foundation for dry skin Tonal cream is a cosmetic product,Must have every self-respecting girl. It helps to smooth the skin color, gives a certain shade, hides any minor flaws, whether it be pimples, scratches, freckles or small scars, and is the basis of any day and evening makeup. It consists of fats, oils, water, powder, pigments, substances that protect against some irritants. The foundation is chosen based on your characteristics, as, for example, the means for dry skin will not only not cause an allergy or even more dryness, but also to some extent help to overcome this problem.

The main differences between dry skin

In order to determine your type, you need totake a tissue paper or a dry napkin, hold several times over the face and see if the fatty stains remain on the surface. If the skin is dry, there should be no traces. Also, try to carefully consider your face. A large number of small pores, dull appearance, roughness - all this indicates that you belong to this category. In order not to be mistaken, it is recommended to consult with specialists, since you can have combined skin.

Features of foundation for dry skin

Many of the fair sex are veryoften wonder why it is necessary to choose a foundation for your type. The thing is that because of a lack of moisture, the skin begins to age, stretch, it quickly forms mimic and age wrinkles. Choosing the wrong tool, you will only accelerate this process, so that in thirty or forty years you will look much older than your age. Cosmetics should nourish, moisturize, protect from exposure to UV. the right foundation for dry skin

Rules for selecting a tonal basis

You are interested in how to find the right tonal onecream? It would seem that it can be simpler, because most manufacturers point to the packaging for whom their products are. But why in the end it turns out that one means you ideally suits, and the other only worsens the condition of the face? It's all about the composition. The more moisturizers, fat and nutrients in the foundation, the better. But the presence of mineral components is not desirable, since they dry the skin. From what should be the tonal basis

  • Jojoba oil

Today, quite a large numberall kinds of cosmetic products contain Jojoba Oil. And this is not surprising, because this oil does not cause any allergic reactions, because of its chemical composition, it is very similar to human skin fat. At the same time, such a magic component does not deteriorate for a relatively long time. And, most importantly - toning cream with jojoba can be used every day.

  • Hyaluronic acid

Recently it has become fashionable to usecosmetics, which includes hyaluronic acid. It is believed that it retains moisture in the skin, making the makeup look fresh much longer, and by the evening your face will not look like a dried mask. Please note that beauticians recommend that representatives of the fair sex do not use masking-decorative means, since the skin with small pores does not need it at all. It is better to choose the usual tonal creams, which can be used both in the afternoon and in the evening.

  • Almond oil

Almond Oil has moisturizing, softening andsoothing properties. In almond oil contains a fairly large number of different vitamins and minerals, favorably affecting the dry skin. It is especially recommended to use a tonal basis with this component to those who have problems with acne. Such cosmetics never cause allergies and irritation.

  • Aloe Vera Juice

If you apply a foundation as a foundationfor daytime make-up, choose products that include Aloe Vera. Similar cosmetics are also recommended to use in summer to protect the face from the harmful effects of sunlight. Aloe Vera Juice accelerates the process of cell regeneration, relieves small inflammation, makes the skin soft and tender, like a baby. Such tonal basis can be used even by young girls. What should not be in your foundation

  • Lanolin

Do not buy foundation for dryskin, if it contains lanolin. Despite the fact that on TV are heavily advertised products with this magical component, lanolin is very harmful. After several experiments it was found that this humidifier can cause irritation, itching, rash and similar problems. To confirm or refute the beneficial effect of lanolin on the skin so far no one can.

  • Mineral Oils

The second, no less dangerous component - technicaloil (it is also called mineral), which is extracted from oil. Be careful, because in most products Mineral Oil is used as a humidifier. After you apply the foundation on your face, a film forms on the surface of the skin that does not let moisture out. Perhaps this is the only plus. As for the minuses, then, there are many more. First, the skin stops breathing, secondly, toxins accumulate in it, thirdly, the cells cease to be renewed, and this leads to premature aging.

  • Propylene glycol

Unfortunately, this component is included in thealmost all tonal bases. It is added to give a pleasant smell to the foundation, to make the liquid more viscous, and, of course, for moisturizing. People with sensitive skin often have an allergy because of Propylene Glycol, even if it is practically absent in the cosmetic agent. The norm is today considered if the concentration of propylene glycol does not exceed fifty percent.

  • Thimerosal

Found out this component? Then put the foundation back on the shelf, as it is very harmful. Thimerosal is a time bomb that can trigger at any time. The substance is toxic and dangerous, and its continued use can even lead to skin cancer. About irritation, allergy, rash and itching in this case is not worth talking about. Do not forget to look at what age category is suitable for this or that foundation. Young girls with dry skin are the most important - this is moisturizing, it is better for older women to pay attention to cosmetics, which includes aging-inhibiting substances. There are also universal tonal creams, which can be used by young beauties, and those who are far beyond fifty. Value for many women plays an important role. Of course, no one says that you need to buy the most expensive and popular cosmetics, but if you do not have finance for middle-price products, it's better to refuse from foundation. In a very cheap way, which is usually sold with a huge discount, contains the entire list of harmful components. Do not risk your own health and beauty, in addition to the treatment and removal of the effects of budget cosmetics in the future you have to spend much more. The next thing you should pay attention to when choosing a foundation is its purpose. Everything depends on what, for what time of year and day you plan to use it. For example, for daytime make-up, more gentle and light shades, completely matching the tone of your skin color, can be taken to the club a bit darker. In the summer, use cosmetics that protect you from ultraviolet radiation, the SPF of which is at least fifteen. Winter tonal cream contains components that protect against cold, wind, moisture, etc. good foundation for dry skin

How to choose the right shade

When choosing a foundation to rememberone very important rule, which, unfortunately, many girls either do not know, or forget - the color of the base must be completely combined with the shade of your skin. Otherwise, your face will either stand out too high against the background of the body (neck, hands, décolletage), or defects will be visible. However, sometimes the fair sex, in order to look more tanned, use tonal cream, the color of which is much darker. Dark brown version is suitable only for those girls who before had time to visit the solarium several times or just returned from a holiday at sea. If you decide to buy this kind of cosmetics for the first time, it's better to do it in specialized trade establishments, because the ordered products in the life can look quite different. In addition, your natural complexion influences the final result. So, the first thing to do is to apply a small drop of foundation to your skin, smudge with smooth movements and wait for ten minutes. If the shade matches, then this is an ideal option. Pay attention that the test means should not be on the elbow bend or on the back of the palm, as it was customary to do before, but only on the face (chin or cheeks).

Secrets of applying and using foundation creams

Before you begin to apply a tonalbasis, wash with soap or a special remedy to remove particles of dust or dirt. Wipe the face with a cotton swab and tonic, which you are constantly using, then apply a normal day cream and wait until it is completely absorbed. After fifteen minutes, pat the remains with a dry towel or a soft towel, then proceed to the procedure itself. In the evening, make-up is removed with a cleanser, after which it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask. Also, do not forget about the night cream, which must be used after twenty-five. Do not rub the base itself into the skin, only apply in a circular motion of the brush, sponge or finger pads. Remember that you can move only from the center to the periphery, otherwise all minor defects (wrinkles, pimples, pores) will be clearly visible. After the base is applied, the powder should be passed from above. This is necessary to make the skin look as natural as possible. Particular attention should be given to the area where hair begins to grow (forehead, whiskey). Thoroughly shade the foundation, so that there are no lumps. With regard to the neck, ears and décolleté zone, if you have correctly selected the product, it is not worth it to apply to these areas, since the color will not be too different. After you have done all these manipulations, go to the window and look at how you look in daylight. In case your skin becomes pale, which usually happens in the winter, mix the foundation with a special illuminator or experiment with lighter bases. The resulting consistency is applied to the face and wait until it is absorbed. If the proportions are right, the make-up will be perfect. Thus, you do not have to spend extra money for the purchase of new cosmetics.

Security rules: what not to do

In no case can you go to bed,previously without removing all the makeup, since it is very harmful to your skin. Never apply another layer of foundation over the base, otherwise your face will be spotty. Many experts do not recommend applying such cosmetics to the eye area, as some components can cause severe irritation and inflammation. Also, do not try to impose an evening make-up on the already available day, with which you have been going for more than one hour. Remember that you can walk with the base for no longer than eight hours, after which you should wash yourself. Your skin should breathe and rest! We advise you to read:

