The ideal wife is a deaf-muteblonde nymphomaniac, whose parent is only a millionaire father. (Anecdote) Many women are racking their brains over how to become the ideal wife for their spouse. It seems that the borscht also learned to cook, and the hoop is regularly twisted in the evenings, and they lead the children to the kindergarten themselves - but, you see, you do not see special pride and adoration in the eyes of your husbands! And you want the second half to admire you and brag to your friends, they say, I have the best wife in the world! Is the ideal unattainable, or are we doing something wrong? In order to understand this issue, we must understand what men are waiting for from their wives. Strange as it may seem, they often do not know what they want from their faithful. They want the wife to stay at home and raise children, then hint that it would be nice to have a regular financial income to the wife. They demand that the wife has a figure of the model, then they are indignant that her husband is always sitting on an "idiotic diet". In a word, it is not so easy to understand their desires. Although, something in common in their demands all the same is looked through. Moreover, our women's ideas about the qualities of an ideal wife often run counter to their wishes. So, what do men want from us and how do we define for ourselves the concept of an "ideal wife"?
Ideal wife in terms of men
It's no secret that many men do not hurry up withmarriage is not due to fear of losing sexual freedom. More precisely, not only because of him. They are scared to death by stories of their married comrades about the hardships of family life. In some, the wife is jealous, the others are grumpy, the third is stout, and the fourth is wasting her husband's money for nothing. This list can be continued indefinitely, almost every man can tell about the shortcomings of his wife, spoiling his life. That's why the guys are looking for some ideal that would protect them from all these troubles at once. So, what should be an ideal wife in the opinion of an average man?
The ideal wife should be a long-legged beautywith a stunning figure - an aspen waist, a high chest and rounded hips. She will dress stylishly and sexually at any time of the year, not only on the street, but at home. All men must envy him, because not everyone can boast of a wife with the appearance of a movie star.
The wife should be ready for sex at any timeday and night. At the first request .... No, at the first half-hint of her husband, she must throw off clothes and sexy underwear, ready to satisfy the spouse. In sex, she must be inventive and bright, but at the same time remain submissive, at all consonant geisha.
The ideal wife never brings a man tonervous breakdown of his eternal chatter about himself beloved and about "stupid women's problems". On the contrary, she must listen carefully to her precious spouse, and if to speak, then only about him. And, only positive and good, so as not to strain unnecessarily unjustified criticism and whining.
A wife must be well educated, but notso much as to win intellectual disputes. In such disputes, it is better for women not to participate at all, as it is known that such studies are not their business. Let it be better with their formations (ideally - pedagogical and culinary) sit at home, prepare dinner and raise children.
An ideal woman should never complain aboutlack of money in the house. She should understand that her husband is an earner and a breadwinner, and even if he has a small salary, this is not a reason to "saw" him daily. If there is not enough money for sausage or pantyhose for a child, let it quietly itself podsuetitsya: ask for a loan or earn extra money. And lower the self-esteem of her husband, reproaching him for financial insolvency - the quality of a real bitch, unworthy of a normal man.
The ideal wife never insists,that the husband took out a garbage can, repaired a toilet bowl or hammered in a wall nails. Husband and so tired at work, at home he wants to relax and watch a TV set with a bottle of beer, and not mess around the whole evening with a fix-repair. If she is smart enough, then she will fix it herself and fix it - only does it not in front of her husband. First, it will negatively affect her feminine image, secondly - her husband may have a feeling of embarrassment and vexation, but why should he need extra stress? If the wife is smart enough and can not fix the breakdown on her own, then let him call the repairman while the husband is at work. The only condition is that the repairman must be a special female, in case of emergency - an old unpleasant uncle of retirement age.
When a husband returns from work, his house mustwait for a delicious dinner. The apartment is clean and tidy, the children are fed, the lessons are learned. Nothing should distract the head of the family from a well-deserved rest. The wife should be dressed elegantly and tinted, so that when you look at her heart rejoiced in anticipation of intimacy. If there are no forces or desires for this intimacy, then not a word of reproach should come from the woman's lips, for the main thing for her is the calm and strong sleep of her beloved husband.
If the husband lingered after work and camedrunk, the wife should meet him with a joyful smile, hot cabbage soup (here variations are possible - borscht, cutlets, pilaf in Uzbek style) and a glass of hot. No questions about "where this beast wandered and with whom it drank" should not be voiced. A woman should understand that a man is the master of his life. Comes home when he sees fit, drinks as much as the soul requires. And anyway, he does not spit any or henpecked to justify his own wife.
If the husband came home in the morning, on his neck clearlyvisible zasosy, the whole face in lipstick, and out of pocket other women's panties stick out, then the ideal wife should meet him with a smile. Dense breakfast and morning coffee can be completely replaced by a hangover "one hundred grams" or a good portion of the brine. The causes of the appearance of extraneous traces on the neck and face of the husband, and even more sticking out of the pants pocket, she can come up with herself, because to strain the thought processes in the head of the husband at such moments is inhuman.
If the husband decides to leave his ideal wife(a normal guy himself will find a hundred more!), then the spouse should not scandal nor cry in the voice. She should thank him for the happiness that he gave her, and feel the infinite joy of the fact that next to her was such a man.
It's far from the fact that absolutely all men wanthave at hand just such here are the "ideal" wives. But we admit honestly: very few of the stronger sex would refuse most of the items contained in this list.
Ideal wife in terms of women
It so happened that women are completely differentappreciate the qualities inherent in an ideal wife. For us, the ideal is a wise, knowledgeable woman who will please her husband, and will receive her full. So, what should be the ideal wife from our point of view?
An ideal wife does not have to look likefashion model. The main thing is a certain charm, zest, which attracts men so much. Dressing it should be beautiful, but it's not the most important thing. It is possible and in a dressing gown with hair curlers on a head so to get the man that that head will lose from passion. This is the difference between a wise, experienced woman from a foolish little fool.
The ideal wife should be sexual andpassionate in bed. At the same time, she should get the maximum pleasure from sex, even if the husband is "not in shape". A spouse can not be proud of a woman who is able to squeeze out all the juices from him even when he is not ready for sexual feats.
The ideal wife should be interested in the affairs of her husband,ask him about his work, and talk about his feelings and experiences. Only thanks to open dialogues one can avoid conflicts and preserve family happiness!
Higher education is not the main thing for an idealwives. It is much more important to be able to support the conversation of the husband on any topic, to shine with erudition and erudition. Better yet, have a healthy sense of humor to brighten up the hours spent with your beloved husband.
The ideal wife makes her manTo move forward, not stopping at the achieved results. The husband of such a woman is always successful and financially well-off, as the genius of his wife does everything for the emotional and creative development of his beloved. A man can not help appreciating a woman who served as an impetus for his rise up the career ladder.
The ideal wife clearly delineates the dutiesat home and never fulfills the male part of the job. This would show that she does not consider her husband capable of taking out a trash can, fixing a toilet bowl or hammering a nail into the wall. But this is not so! An ideal woman makes her husband feel like a real man and a master, whose hands grow "out of the right place." Is this not an excuse to raise his self-esteem to the highest level?
The ideal wife should involve her husband in the processeducation of children, to teach him to help her in the household. Therefore, she sometimes "gets tired" after work and offers her husband to cook dinner and do the lessons with the children. So the husband will become a more responsible spouse and gain a closer emotional connection with the children.
If the husband lingered after work and camedrunk, the ideal wife already knows, "where this beast wandered and with whom drank", and will do everything to such grieving actions it did not repeat. She can conduct explanatory work with the spoiled spouse, as well as punish him by depriving hot food and giving up sexual pleasures until the guilty party is completely corrected.
An ideal wife will never allowthe husband came home in the morning with traces of sucking on his neck, lipstick on his face and women's panties in his pocket. This can happen only in families where the husband and wife could not tie each other with the bonds of true love and devotion. If such disgrace happens, she will do everything to return the "lost sheep" to the true path. In its arsenal, there are many effective means: beginning with moralizing, ending with a heavy frying pan on the head.
If the husband decides to get away from the ideal wife (that itselfby itself a nonsense!), then she will not tear her hair and persuade him to stay. She will thank him for all the happy moments that he gave her during his life together and will let go in peace. And having burned a bit, will go in search of his ideal man, especially since she knows exactly what it should be. If for some people this is not clear, here is his portrait: this is a pumped-up handsome man with cubes of a press on a flat stomach, a real alpha male and a leader in life. He should be generous, intelligent and sexy at the same time, but at the same time with pleasure to wash dishes, cook and wash clothes. He should know what the PMS is, and look at the wife with loving eyes (with a mocking, predatory squint), be 100% true and mega-sex in bed. And as soon as these two ideal individuals meet, the world will turn over and happiness will reign on the whole earth.
Perhaps you will have to choose the mostbe an ideal wife. But in the list of all the above items, we have forgotten the most important and most important condition for being considered this. If you love your husband in wealth and poverty, in sorrow and in joy, want to grow old together and die in one day, you will certainly achieve the ideal. And then all other shortcomings and dignities will go to the background, because the main quality of the ideal wife was and remains her immense love for her husband. And the rest - will follow. We advise you to read: