skirt trapezoidModern fashion increasingly offersfor the fair sex to include retro elements in their wardrobe, to saturate the image with vintage outfits, this is especially relevant for the current season, which is replete with items in the style of the 80s. The trapeze skirt is one of these outfits - an eclectic, universal model designed to combine comfort, this style emphasizes convenience due to the simplicity and conciseness of its cut. The skirt has always been considered an indispensable attribute in a woman's arsenal, because literally in a matter of seconds this outfit transformed the lady, effectively and advantageously emphasizing the silhouette of the hips, the smoothness of the lines of the figure, instantly surrounding the woman with an aura of elegance and sophistication. And if all these advantages do not conflict with comfort, as in the case of the trapeze skirt, then such an outfit is instantly classified by fashionistas as a must-have. What is the reason for such popularity of this outfit, that literally every girl finds a place in her wardrobe for a trapeze skirt, why do the masters of the fashion industry from year to year replenish their collections with new, original models of this universal clothing, speaking of it as a trend and good taste? Everything is explained by the democratic cut, it literally has not undergone any cardinal changes since 1947, when the world-famous Christian Dior first put his hand to the creation of this silhouette, it was with his successful style solution that the history of this style of clothing began, which to this day has not lost its relevance. The classic model is a skirt on a yoke, most often made in the best traditions of the A-silhouette, this means that it tightly covers the waist and slightly widens at the hips, thereby emphasizing their femininity and splendor, most often designers use a flirty mini or a more restrained midi length to create this style. This skirt cut is distinguished by a calm, laconic silhouette, simplicity of lines, the range of products that the modern fashion world offers today is extensive and rich. Even the most demanding fashionistas can easily find for themselves, for example, a strict, conservative outfit for the office, or replenish their wardrobe with an extravagant, eye-catching product. A-line skirt is not boring at all, as some ladies are accustomed to think, it is not necessarily a classic. Although it was on a special account with the prim Queen Victoria, it is not always simple. Fashion catalogs easily refute these preconceived opinions, placing A-line skirts on their pages, photos demonstrate the originality of style solutions that satisfy absolutely any taste.

Skirt trapezoid, which model will become a trend?

skirt trapeze photoAs mentioned above, famous designers withthe moment of creation and up to the present day did not risk experimenting with the cut and silhouette of the lines, therefore such skirts fully convey the initial idea and color of their "progenitor". But the creativity of the masters of high fashion was fully reflected in the decor, draperies, stylistic accents, in a word, in everything that gives the product its special, unique charm. But the dynamic rhythm in which a modern woman is accustomed to living leaves its mark on her wardrobe, therefore, A-line wrap skirts, for example, should keep up with the times, and for this it is important to know the main trends of trendy outfits.

  • For sewing such outfits ladies' toiletuse a variety of materials. Winter variants are usually sewn from dense, warm matter, and summer models can be made of flowing, lightweight textiles. Most eagerly eminent couturiers turn to soft batistu, silky and pleasant velvet, even a simple chintz goes into use - it effectively emphasizes the unobtrusive beauty of the girl.
  • As for the color palette, heredesigners were where to go for a walk. In addition to classic tones, for example, elegant black, deep earthy, green and blue hues, summer collections can delight the eye with screaming yellow, aggressive red, joyful pink colors. Very often in the rulers of designers there are combinations of color solutions and play on contrasts: a combination of gray and bordeaux, as well as classic tandem black and white.
  • If you touch the trend colors that arefrequent guests on the tracks, it is definitely worth mentioning about the print. Unfortunately, a skirt trapezoid with a smell, for example, and indeed any classic attire is rarely decorated with the help of such an element. Only some couturiers used abstraction and slight hints on the pattern, ethnic prints are not worth mentioning, in combination with the trendy catalogs there is an extremely rare combination of a pattern and a skirt of a trapeze, photos are more likely to show monochrome, quiet models. Probably, all business in the big authentic originality of this detail of a female wardrobe.
  • An important point, determining the nature of the product,is its length. Since mini now does not enjoy demand and love from such a whimsical lady as fashion, in the main the market offers midi options for women. Due to their special elegance and presentable, conservative restraint, such models are very popular with business business ladies.
  • If we take into account that the cut of the trapezoid style is nothas undergone special changes, it can be assumed that the designers will please the ladies with original, extraordinary solutions for the decor part and this assumption is quite true. The famous world brands periodically represent outfits in which the combination of heterogeneous textiles is perfectly played, bright lace inserts are welcomed against the background of coarse, dense fabric, the decor is often replete with ruffles, pleating, bows and coquettish ribbons. Such outfits will easily add a romantic touch to the woman's image and an intriguing charm.
  • Designers who focus on casual stylein sewing products, often model the image with the help of large, massive buttons, contrast stitching seams or pockets. Paradoxically, but in due time couturiers were divided into two camps, one of which was the opponent of pockets, and the other opposite, with both hands advocated the inclusion of this element in the skirt of a trapeze. The division of opinions was caused by the fact that the pockets deformed the A-silhouette of the skirt, but the modern market provides a wide range of goods, so the woman has the right to choose what suits her tastes.

Skirt trapezoid - rules of good choice

skirt trapezoid with what to wearSo that a woman feels herнеотразимость и собственную привлекательность, чтобы наряд выигрышно подчеркивал исключительно достоинства фигуры и корректировал ее недостатки, необходимо особое внимание уделить правильному выбору наряда. Прежде всего, важно определить цели и ситуации, для которых чаще всего будет служить юбка, безусловно, все рассчитать невозможно, но настоятельно не рекомендуется для офисной, деловой атмосферы выбирать mini кричащих, агрессивных оттенков, деловой дресс-код наложит свое «вето» на такую дерзость. Итак, первое правило хорошего выбора гласит, что изделие должно быть уместным и подходящим ситуации, из этого базового правила вытекают другие, о которых мы с удовольствием расскажем. Для того чтобы юбка идеально подчеркивала силуэт бедер и придавала эффектную округлость ягодицам, нужно выбирать изделие строго по размеру. Во время примерки стоит обратить внимание на степень комфортности, которое оно дарит: не слишком ли утянута талия, не наблюдается ли стеснение ног, насколько удобно сидеть в юбке, возможно, ощущается чрезмерная свобода в поясе или провисание ткани в области бедер? В таких случаях стоит откорректировать размер под свои параметры и габариты, в противном случае юбка не произведет должного эффекта на окружающих, а только разобьет образ и визуально испортит фигуру. Представительницы прекрасного пола, которые могут похвалиться пышными и упругими формами и женственным силуэтом бедер должны с особенной осторожностью включать в свой гардероб трапецию. Все объясняется специфическим кроем юбки: он визуально расширяет зону бедер и ягодиц. Специалисты рекомендуют отдавать предпочтение моделям с midi длиной, чуть выше или немного ниже колен – такая модель будет скрадывать и поглощать лишние сантиметры фигуры. Крупным женщинам в теле лучше выбирать модели темной цветовой палитры, матовых, благородных тонов, а вот юбки броских или светлых тонов лучше обходить стороной. Если у женщины широкий таз, нельзя делать акцент на бедрах, такие элементы декора, как вышивка, карманы, стразы или цветная строчка шва непроизвольно могут заострить внимание на пышных ягодицах, чего делать не стоит. Для девушек, имеющих астенический тип телосложения, то есть высоких и худощавых, специалисты советуют выбирать юбки, которые бы визуально разбили фигуру, например, контрастной горизонтальной полоской, она сделает зону бедер визуально шире, от вертикальных полос на наряде лучше отказаться. Они только подчеркнут вытянутость телосложения и его худосочность. Зато изящные девушки смогут смело обогащать свой гардероб юбками экстраординарных цветов: заводные красные, молодежные желтые, сочные зеленые наряды, а также юбки светлых, пастельных или песочных тонов. Для того чтобы стройные модницы избавились от комплекса «подростковой фигуры», можно присмотреть наряд с пуговицами, карманами, рюшами или бантами, одним словом, с тем декором, который бы сфокусировал внимание на зоне бедер и ягодицах. Абсолютная любая представительница прекрасного пола может легко ощутить свою женственность, красоту и соблазнительность, выигрышно подчеркнув сильные стороны своей фигуры и правильно подобрав наряд в соответствии со своими стандартами. Ведь современный рынок фэшн-индустрии изобилует широким ассортиментом юбок этого фасона, которые держатся в тренде уже не один сезон подряд и благодаря своей универсальности не покинут категорию must-have еще очень долгое время.

Skirt trapezoid - with what to wear to look fashionable?

skirt trapezoid with odorA quality, beautiful product is only half the storysuccess, but to consolidate the result, it is important to correctly combine the skirt with other outfits of different styles, so that the skirt in tandem, for example, with an original blouse sparkles with completely new colors and finds a second life. Therefore, women should arm themselves with information about the trapeze skirt: what to wear it with and how to competently combine it with other clothes so that the image looks spectacular and complete. The democratic, universal cut of the trapeze allows you to model the image, successfully combining things of classic, business, romantic styles, and also very advantageously combining the skirt with casual clothes. A classic style can be created by dressing in a strict skirt with an elegant blouse, for example, with a jabot or flirty ruffles, you can complement the duet with a jacket or a business blazer, a pullover or an original office jacket also looks very good with a trapeze. But many business ladies have puzzled over the question of what looks best with a trapeze skirt, what to wear it with so that it does not contradict the rules of business fashion. To create a free image that would be appropriate for a romantic date or a walk, it is worth choosing laconic T-shirts, tops are considered a good option. You can emphasize the sexuality and seductiveness of forms in a matter of seconds with the help of fitted, tight-fitting sweaters, as well as low-cut T-shirts. In this case, the female figure will resemble an hourglass shape, with smooth curves and silhouette. A trapeze skirt in combination with a stunning heel is considered a win-win option for conquering men's hearts, this ideal tandem for going out and social life effectively emphasizes the grace and tenderness of the female essence, focuses attention on slender legs. But for a walking, everyday option, it is better to combine the skirt with simple ballet flats, flip-flops, sandals - simple, comfortable, optimal for a fast pace of life. The latest fashion trends eloquently say that the trapeze skirt falls into the must-have category and is a trendy outfit that combines versatility, convenience and comfort, but these advantages do not contradict beauty and elegance, lightness and freedom, natural sexuality and femininity. It is thanks to all these undeniable advantages that this outfit will be a frequent guest on the catwalks of famous couturiers in the world of big fashion for a long time. We recommend reading:

