There is hardly a woman who does not dream of beingslender. Thin waist, tight buttocks and a flat stomach - this is the ideal of the modern representative of the fair sex. Unfortunately, with age, muscles become flabby, and the body begins to lose its appeal. The problem zone for any woman is the area of the abdominal press. Due to the peculiarities of the hormonal system, excess fat deposits accumulate in the abdomen with age. In addition, almost every woman passes the period of pregnancy and childbirth. And this also can not help but affect the condition of the muscles. Men are often worried about the rounded tummy. After all, and they have in this area with age accumulate extra pounds. This happens in many ways not only because of malnutrition or sedentary lifestyle. Muscles in the abdomen of an ordinary person are absolutely not trained. If, for example, our hands and feet move more or less during the day, therefore, the muscles in these places receive at least a minimum of load, then abdominal exercises require special exercises for the abdominal press. Tightened abdominal muscles are not only aesthetically beautiful. This is also an excellent prevention against the omission of internal organs. The trained abdominal muscles will help maintain them in a normal state. Therefore, training for strengthening the abdominal press is necessary for both women and men. Any of us can keep the beauty for years to come. But for this it is necessary to watch your body. To maintain a slender and fit figure, regular sports are recommended. And especially it concerns the muscles of the abdominal press.
The structure of abdominal muscles
First of all, it is necessary to know that the abdominal press consists of several muscle groups.
Complexes of exercises for abdominal muscles
We bring to your attention the best exercises forabdominals. Exercises for the upper press The easiest way to strengthen the muscles of the upper press. To do this, we use all kinds of so-called twists. Lie down on the floor, bending your knees. The feet are firmly on the floor. Hands bend at the elbows and wind over the head, closing hands in the lock. With the waist, press firmly against the floor. Now start slow twisting, trying to get your chin to the knee. Be sure to follow your lower back! If it is not pinned to the floor, you will get a load not on the press, but on the spine. And we do not need this at all. Even more effective is "double twisting" - when legs and trunk simultaneously rise. Such an exercise works in a complex and has a beneficial effect not only on the lower, but also on the upper press. Twisting is a fairly simple exercise, even for a beginner. However, it is not enough to do it 10 to 20 times. We will have to work hard and make 2 - 3 approaches 25 times each. The pace of the exercise is chosen individually. But the main thing is to do it right. Beginners can do slow twisting. The effectiveness of this does not diminish. Exercises for the lower press For the lower press, exercises based on lifting straight or bent at the knees of the feet will do. For example, it was well proven in the fight against fat deposits in the lower abdomen "reverse twisting". Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Hands freely put along the trunk, or put your hands under the buttocks. The choice is yours. On exhalation slowly raise your bent legs up, straining the muscles of the press. Make sure that the waist is as close as possible to the floor. The pelvis should be raised as high as possible. Just slowly return to the starting position. For best performance, do an exercise of at least 12-15 repetitions in 3 sets. To strengthen the lower part of the abdominal press, the ascending of the straight legs from the lying position is also used. This is a fairly simple exercise. Raise your legs in such a way that they form a right angle with the body. First 10 times with the left and right foot, then 10 times with two legs at once. As in previous exercises, do not forget about the waist! It should be firmly pressed to the floor. Taz slightly lift. Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles Due to the well-trained oblique abdominal muscles, you will have a beautiful thin waist. To maintain them in tonus, an exercise such as "diagonal twisting" is recommended. The starting position is lying on the floor with knees bent at the knees. Hands behind the head, close in the lock, press the lower back to the floor. Begin lifting, trying to reach the right elbow to the left knee and vice versa. Do 20 times for three approaches. After the first time, you will get a pleasant tension in the abdominal muscles.
Sports equipment for strengthening the abdominal muscles
Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles youYou can spend as in the gym under the guidance of an experienced coach who will develop a special training program for you, and at home. You can just do the above exercises. However, to achieve a better effect, it is not superfluous to purchase special equipment for exercises that contribute to strengthening the abdominal muscles.
Rules for doing abdominal exercises
Simple and affordable recommendations outlinedabove will help you stay in shape and have a nice flat stomach and an even posture. It doesn't matter if you work out in the gym under the guidance of a trainer, at home using sports equipment, or just doing simple exercises. In any case, over time, you will achieve good results. Remember only that you need to train regularly. Exercise for at least 10 minutes a day - and you will forget about the problem of a flabby abdomen and will always look slim and fit to the envy of everyone around you.