care for patent shoes Since they came up with lacquered shoes, shenever went out of fashion. Of course, the attitude to it at different times was different, but so that the brilliant patent leather boots, shoes, shoes and other patent leather shoes suddenly fell into disgrace - this was not. Therefore, in the wardrobe of each woman, for sure, there will be a pair of lacquered sandals, shoes or ankle boots. We will iron out in them, of course, amazing. However, care for patent shoes requires a special approach. But how to keep a decent look of our lacquer clothes on the legs, how to extend her life, we'll find out.

Features of patent leather shoes

Quality lacquer shoes are made ofnatural chrome leather, which is applied a special coating, resulting in shoes and acquires glossy shine and pleasant smoothness. The upper lacquer layer makes the shoes very attractive externally, but vulnerable. Unlike ordinary leather shoes, patent leather boots and shoes are difficult to withstand the effects of too low or high temperatures. They are easily scratched, they quickly appear cracks and cracks, and the lacquer layer can sometimes peel, grow dull and acquire a whitish or yellowish tinge. Lacquer shoes can not be cleaned with a cream, it is more difficult to dry and protect from street dirt and dust. Therefore, lacquered boots and shoes require a delicate attitude, especially careful care and increased attention. By the way, special attention should be paid already when buying such shoes. First of all, it is necessary to carefully inspect it for the presence of various blisters and irregularities, as well as for uniform color. Check the shoes for bending: will not it immediately begin to wrinkle or crack at this point - high-quality patent leather should stretch well. But even a good patent leather without factory rejection will be inferior to ordinary leather shoes, for example in strength, namely:

  • lacquered shoes begin to crack and burst at a ten-degree frost and in the heat (above twenty-five degrees);
  • it loses elasticity and shine from dampness, exposure to street dirt and sunlight.

Therefore, it is quite troublesome to look after the patent leather shoes. how to care for patent shoes

Care of lacquered shoes

Everyone knows that the care of shoes isits timely washing, cleaning and proper storage. However, care for lacquer shoes is not limited to these measures alone. In addition to the fact that lacquered shoes need to be washed in time, cleaned and properly stored, it is necessary to know how and when such shoes are needed and can be worn. You have already realized that it is not worth buying lacquered winter boots if the winters of your region are very cold. And if you buy, then do not defile them in snowdrifts in twenty-degree frosts. Do not buy lacquered sandals for everyday wear in too hot regions. But demi-season shoes and boots from patent leather can be bought without much fear and risk. Summer lacquer shoes for cool weather will also be very handy. In general, the main purpose of lacquer shoes is to play the role of dress-gown items of the wardrobe. Agree that it looks like such shoes are really very elegant and even ceremonial. Lacquered shoes are not recommended for use when wet. In any case, it is necessary to carry out this procedure very quickly and carefully. It is better to wipe the shoes with a wet cloth first, then apply a cleaning solution (usually soap!), And then wash it off and wipe dry the lacquered skin surface. One of the folk ways of washing lacquer shoes is the use of ordinary milk, in which they simply moisten a cloth and wipe the shoes. By the way, lacquered footwear washed with milk or water can not be left to dry up, but it is necessary to wipe with a dry cloth. Otherwise, on your shiny shoes there will be stains and traces of drops, and eventually it will cover with spots. To clean the patent leather do not use a conventional shoe cream. Clean it or a special tool to care for lacquer shoes, or smeared with petroleum jelly, glycerin or castor oil. This will protect the lacquered footwear from the appearance of cracks and creases and extend its service life. For dry cleaning, in which dirt and dust are removed from the shoes, soft velvety or cotton wheels are used. Do not use hard fabrics, sponges or brushes for cleaning. From them on the lacquer surface there are scratches, in the place of which then cracks appear. To give the lacquered surface of shoe glossy shine it must be polished. This is done with a flap of velvety fabric (flannel, for example) after lubricating the shoes with oil or petroleum jelly. Polished lacquered shoes after fifteen to twenty minutes after applying a greasy lubricant, achieving complete disappearance of oil stains. If polish rubs the lacquered shoes with half a raw bulb before polishing, then the process itself will go faster and the effect will be much more noticeable. And return the shine to the old varnished coating will help egg white. But for seasonal storage, you need to clean not only clean and thoroughly wiped shoes, but also necessarily polished. And these shoes are not just stored in boxes, but pre-wrapped in a clean soft paper (but not in a newspaper!). You can wrap the shoes in a soft cloth or even put them in cases made from old pantyhose. The main thing is that with long-term storage, the varnish surfaces of a pair of shoes do not touch. However, getting patent leather shoes for the new season, you still have to polish it - so here it is whimsical. Knowing how to care for patent shoes, you can not only extend her life, but also maintain a decent appearance. And, accordingly, themselves in such shoes will look flawlessly neat and stunningly spectacular! We advise you to read:

