how to make a guy fall in love with you No, perhaps, not a single young lady, who at leastonce, yes, did not torment the question - how to make this cute guy fall in love with me? Well, here it is, - you think about the young man day and night, and he either does not pay attention to you at all, or treats you like a good friend. Mental torment in such cases - even that katorga! The problem is how to fall in love with a guy, tormenting young girls at all times. Until now, there is no unequivocal answer to it and, frankly speaking, it can not be. Each person has an individual character and his own preferences in choosing an object of heartfelt sighs. And he falls in love not with the understanding, but with the will of the soul. How can you make a general scheme that allows you to make sure that you fall in love with exactly who he dreams about? You can not, right? Right. But, fortunately, everything is not so hopeless. There are some time-tested secrets and secrets, the use of which makes it possible to interest the guy. What kind of secrets are these? how to make the boy fall in love with you

What you need to do in order to fall in love with a guy

We are not going to talk about what we need nowto do in order to persuade a guy to easy flirting. A momentary affair is not particularly difficult. It is enough just to comprehend at least the elementary elements of the art of seduction, and the matter is in the hat. We will talk about the methods that help to achieve the love of a guy with whom I want a serious relationship. No, of course, they are suitable in the case when the girl thinks: "The main thing is that this guy noticed me right now and wanted to flirt a little." But these methods will require more effort from her than common methods of seduction. However, each lady chooses what is more interesting. And then, even for those who want to just play, in the future it may well be necessary to make the guy begin to experience romantic tender feelings. In short, advice is useful to everyone. Ши C C C C д C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C So, what needs to be done to make the guy really fall in love, and not just fool us to fill up his collection of submerged girlish hearts? To begin with, we will collect as much information as possible about it. Someone will be indignant: "Gather information?" Never! For me, such actions are the height of impropriety. " No, to follow the young man and deeply poke his nose into his personal life in no case is not necessary. We need to find out what the guy is interested in, what his life priorities are, what he wants, what he prefers to talk about, and so on. Otherwise, you can not get out of an engaging conversation, and without it you can not solve our problem. After the idea of ​​the young person's way of life and his aspirations is received, we turn to the drawing up of a plan for further actions. Of course, without such a plan, you can do without, if the gentleman is needed for a day or for one night. What for to strain? Well, when it is necessary that he falls in love, we will put a little effort and define step by step and specifically how to behave further. Nothing complicated in this. We take a pen and a piece of paper or open a text file in the computer and write at the top of the page in big letters: "How to fall in love with a guy. Plan". Ши C C C C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C It looks like this:

  • Part one: how to make me charming in the eyes of a guy This is necessary, because a charming girl will notice any man. Moreover, anyone will want to continue acquaintance with her! So how can this be achieved? Learn to impose appropriate makeup, to keep in proper shape a figure, effectively and tastefully dress? Not certainly in that way. Do not confuse the charm with a beautiful appearance. Charm is friendliness, gentleness, mystery, wit, looseness. Certainly, beauty in matters of conquering men is of no small importance. But without charm, she becomes dead. Therefore, such qualities, if you want a guy in you to really fall in love, you have to develop in yourself;
  • Part two: what to do to make future communication for a guy and for me interesting This is very important. If communication with a girl is uninteresting to a young man, he will avoid it. And if it is uninteresting to a girl, wanting a guy to fall in love, she will start pretending to be carried away by a matter to which she really does not care. False such a young man sooner or later will feel. This can cause him to distrust the young lady and push her away. To avoid this, you need to know in more detail what the guy is fond of, and choose from all his hobbies what is more to his liking. And then try to penetrate into all the nuances of this lesson as deeply as possible;
  • Part Three: what to do in order for the guy to take me as an enchanting and very enjoyable person in the conversation. The third part of the plan will have to be a bit of a fantasy. It should include detailed descriptions of how and where to come across the young man's eyes, what to say in his presence, what ways of communicating with others at the time of meetings prefer. The main thing in all these matters is not to look like a guy in a guy's company silly, cheeky, vulgar, obsessive. You need to think about a way to be as charming as possible. Find it is not so easy, but - nothing is impossible! Especially when feelings get under your skin.

Well, the plan is drawn up, tactics and strategy of behavior with the young man is developed. It remains to carry out all its parts purposefully. How will we do this? how to make a guy fall in love with you

How to act to make a guy fall in love

For a guy to notice you and fall in love, you need to act decisively, but unobtrusively. What should be such actions?

  • We develop the ability of charm in ourselves. It includes affability, cordiality, tactfulness, ease of conduct, good sense of humor. The charming woman is sweet, condescending, truthful, has a good erudition and broad-mindedness. If to these traits of character to add still elegance, good taste and grace, from the girl will lose a head not only men, but also all cats in district. Someone will say: what if I do not have such qualities? We work, we work on ourselves! When there is a strong desire to subdue the one who has settled in the heart, and without you there is no rest, you can achieve anything;
  • After we at least partly feel ourselvescharming, we proceed to the next stage of our actions. It includes systematic steps towards rapprochement with the guy. You can start, for example, with a daily greeting, accompanied by a traditional: "How are you?". For this, of course, you need to find out where the young man most often happens. And appear in such places as if accidentally, occasionally encountering it. Then, when the greeting becomes familiar, we begin tactfully to ask the guy about that, about this, trying to stick to the fascinating themes for both. After all, we are already aware of his interests! Then you can, as it were, accidentally ask a young man for help, about taking him somewhere with him, accompanying him to an event, and so on. The main thing is to get an opportunity to spend time together;
  • If the acquaintance is rather close, and we wantcontinue and strengthen the relationship, we begin to slowly involve the guy to participate in common affairs. Of course, such activities should not be indifferent to him or even more unpleasant. Then sooner or later he will begin to feel disgust towards them and begin to seek an excuse to get rid of such pastime. Needless to say, this situation is not conducive to progress in relations? Therefore, we choose what gives the young man pleasure, without forgetting at the same time and about himself. Not easy? But after all, we have a plan in which everything is painted. Yes, and with regular communication with the guy for certain there will be some new ideas for frequent contacts with him.
  • In the event that the guy is quite longsupports only friendly relations, and you are still guided by strong feelings, do not get upset, thinking: "He sees me only as a friend." Often it happens that people fall seriously in love, but do their best not to show it with all their might. So we will not hurry and we will be typed patience. Let the young man get used to, learn and understand that he can count on reciprocity. It is likely that after this he will become more open in both his behavior and his words. And will dare to make such a long-awaited confession. Honestly, even confession does not give a full guarantee that it will come to marriage. Few cases when a guy and a girl fell in love, met, and then parted forever? Therefore, if we want to associate our life with a guy, we need not calm down, staying in serene confidence that now he will not go anywhere. Often, girls lose a loved one precisely because of this confidence. They become too demanding, not too capricious, sometimes even rude. If the guy is not a weakling, he will not accept such a method of communication and will simply break off the relationship. So we will control our behavior, remaining gentle, feminine, understanding. And then we will get every chance to marry a real man successfully. We advise you to read:

