correct removal of the smell of canine urine In every second house there is a favorite pet,whether it's a dog or a cat. Usually they have their own tray, or they wait patiently when they are taken out into the street. It happens that the pet does not want to wait, is harmful or even for some reason, shits right in the house on furniture, carpets, floor. The place starts to smell, and to remove this smell is rather problematic. Everyone who has taken out stains and has come across this problem, finds its ways to eliminate the stench. And anyway, any housewife wonders if she removes urine correctly. elimination of the odor of canine urine by chlorine

Odor remover

  • One of the universal means of removing unpleasantodors - vinegar, especially it is suitable for removing dog or cat urine. Its big plus is that it itself is well weathering. First you need to dilute the vinegar with water. The usual 9 percent is diluted in a proportion of 1: 1, white vinegar - half as much. Then it is desirable to pour the resulting mixture into the nebulizer and spray into place that smells. Or you can do this with a rag. To achieve the best result, the stain should be dried thoroughly. When the mixture has dried, the area is well rinsed with warm water with a detergent dissolved in it. Instead of vinegar remove stain can also be citric acid.
  • A smell of canine urine is produced and with the help ofmeans, which everyone has in the house, hydrogen peroxide. However, in view of some of its chemical properties, it can be used mainly on linoleum or tile. First it is necessary to mix 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 1 tablespoon of any detergent (better dishwashing liquid) and 2 tablespoons of soda in a plastic container. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the surface with which it is necessary to remove the stain with the smell of urine. Leave it for 30-60 minutes. The dried mixture is washed off with warm water using a rag or sponge.
  • A good option to remove the smell of canine urine -use of potassium permanganate. It is one of the products that act as oxidizers, as well as a deodorizing agent. Remove with its help preferably dark surfaces, since it has the property of painting the place on which it is applied. It is sufficient to dilute the crystals of potassium permanganate in warm water and to treat the described area with the help of the resulting solution. Leave until completely dry. The color of the solution in this case does not play a role. Usually a pink liquid is used, but for mature stains that pet urine left, or particularly abundant, treatment with a dark, almost black solution is desirable. Remove the solution is not necessary. However, repeat the procedure until the smell completely disappears.
  • Chloro is another common remedy,which well removes traces of "dog toilet". However, before using it, be sure that the surface can withstand its impact. Add a little bleach to the water in a 1:10 ratio, stir. The resulting solution should be applied to a place that requires the elimination of the odor of canine urine. After 20 minutes, rinse thoroughly with water.
  • Removing the smell from wooden surfaces or tiles will help iodine. It is enough to dilute 15 drops of antiseptic in one liter of water. With the resulting liquid, treat the surface.
  • Sometimes you can remove the smell of canine urine withusing vodka or medical alcohol. These products have a strong odor that helps in the future to avoid new troubles from the dog. To remove odor, the contaminated area is wetted with liquid using a rag or sprayed from the spray gun. After that, alcohol is rubbed into the surface with some effort. At the last stage, the liquid is impregnated with a dry paper towel, a napkin or newspaper. The action should be repeated until the napkin is dry.
  • A universal tool to eliminatestain and smell from stool, - laundry soap. The most effective use is with fresh sewage on the fabric surface. A small piece of laundry soap is rubbed and mixed with water. The resulting gruel is immediately applied to the place, which is the cause of the unpleasant odor. Approximately 10 minutes worth of waiting for the surface to soaked with soap. With the help of a damp sponge soap to remove and wash.
  • An ancient remedy capable of removing unpleasantsmells and remove stains, - a solution of soda. Soda is bred in water until a thick slurry is obtained. It is applied to the place of formation of the smell, where it remains until completely dry. After that the place is vacuumed or swept.
  • Freshly squeezed lemon juice, diluted 1: 1 with water, will help to remove the smell of urine from soft furniture. With its help, the stain is simply processed, and after 15 minutes it is wiped with a clean rag.
  • Do not forget about the means for cleaning various surfaces. They are in large numbers and variety represented on the market.
  • smell removal with lemon juice

    Rules for the use of funds

    These are the most popular remediessmell. Everyone who removes urine from them, must protect themselves. During work, it is mandatory to use rubber gloves to avoid damaging the skin of your hands. Before you wear gloves, you can also smear your hands with a fat cream. In addition, to eliminate the stain on the tissues, it is undesirable to use solutions with iodine or manganese. A hydrogen peroxide is not used for varnished and fabric surfaces, in order to avoid their clarification. There are many opportunities to bring out the smell of canine urine. However, that the work was not in vain, it is necessary to determine the cause of this behavior of the dog. If this is a small puppy, then solving the problem will teach him to "walk" to the right place. But if the dog is already adult, then, most likely, this is a disease and it should be treated. Otherwise, there will be a constant smell in the house.

