what to give to a man On the eve of almost every holidaypractically in front of all women the question arises about what can be given to a man. Which, however, is completely unsurprising. To choose a gift to the strong half of humanity has always been a difficult occupation. Nowadays, most men use almost everything that women do: various perfumes, creams, various accessories. But any woman wants to stand out and give something unusual and unforgettable. With the help of our advice, any woman will be able to surprise her lover, colleague or just a friend. Choosing a gift for a man, a beautiful half of humanity must remember the most important thing. Gifts should be given only with a pure heart and with a light heart - no need to count on any moral or material return. If it does not, no gift will be good enough. So, most of the gifts can be divided into several categories: romantic, comic, unexpected, etc.

Romantic gifts

If you choose a gift to your belovedman, then he must be special, very-very! And it is quite appropriate to have a romantic gift - it's a great way to remind a man once again how much you love him. Unfortunately, very often women believe that romantic gifts and deeds are the lot of men. But they are very wrong - the man needs proofs of your love no less than you. Believe me, this will only improve your relations.

  • Notebook

You do not know how to show and prove to a person thathe is dear to you, that you love him? Buy a regular notebook and fill it out with your joint trips to the cinema, restaurant, nightclub, etc. By this you show that you appreciate the time spent together with your loved one, show that he really is dear to you. However, do not forget to attach this original gift and a practical gift - a good expensive diary or a notebook. And it will come in handy even if your man is used to storing all phones and notes in gadgets - after all, passwords need to be stored somewhere! And in any case, do not buy cheap things - a notebook, like a clock, emphasizes the social status of its owner.

  • Perfume

You can argue that the perfume is notis a romantic gift. But in fact, this is not so, because properly selected perfume will emphasize your attitude towards a man, give him confidence and create a corresponding romantic atmosphere. In addition, whenever a man will use your gift, he will remember you. Convince you? If you still decided to give him a new fragrance, we recommend you to stop your choice on the toilet water "Prada". This toilet water is designed for a modern, strong and confident man. And your man is like that, is not it? Otherwise, it would be unlikely that he was next to a woman like you. Incidentally, keep in mind - a stranger to give a perfume is strictly not recommended. First, you risk making a mistake with the fragrance. And secondly, your gift can be regarded as a hint that the man does not watch himself well enough. And in general - perfume is considered an intimate gift, which can be given only to close people.

  • Dinner with two people

The risk of seeming banal, but still riskTo offer you as a romantic gift to arrange for your man a dinner for two. But not the usual, in a home atmosphere with candles, but something more original. The simplest option is to book a table in an expensive restaurant. And if with imagination and time for preparation everything is in order, then it is possible as it should be poskativit. For example, arrange dinner on the roof of the house. In advance, get the keys from the door to the roof, clear a place for a picnic. Take care of the unfolding table and chairs, decorate the place of the supposed supper and be sure to grab rugs - on the roof can be quite windy and cool even on a summer evening. Believe me, a man will be amazed at such a dinner. what can you give a man

Gifts that can surprise

Strictly speaking, any worthwhilegift. But some of them surprise more strongly than all the others. Therefore, if your main goal - to hit a man on the spot, choose the appropriate gifts. Of course, no one knows you better than the man to whom the gift is intended, but we will still give you some ideas.

  • Collages

You can find some funny pictures,illustrating scenes from your life together and hang them all over the apartment, if the gift is meant for your beloved man. Or amusing moments from the workflow, if the recipient of the gift is your colleague. To the heads nevertheless such gifts to do it is not necessary - who knows, how it is with a sense of humor.

  • Caricature

Another good version of the original gift -to draw a caricature of the object of the gift. If you yourself do not know how to draw, you can do it easier - use the "friendly cartoon" service. This service is quite widespread and you can easily find a specialist. But keep in mind - this gift is suitable only for close friends. And if you choose a gift for an elderly person, then a friendly caricature will also not be the best option.

  • Collective congratulations

Another option is to buy a huge Whatman,beautifully paint it and ask friends to write wishes, congratulations. Do not limit your imagination. Most importantly, show the person how much he is dear to you and how you love him. Well, if it's your boss, it's about respect. So, and wishes should be appropriate.

  • PhotoPass

The photo can kill two birds with one stone. Firstly, it's interesting and original, and secondly, it's a wonderful pastime. Print out your joint high-resolution photo, take glue, scissors, have patience and start creating your masterpiece. You will succeed! Of course, this is an ideal gift for a loved one.

Practical gifts

If you prefer more classic optionsand guess what you can give a man to another holiday, try to look for more practical options. If you give a man a truly useful thing for him, he will certainly appreciate it. So, what to give to a man?

  • Car accessories

If a man has a car, then he surelywill please car accessories. Of course, this is not a penny freshener. New car mats, stereo system, alloy wheels, in the end - yes, you never know what you can think of? Just remember the simple rule - if you are not very well versed in all these automotive wisdoms, then, going for a gift, it is worth taking with you a man more experienced in this field. And ideally it would be nice to find out about what the recipient of the gift lacks.

  • Tickets for a concert or football

An excellent gift option will be a ticket for- or a cultural event. Although, of course, for this you need to know what the man who is interested in the gift is fond of. For example, a fan of gyms can give a subscription to a prestigious fitness club, if a man is fond of the work of a musical group - he will certainly be delighted with the ticket for the concert, and the football fan will be delighted with the ticket for a major match.

  • Gift Certificate

If you do not know what to give to a man,you can act simpler and choose a virtually no-lose option - present him with a gift certificate. Which one? And everything is very simple - be guided by the man's preferences. For example, men like computers? A computer store certificate is exactly what you need. what gift to give to a man

What gifts can not be done?

And want to know what to give a man to himwas upset and just simply threw it on the shelf? Well, at the best, just passed it on to someone? No? And very vain, every woman should know this. At least in order to never buy a gift that is strictly not recommended to buy.

  • clothing

Ties and shirts are verya common gift. But how many of these gifts were worn at least once? Probably not. To give clothes in general is very reckless - in the first place, most likely you will not guess with the size, and secondly, the probability of getting into a mess with the size is very high. The exception is your native men. Here and with the size you will guess, and with a style. But psychologists say that you should not give clothes to even close people, because you would have bought the same shirt or new jeans, because it is a necessity. A gift is not intended to meet the needs of a person, but in order to give him pleasure.

  • Computers and computer peripherals

Do not try to give men computers and whatwhatever the accessories to them! Most likely, you will spend quite a lot of money, but at the same time buy not what the man really needs. It is much more reasonable to give either a certificate of a computer equipment store - we already mentioned this above, or give money - but only if the man is your close person. The only exception to this rule is the case when you know exactly what a man dreams about - a new joystick game of a certain firm, the latest laptop model of a favorite manufacturer or sensational wireless headphones. And it would be nice to make sure that no one else will give the originator the same thing.

  • Jewelry

And you know what gift is capable of awakening ina man feeling uncomfortable? Of course, these are jewels. And there are several reasons for this: first, regardless of the value of the jewelry, it may not like the man. But after all the man perfectly understands, what cost of such gift. So, he will have to at least occasionally wear this decoration. Secondly, embarrassment can cause directly the very cost of such a gift, especially if the material possibilities of men do not allow to make a corresponding response gift. Of course, you probably do not expect this, but the fact remains. Therefore, even if your financial situation allows you to give a man a diamond every week, respect his male pride.

  • Cosmetics sets

You know, from what gifts men simplystartled? Correctly - from all sorts of shaving foams and shower gels. Almost every man faced such "on duty" gifts. And after the holiday I was wondering where to put a couple of such photo sets. As practice shows, men themselves they almost never use. Some women prefer to give men more expensive cosmetics for face and body care. However, this is not the best solution, if you do not know exactly which brands a man uses and what exactly he needs at the moment. Strictly speaking, such gifts can be classified as intimate, so best give them only to close people.

  • Collection things

Very many women naively believe that it's easierjust to give a gift to a man who collects something. In principle, they are right - but only in part. For example, if a man collects t-shirts or beer glasses, finding something original is not so difficult. But if the collections are more serious - for example, stamps, butterflies or coins - then you should not take risks and buy an exhibit. All the same, you probably will not guess which one will please a man. But if the relationship is close enough or the gift is not a surprise, it is quite permissible to ask the man what kind of coin or brand he lacks for complete happiness. Observing all of the above tips, you will certainly be able to choose a truly successful gift that can please your recipient. But remember also that it is very important to give a gift correctly. As already mentioned above, first of all it must be from the heart. Handing absolute any gift, be sure to accompany him with sincere wishes. And in any case, do not praise it yourself and do not puff on praise - from the outside it looks extremely ugly, and the man's pleasure from a gift spoil. We advise you to read:

