If you are reading this article, it means you want toto be not just a wife, but a wonderful wife and an excellent housewife. But what does this mean and how to become a good wife? Well, ultimately it depends not only on you, but also on your husband. After all, a good wife should be able to determine the needs of her husband, and she should act according to these needs. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that marriage is a partnership, so you have the right to expect that your husband will also make certain efforts for your well-being. But now we are talking about you.
Qualities of a good wife
Every married man wants to have a good wife.And at the wedding, every bride hears the wish to be a good wife to her husband and a good housewife. But what does it mean - a good wife? Many girls do not know what qualities can make her an ideal wife, and they can judge the qualities of good housewives only by the stories of more experienced married women. But many of these qualities are inherent in women by nature. If something is missing, it is quite possible to cultivate it in yourself. So, what qualities that a man usually looks for in a woman should be cultivated in yourself?
- Pleasant and easy to communicate
As they say, be what you want to besee others. Never be rude to your husband, children, friends. Be warmer, kinder, more positive. Don't forget about the need for mutual understanding. Don't be one of those people who can constantly keep everyone on edge just because they themselves had a hard day. A good wife always talks to her husband, maintaining a pleasant tone of voice, and always greets her husband with a smile, not a sour expression.
- Feeling respect for her husband
If you want your husband to respect you, treat himand you treat him with respect. Respect begins to manifest itself in the way a person speaks and behaves with others. When talking to your husband, you must refrain from harsh statements. A good wife will never humiliate her husband or speak to him disrespectfully - neither in public nor in private. Accept your husband as he is, and do not try to change him according to your understanding. He will do a lot for you, if only you give him the opportunity to be himself. Your husband, like you, is also an individual, and a developing individual. Just help him grow in the direction that he chooses himself, and give him a chance to help you in the development of your personality.
- Mutual understanding and relationship
These qualities are the key to a healthy, strong marriage.Never lie to each other, do not hide anything. Always be honest with your husband. Find time every day to sit down and talk about something, even if such communication is not too long. At least half an hour, but regularly. Each of you should know what your precious half lives. Each of you should feel that you are open to each other. As soon as there is a feeling that there are things that you cannot share with your husband, this will mean that trouble is approaching your marriage. Good connections between spouses help to strengthen trust and make the bond between them stronger. Do not make any decisions regarding family matters without consulting your husband.
- Support
The husband expects support and understanding from his wife, especiallywhen he starts to fail. What does it mean to be a good wife in difficult times? It means continuing to love your husband in his failures as much as when he is successful. It means supporting your husband at all stages of his career and life. Never belittle a man’s achievements or hurt him with reproaches. There is no faster way to make your man resentful than to start criticizing or humiliating him, especially in front of strangers. Be proud of his achievements and praise him sincerely. If you do this, you can be sure that your husband will treat you in the same way, and will also respect you and appreciate your support.
- Never saw
No man likes it when his wife startslecture him. But many women, unfortunately, mistakenly believe that this is the only way to make their husband do something the right way. The truth is that such behavior on your part can significantly undermine your relationship; the relationship can deteriorate and even lead to a breakup. Your husband is an adult with his own thoughts and desires. He can see the situation in his own way. And the fact that you think he should do something one way or another does not mean that he really should do it that way.
- Ability to clearly express your feelings and needs
Except in rare cases when your husbandpsychic, do not expect him to be able to guess your thoughts and desires. If you want something, tell him about it. If he did something wrong, calmly explain it to him, and do not sulk silently, sitting in the corner. Speak directly when you need something, and do not make hints and do not beat around the bush. Any, even the most difficult problem should be discussed openly and clearly, without allegory. Expressing your emotions calmly and directly - this is what it means to be a good wife in the understanding of a man.
- Give him freedom
As a person close to your husband, you shouldunderstand that he has other interests in life besides you. He has parents, friends and colleagues who are also a part of his life. He, like you, may have hobbies and interests. Do not expect constant attention from him. Do not stop him if he wants to go hang out with friends or go to the gym. A wife who tries to prevent this only irritates a man and makes him want to do everything out of spite out of protest.
- To make surprises
Men also love surprises and manifestationsattention. It can be anything – for example, organizing a birthday party in secret from the birthday boy, or preparing a scenario for a wild night of passion, where you will act as a seductress. Your surprises do not necessarily have to be complicated or expensive – the main thing is that they are made from the heart and with love. Even if it is just an inscription on a beautiful postcard – the man will be touched, and on the very first romantic evening he will be especially tender with you. And if you do not skimp on pleasant surprises for your husband – it means you already know how to be a good wife.
- Talk more often about love and gratitude
Men really love praise and gratitude.Don't skimp on kind words for him. Men, just like women, like to hear the words "I love you." Give him gifts that reflect your care and love, instead of getting away with meaningless souvenirs. Let it be a very inexpensive thing, the main thing is that it is something that he will definitely like or find useful. Pamper him with something, especially if you are at home and no one bothers you. For example, you can give your husband a relaxing massage. Men love to be pampered! If you pamper him often, he will dream of getting home faster, will miss you and think about you often. Your love and care will not go unnoticed; they can even inspire your husband to "do a heroic deed" for you. For example, you will receive flowers not for a holiday, but just like that.
- Honesty, loyalty, devotion
When thinking about what it means to be a good wife,It is impossible not to say at least a few words about these qualities. It goes without saying that a good wife should be honest, faithful to her husband, dedicating her life to him. After all, this is the commitment you both took upon yourselves when you entered into marriage. And this is the most important thing that a man values in his wife. A lot can be forgiven to a beloved woman, but not betrayal or deception.
- Home cosiness
Despite all the apparent inability of the mankeep clean and tidy, he values home comfort very highly. And he will also value a wife who constantly tries to be an exemplary housewife, maintains order in the house and keeps everything clean and tidy. In addition, men really like it when a wife is careful with money and takes the family budget seriously.
- Make him happy in bed
Sexual intimacy is the most important partany marriage. Most men have very strong emotional and physical needs and desires related to sex, and your attitude towards intimacy with your husband is often crucial to his happiness in particular and to the strength of your marriage in general. And if you deprive your husband of this happiness, he will go where he can get it. After all, a man is always a man first! Without affection, intimate conversations, without the love that could come from your relationship in bed, a man will become irritable and grumpy. He will suffer from a feeling of rejection and will stop having tender feelings for his wife. Remember that lovemaking makes you closer, which is important for both of you. Therefore, try to make your intimate life more interesting and varied, and in everyday life do not skimp on affection and physical contact with your husband - hug, touch his hand, stroke his cheek. Any man would be glad to have a wife with all the qualities mentioned. Maybe we missed something? Let men correct us if they come across these lines. And you, dear women, tell me honestly - is it really that difficult to fulfill men's wishes on each of the above points? No, of course, our men do not expect anything impossible from us. And they are ready to pay us with gratitude and love for our attention to them. Now that we have "eavesdropped" on men's thoughts, we can be firmly confident in what it means to be a good wife for our husband and how to make him happy. And in order not to forget anything - put the rules in a frame and hang it in the brightest and coziest corner of our soul:
How to become an ideal wife for your husband?
At first glance it looks like we are calling youbecome a slave to your husband, right? Just like a page from a modern "Domostroy". But if you think critically and ask yourself - isn't this what a woman who loves her husband does every day? If we love our husbands, then we will do everything in our power to make him happy and always go home with joy, where he is not only loved, but also respected, appreciated, and his peace is protected. And he will repay us with love, care, protection, creating conditions for us to live a prosperous and secure life. Modern women can be progressive, educated and successful, but modern men still want to see in their wives the qualities that have been valued for centuries. Therefore, do not forget how to become a good wife, and remember - the happiness of the family is in your hands! We recommend reading: