even if it seems to you that you are not succeeding, continue to train - intimate muscles are pumped up in the same way as any other muscles in our body. The less "pumped" they are, the more time it will take to tone them. But the effort is worth it. Especially since classes according to this system bring a lot of positive feelings.

  • Compression of muscles

Tighten your intimate muscles as much as possible.Hold them in this position for 5-20 seconds, then relax as much as possible. It is better to do this in stages, rather than immediately clamping the muscles with all your strength: tense them slightly, hold them in this position for 5 seconds, then clamp them even harder, hold them for a while longer, etc. - and so on until you clamp the muscles with all your possible strength. The same applies to relaxation: try not to completely relax the muscles at once, but also in stages, holding the muscles for 3 seconds. This exercise must be done 10 times.

  • Muscle contraction

Tense and relax your muscles as much as you can.as fast as you can. The advantage of this exercise is that it can be done anywhere. The more often you do it, the faster you can achieve the desired result. This exercise must be done 10 times.

  • Pushing

The meaning and procedure of this exercise will be understoodwomen who have given birth, since it is very similar to labor pains. If you have not given birth, then the meaning is approximately as follows: try to perform pushing movements, as during defecation, only with the vaginal muscles. This exercise must be performed 10 times.

  • We develop bulbous-spongy muscle

This exercise may not work at first, butIf you don't stop, you will soon be able to do it without any problems. You need to lie on your back and focus on the clitoris. Start pulling it in and pushing it out. You need to do this exercise for 5-10 minutes. By doing this exercise, you can get excited or even have an orgasm.

  • Flashing

Lie on your back, bend your knees a little andstart pulling your anus in. Hold it in this position for 5 seconds, then start slowly releasing it and simultaneously pulling in your clitoris. And so - 10 approaches. This exercise will perfectly strengthen and improve the superficial and deep muscles of the pelvic floor.

  • Massage

Of course, this is not exactly an exercise, but ifadd it to your daily exercise routine, and the results will simply amaze you and your partner! This is where you will need his help. Ask your partner to massage your labia, clitoris, and the area above it every day for 10-15 minutes. And don’t forget to use plenty of massage oil. This massage will improve blood circulation in the intimate area, which will strengthen the muscles. Relax during the massage, get rid of any embarrassment, and completely trust your partner.

Contra-indications to occupations

No matter how beneficial the system of exercises for training intimate muscles may be for a woman’s health, it also has a number of contraindications.

  • Pregnancy

If you were involved in imbilding before pregnancy,this contraindication is not for you. Even during pregnancy and after childbirth, you can continue to exercise. If you did not do intimate gymnastics before pregnancy, it is strictly forbidden to start it during the period of bearing a child. Moreover, you should refrain from training for 2-3 months after childbirth.

  • Gynecological diseases

Although vumbilding is indicated for many diseasesin women, but there are some diseases of the genital organs, in which gymnastics is prohibited. These include bleeding (postoperative and intrauterine), acute inflammatory processes that are accompanied by high temperature, vascular disorders (thrombophlebitis in the vessels of the small pelvis and lower extremities), septic conditions. In any case, before starting imbilding classes, even if you do not observe any ailments, it is best to consult a gynecologist. He will help you individually select a program of exercises: perhaps some exercises will have to be excluded, and some will need to be given closer attention.

