school uniform for girlsEach parent remembers the time whenas a child and went to school. School uniform - dresses with aprons for girls, trousers with jackets for boys - an indispensable attribute of the school childhood of today's parents of modern schoolchildren. Now, when much time has passed since the abolition of the school uniform, the question of its return is raised more and more often. Is a school uniform necessary in the modern education system? Now there is no single point of view on this issue. Opinions also differ on what the uniform for schoolchildren should look like. What should a school uniform for girls be like so that schoolgirls do not look sad and wear the uniform with pleasure? At the same time, it is desirable that girls have the opportunity to somehow diversify their school wardrobe, changing certain details in clothing. And what should a modern school uniform for boys be like so that they feel equally comfortable in it both in class, sitting at a desk, and during recess, when they want to vent their energy? And so that the boy's uniform can always look neat?

Advantages of the school uniform

In order to determine the question, you needWhether or not to introduce a standard uniform for schoolchildren, it is worth determining all the pros and cons of returning to wearing it. Today, the question of whether or not to introduce uniforms for schoolchildren is entirely within the jurisdiction of school administrations. And, as a rule, almost all teachers consider the advantages of a school uniform obvious. They say that even student discipline suffers due to the lack of a unified uniform. Schoolchildren do not feel a part of their school and do not perceive themselves as members of a single group. It is no coincidence that even today, when there is no mandatory uniform, the school uniform for the 1st grade is in the greatest demand. After all, when putting on the uniform, the kids are filled with pride: "Now I'm a schoolchild!" An obvious advantage of a school uniform could be that it significantly limits the ability of students to compete with each other in clothing. A stylish school uniform can eliminate the visual difference between children from families with different income levels, and each student will feel confident. If there is a unified uniform, the state will be able to subsidize its production. A state subsidy would help maintain low prices, and an inexpensive school uniform would significantly reduce the cost of education in poor families. In addition, if a single standard for uniforms were adopted at the state level, this would serve as a guarantee that school clothing meets sanitary and hygienic requirements. At the same time, everyone understands that the introduction of a school uniform should not cause a sense of protest among schoolchildren, especially older ones. Children care what they will wear every day in front of their peers. It is necessary for students to like a beautiful school uniform, and for this it should not only be comfortable, but also fashionable.

Disadvantages of the school uniform

When naming the advantages, one cannot fail to mentionDisadvantages of school uniforms. And the main disadvantage of the uniform is that it carries an element of equality. Schoolchildren who wear a uniform every day are deprived of the opportunity to express their individuality through clothing (the Convention on the Rights of the Child states that each child has the right to express their individuality in any way). The requirement to wear a particular form of clothing is itself violence against the individual. It is also dangerous because it can be used by school employees to put pressure on undesirable students. Buying a uniform can be a heavy burden for low-income families. In families with little income, annual purchases for school take up a significant part of the budget, even if they only have to buy textbooks and notebooks. If you also need to buy a set of school clothes for each child, this will become a significant problem for many families. Wearing a school uniform is not regulated by the state in any way. The decision on a uniform is made by the school administration and the parent committee. Today, a uniform is the main sign of a good school. Each city and even each school may have its own uniform. And there was a time when the mandatory school uniform was not very diverse, although it changed its appearance over the years.

How did the school uniform change over time?

school uniform for boysGrammar school uniform in pre-revolutionary Russia.Uniforms in Russian schools and gymnasiums were mandatory for all students. The history of school uniforms dates back to 1834, when a common system for all civilian uniforms was approved, including for schools and secondary schools. The students' uniforms were of a semi-military nature. The caps, greatcoats and tunics that students from different educational institutions had to wear were similar in style. They differed only in color, piping, buttons and emblems. In summer, a cover had to be put on the cap crown. In winter, in severe frosts, students wore a hood and felt earmuffs. The everyday uniform worn by high school students was a blue cloth tunic with silver buttons, belted with a black patent leather belt, and black trousers without piping. The uniform was complemented by black lace-up boots. In summer, instead of a blue cloth tunic, schoolboys wore light tunics made of lighter fabric. High school students were allowed to wear not tunics, but jackets with a stand-up collar that looked like a naval tunic. While the jackets and tunics in some schools were not blue, but gray, the trousers were always and for everyone only black. The regulations on the uniform for schoolgirls were approved in 1896. Girls had to wear a brown dress, over which they put on a black apron, and on holidays, a white apron. A straw hat complemented the school uniform for girls. Teachers and, first of all, supervisors strictly monitored that students followed all the rules for wearing the school uniform. School uniform in the Soviet Union. In 1918, the school uniform was recognized as a relic of the bourgeois past, and it was abolished. The old uniform was viewed with disdain as a symbol of belonging to the upper class - on the one hand, and as a symbol of servitude and complete lack of freedom of the student - on the other hand. Against the backdrop of class struggle, hatred of the old uniform is understandable. But there was another reason for abandoning the uniform - poverty. Children went to school in the clothes that their parents could afford. Over time, the question of the need for a school uniform arose, and in 1948, students received one again. In appearance, it was no different from the gymnasium uniform - the same colors, the same accessories, the same cut. The only difference was that girls did not have to wear straw hats. Since the 1975-1976 school year, the fabric from which boys' trousers and jackets were made changed - now they were made of blue semi-woolen fabric. The cut of the jackets also changed – they began to resemble denim jackets with shoulder straps and characteristic breast pockets. An emblem appeared on the side of the sleeve. In the early 1980s, a uniform was introduced for senior school students. Girls continued to wear a brown dress with an apron. And only in 1984, a suit was developed and introduced for girls – a blue three-piece suit. It consisted of a pleated skirt in front, a vest and a jacket with patch pockets. And in 1988, schoolgirls in Leningrad and the regions of Siberia and the far north were allowed to wear blue trousers in winter.

The school uniform these days

Nowadays, the tradition of wearingschool uniform, and the uniform is becoming relevant again. All the best schools, lyceums and gymnasiums are returning to the mandatory wearing of a school uniform. But the modern school uniform has nothing in common with the dull and uncomfortable Soviet uniform. The modern school uniform is beautiful and high-quality clothing that is sewn using modern sewing technologies. When sewing such clothes, school uniform manufacturers comply with all the requirements of modern fashion and use only high-quality materials. Today, schools and gymnasiums have access to such a service as a custom-made school uniform - specialists will help develop and implement a corporate school style. And if a child who studies at such a school likes the school uniform, he will be proud of his appearance. In addition, a unified corporate style is not only a feeling of pride in one's appearance, but also the ability to wear business style clothes and the desire to work in one team. In addition, children and their parents are relieved of the daily problem of "What should I wear to school today?"

Preparing for school in advance!

Do I need a school uniformAlthough the summer has just begun recently, you can’tзабывать, что пролетит оно очень быстро. Родителям школьников стоит уже сегодня обдумать, что нужно купить к школе. Конечно, надо не забыть о школьных принадлежностях и сориентироваться, как правильно выбрать портфель, но всё же главный вопрос – как выбрать школьную форму? На российском рынке представлено множество производителей школьной формы. И покупки можно совершать, даже не выходя из дома – в интернете есть сайты, на которых можно посмотреть каталоги готовой одежды, подобрать и заказать понравившиеся модели через интернет-магазин. Итак, выбираем школьную форму! Начнём с самых маленьких, ведь школьная форма для первоклашек – это их первое волнующее соприкосновение с новым миром! Какую форму лучше всего подобрать? Для девочек было бы лучше, чтобы вместо платьев это были юбка с жакетом или сарафан и светлые кофточки, которые можно было бы менять. Для мальчиков лучше подойдёт классический костюм-тройка. Ткань для костюмов надо подбирать натуральную, без аккумулирующих статическое электричество синтетических добавок. Для весны и осени больше подходит форма изо льна и хлопка, а для зимы – кашемир и шерсть. Следует принять во внимание, что школьная форма для детей – не праздничный наряд, а деловая повседневная одежда, которую школьник надевает 5 раз в неделю. Поэтому для неё предпочтительны спокойные, приглушенные тона. Яркие цвета будут утомлять ребёнка и могут вызвать чувство раздражения. Сочетание чёрного и белого цветов тоже лучше избегать, контрастные цвета способны вызвать головную боль. Больше всего подходят для школьной формы бежевый или приглушённый зелёный цвет. Современные фирмы, разрабатывающие линии одежды для школьников, предлагают всевозможные оригинальные идеи. Так, фирма ORBY SCHOOL не только использует для пошива школьной формы натуральные ткани с повышенной износоустойчивостью и не требующие сложного ухода, но и применяет на внутреннем кармане для мобильного телефона специальные материалы с защитой от электромагнитного излучения. А на подкладке – ткань с таблицей умножения! Изделия фирмы «Перемена» изготавливаются из натуральных материалов, особо прочных и носких, которые не мнутся и долго сохраняют форму изделия. Такая одежда позволяет школьникам постоянно выглядеть опрятными и аккуратными. Форма для школьников фабрики «Мирабель» отличается тем, что во всех моделях школьной одежды прослеживается классический и деловой стиль. Дети, которые носят такую форму, со школьной скамьи привыкают к элегантности делового стиля. Дизайнеры и модельеры фирмы SkyLake разрабатывают такие модели школьной формы, которые не только удобны, но и выглядят современно и модно. При этом учитываются особенности школьного обихода и непоседливый характер будущих хозяев одежды. Фирм, поставляющих на рынок разнообразную одежду для школьников разных возрастов, очень много, поэтому сегодня не составляет труда подобрать школьную форму на любой вкус. И если ваш ребёнок готовится к школе уже сегодня, то стоит начать именно с поиска хорошей школьной формы. Его самочувствие, настроение, уверенность в себе и даже успехи в учёбе во многом будут зависеть от того, насколько удачно вы подберёте школьную форму, и насколько он сам будет нравиться себе в этой обновке! Советуем почитать:

