Nothing lasts forever under the moon, and neither do mattresses,alas. Their time comes and it is time for them to give way to new ones, which can be ordered from our website. But what to do with old mattresses, especially if they are still relatively in order? Let's try to figure this out. The first and simplest thing at first glance: throw them away, that is, take them and take them to the trash. It seems like nothing special, but there are a number of "buts". If the mattress is intact, someone might pick it up - it certainly won't fit in the trash bin, besides, there is an additional "extension" to the local trash bin for construction and large waste, from where summer residents can collect these unfinished materials and make a greenhouse, bed, and so on out of them at their dacha. But, in addition to them, there is also such a problem as local drunkards and homeless people. It often happens that these guys grab these mattresses and make beds near houses and make loud noise. That is why people prefer to either disassemble mattresses and sofas or give them away. When disposing of a mattress, if you are afraid of the above, it is better to carefully rip it open and, shaking out the contents into a bag (beware of springs), throw it into the trash bin. Second - give it to good hands. This works only in one case: the mattress should be relatively intact. I would not want the springs from it to suddenly scratch a good person. When giving away a mattress, try to clean it beforehand to reduce the amount of unpleasant odors and to avoid being thought of as a slob. If the mattress is in good condition, you can try to sell it to someone through an ad. Third - restore it / extend its service life / turn it into an additional sleeping place. You can cover the mattress with a strong cover, sew on an additional layer of foam rubber or something else, you can tighten the springs, wash it and put it on the other, less worn side. But honestly, do you want to do this? Most likely not. But if you are a fan of "Crazy Hands" style shows, then grab your tools and go ahead. You can throw it on the floor and sleep on it, putting something durable on top or spending money on a cover. Fourth - give it to the children. They will make a hut out of it, a sleeping place or a trampoline for "jumping". But before all this, it is better to cover it with something - there may be old sharp springs in the mattress, so it is dangerous. If the mattress is not springy, then the children, of course, will not get hurt, but you will not be able to jump around either. Fifth - give it to shelters for homeless animals or to the village for the same purpose, they will be grateful to you and will sew up these mattresses properly themselves. This is a good and socially useful thing. As soon as you give away the old mattress (and even better - before that) - buy a new one. How to choose, what to choose, why to choose and for what - everything is on our website in the form of articles and catalogs with prices. Be healthy! With the support of