school uniform for girls Each parent remembers the time when he waschild and went to school. The school uniform - a dress with aprons for girls, trousers with jackets for boys - is an indispensable attribute of the school childhood of the current parents of modern schoolchildren. Now that a lot of time has passed after the school form has been canceled, the question of her return is rising more and more often. Do you need a school uniform in the modern education system? Now there is no single point of view on this issue. About how the form should look for schoolchildren, opinions also diverge. What should be the school uniform for girls, so that schoolgirls do not look dull and wear a uniform with pleasure? It is desirable that girls have the opportunity to somehow diversify their school wardrobe, changing those or other details in their clothes. And what should be the modern school uniform for boys, so that they feel comfortable in the classroom, sitting at their desk, and at a break when they want to give their energy out? And so that the shape of the boy could always look neat?

Advantages of the school uniform

In order to determine the question, is it necessaryin general, school children a standard form, it is necessary to determine all the pros and cons of a return to wearing it. Today, the question of whether or not to wear uniforms for schoolchildren is completely administered by the school administration. And, as a rule, almost all teachers consider the advantages of the school uniform to be obvious. They say that because of the lack of a uniform form, even the discipline of students suffers. Schoolchildren do not feel themselves involved in their school, do not realize themselves as members of one collective. It is not by chance that even today, when there is no compulsory wearing of uniforms, the school uniform for class 1 is in great demand. After all, wearing the form, the kids are overwhelmed with pride: "Now I'm a schoolboy!" An obvious advantage of the school uniform could be that it significantly limits the ability of students to compete with each other in clothes. A stylish school uniform can eliminate the visual difference between children from families with different levels of income, and each student will feel confident. If there is a uniform form, then the state will be able to subsidize its production. The state subsidy would help maintain low prices, and an inexpensive school uniform would significantly reduce the cost of training in poor families. In addition, if a uniform standard for the form was adopted at the state level, this would serve as a guarantee of the conformity of school clothing to sanitary and hygienic requirements. At the same time, everyone understands that the introduction of the school uniform should not cause the schoolchildren, especially the elderly, a sense of protest. Children do not care what they will be presented to their peers every day. It is necessary that a beautiful school uniform is liked by the students, and for this it should be not only convenient, but also fashionable.

Disadvantages of the school uniform

Calling advantages, it is impossible not to mentionminuses of the school uniform. And the most important minus of the form is that it carries an element of equalization in itself. Schoolchildren who wear a uniform every day are not allowed to express their individuality with the help of clothes (the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that each of the children has the right to express their individuality in any way). The requirement to wear this or that form of clothing by itself is the violence over the individual. It is also dangerous that it can be used by school workers to pressure undesirable students. The acquisition of the form can be a heavy burden for low-income families. In families with small incomes, annual purchases for schools take away a significant part of the budget, even if they only have to buy textbooks and notebooks. If you need to buy more and a set of school clothes for each child, it will be a big problem for many families. Wearing a school uniform is not regulated by the state. The decision on a uniform form is made by the school administration and the parent committee. Today, a uniform form is the main sign of a good school. Every city and even every school can have its own form. And there was a time when the obligatory school uniform did not differ in variety, although it changed its appearance in different years.

How did the school uniform change over time?

school uniform for boys The gymnasium in pre-revolutionary Russia. Uniforms in schools and gymnasiums in Russia were compulsory for all students. And the beginning of the history of the school uniform takes in 1834, when the system common to all civilian uniforms was approved, including for schools and secondary schools. The form of the students was of a paramilitary nature. The caps, overcoats and gymnasts, which should be worn by students of different educational institutions, were similar in shape. They differed only in color, edges, buttons and emblems. In summer, on the crown of the cap, the cover should be worn. In winter, in severe frosts, students put on a bashlyk and headphones made of felt. The uniform worn by the gymnasium was a cloth blue gymnast with silver buttons, belted with a black varnish belt, and black trousers without a cant. The form was supplemented with black boots on lacing. In the summer, instead of a blue cloth gymnast, schoolboys wore light gymnasts from a lighter fabric. High school students were allowed to walk not in gymnasts, but in jackets with a standing collar, similar to a sea tunic. If the jackets and gymnasts in some gymnasiums were not blue, but gray, the trousers were always black only. Regulations on the form for grammar girls were approved in 1896. The girls had to wear a brown dress, on top of which was worn black, and on holidays a white apron. Complementary gymnasium for girls straw hat. The teacher and, first of all, the supervisors strictly monitored that the students observe all the rules of wearing gymnasium uniforms. School uniform in the Soviet Union. In 1918, the gymnasium form was recognized as a remnant of the bourgeois past, and it was abolished. The old form was viewed with contempt as a symbol of belonging to the higher class - on the one hand, and as a symbol of servitude and complete lack of freedom of the student - on the other hand. Against the backdrop of the class struggle, hatred of the old form is quite understandable. But there was one more reason for refusing form: poverty. Children went to school in the clothes that their parents were able to provide. Over time, the question arose about the need for a school uniform, and in 1948 the students received it again. In appearance, it did not differ from the gymnasium form - the same colors, the same accessories, the same cut. The only difference was that the girls did not have to wear straw hats. From the 1975-1976 school year, the boys changed the fabric from which their trousers and jackets were sewn - now they were sewn from a half-woolen cloth of blue color. Changed and cover jackets - they began to resemble jeans jackets with shoulder straps on their shoulders and characteristic breast pockets. On the sleeve appeared an emblem. In the early 1980s, they introduced a form for high school students. The girls continued to wear a brown dress with an apron. And only in 1984 for girls have developed and have entered a suit - a three of dark blue color. It consisted of a skirt with folds in front, a waistcoat and a jacket with patch pockets. And in 1988 school girls from Leningrad and the regions of Siberia and the far north were allowed to wear blue trousers in winter.

The school uniform these days

In our days, the tradition of wearing school uniformsforms, and the uniform form again becomes actual. All the best schools, lyceums and gymnasiums return to the mandatory wearing of a school suit. But the modern form of the schoolboy has nothing to do with the dull and inconvenient Soviet form. The modern form of a schoolboy is a beautiful and high-quality clothing, which is sewn on modern sewing technologies. When sewing such clothes, the manufacturers of school uniform comply with all the requirements of modern fashion and use only high-quality materials. Today schools and gymnasiums have access to such a service as a custom school uniform - experts will help develop and implement a corporate school style. And if a child who studies at such a school will have a school uniform to taste, he will be proud of his appearance. In addition, a single corporate style is not only a sense of pride in its appearance, but also the ability to wear business style clothes, and the desire to work in the same team. In addition, children and their parents get rid of the daily solution to the problem: "What should I go to school today?"

Preparing for school in advance!

Do I need a school uniform Although the summer only recently began, it is impossibleforget that it will fly very quickly. Parents of schoolchildren should think today about what to buy for school. Of course, we must not forget about school supplies and find out how to choose the right portfolio, but the main question is how to choose a school uniform? Many manufacturers of school uniforms are represented on the Russian market. And you can make purchases even without leaving home - on the Internet there are sites where you can see the catalogs of ready-made clothes, pick up and order the liked models through the online store. So, choose the school uniform! Let's start with the smallest ones, because the school uniform for first-graders is their first exciting touch with the new world! What form is best to pick? For girls it would be better if instead of dresses it would be a skirt with a jacket or a sarafan and light blouses that could be changed. For boys, a classic three-piece suit is better. The fabric for suits should be selected natural, without accumulating static electricity of synthetic additives. For spring and autumn is more suitable form of linen and cotton, and for winter - cashmere and wool. It should be taken into account that the school uniform for children is not a festive outfit, but business casual clothing that the schoolchild wears 5 times a week. Therefore, quiet, muted tones are preferred for her. Bright colors will tire the child and can cause a feeling of irritation. The combination of black and white colors is also better to avoid, contrasting colors can cause a headache. Most suitable for school uniforms are beige or muted green. Modern companies developing clothing lines for schoolchildren, offer all sorts of original ideas. So, the company ORBY SCHOOL not only uses natural fabrics with increased durability and does not require complex maintenance for sewing a school uniform, but also applies special materials with protection against electromagnetic radiation on the internal pocket for a mobile phone. And on the lining - a fabric with a multiplication table! The products of the company "Peremena" are made of natural materials, especially strong and wearable, which do not crumple and retain the shape of the product for a long time. Such clothing allows schoolchildren to constantly look neat and tidy. Form for students of the factory "Mirabel" is different in that in all models of school wear can be traced to the classical and business style. Children who wear such a form get used to the elegance of business style from the school's bench. Designers and designers of the firm SkyLake develop such models of school uniform that are not only comfortable, but also look modern and fashionable. This takes into account the peculiarities of school life and the restless character of future owners of clothes. Firms supplying to the market a variety of clothes for schoolchildren of different ages, a lot, so today it is easy to find a school uniform for every taste. And if your child is preparing for school today, then it is worth starting with the search for a good school uniform. His state of health, mood, self-confidence and even success in his studies will largely depend on how successfully you pick up the school uniform, and how much he will like himself in this new thing! We advise you to read:

