lavash roll with salmon Today, let's talk about how to make rollsof thin lavash. Believe me, they are prepared quickly and easily, and like even the most fastidious children. Recipes of rolls from Armenian lavash include a variety of fillings: fish, cheese, meat, vegetables, etc. Let's try to cook delicious lavash rolls?

Lavash roll with fish


  • 2 Armenian lavash
  • 300 gr. low-salted salmon
  • 250 gr. processed cheese
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • mayonnaise
  • salt

Cooking method: To cook a roll of lavash with fish, it is necessary to boil the eggs, brush and grate on a large grater. Frozen cheese put in the fridge, and when it stiffens, grate it on a large grater. Cut salmon fillets in thin strips. Dill rinse and then grind. Bulgarian pepper washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Then combine all the ingredients, add salt to taste and add mayonnaise. Armenian lavash spread, put half of the chopped salmon and half of the prepared filling, spread evenly. On top, lay another lavash and repeat the same procedure. After this pita with stuffing, gently roll up the roll, wrap in foil and remove for 1.5 hours in the fridge. Lavash roll with salmon - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Lavash roll with cheese


  • 200 gr. cheese "Feta"
  • 1 Armenian lavash
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 can of olives without pits
  • Red pepper
  • basil
  • lettuce leaves

Cooking method: How to cook lavash with cheese? To do this, the tomato needs to be washed and cut into small pieces, cut the olives into rings, and cut the cheese into cubes. Leaves basil and lettuce finely chopped. Pepper is cleaned of seeds and also grind. After this, spread the Armenian lavash, laying all the ingredients on top of it, then roll it with a roll. Then wrap the roll in foil and remove it for 1.5 hours in the refrigerator. Lavash roll with cheese - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Lavash roll with carrots


  • 4 Armenian lavash
  • 350 gr. carrots
  • 300 gr. sausages
  • 250 gr. hard cheese
  • 250 gr. mayonnaise
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • vegetable oil
  • basil
  • salt

Cooking method: The filling for a lavash with carrots, is prepared as follows: wash carrots, peel and cut into thin strips. Then fry it in a frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil, salt and add crushed basil. Dill wash, dry and grind. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Sausage cut into small strips. On a clean table lay out one Armenian lavash, smear it with mayonnaise, and then put the fried carrots. Cover with another sheet of lavash and put the shredded greens. Repeat the procedure and put the cheese. Lubricate the next sheet of lavash with mayonnaise and lay out the sausage. Then pour lavash with the filling carefully rolled into a roll, cover with foil and put into the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Lovasha roll with carrots - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Lavash roll with minced meat (meat)


  • 3 Armenian lavash
  • 500 gr. minced chicken
  • 50 gr. hard cheese
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • vegetable oil
  • lettuce leaves
  • salt

Cooking method: In order to prepare a roll of pita bread with meat, it is necessary in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the crushed onion. Grate the carrot and add to the onion. After this, add roast chicken to the roast, salt and fry for half an hour. In the meantime, wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices. Grind the greens. Grate the cheese on a large grater. Lettuce leaves are also cut, but not very finely. Garlic let through garlic and mix with mayonnaise. On a clean table lay out the Armenian lavash and top with a mayonnaise with garlic, lay a layer of chicken and sprinkle with chopped herbs. The second sheet of pita bread on both sides grease with mayonnaise and lay on top of a layer of chicken grounding. On him put a slice of tomato and grease with mayonnaise. Then put the fourth sheet of pita bread on which to lay the cheese. After this pita with stuffing carefully folded into a roll, cover with foil and put into the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Lavash roll with minced meat - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Lavash roll with saury


  • 2 Armenian lavash
  • 2 cans of canned saury
  • 50 gr. hard cheese
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of mayonnaise

Cooking method: How to make a lavash roll with canned? For this, eggs must be boiled, brushed and finely chopped. Cannery open, drain liquid and mash the fish with a fork. Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Basil finely chopped. All the ingredients are combined and seasoned with mayonnaise. Pour lavash on a clean table, lay a uniform layer of the finished filling on top, and then cover with a second sheet of pita bread. After this pita with stuffing carefully folded into a roll, cover with foil and put into the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Lovasha roll with saury - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Crab roll in pita bread


  • 3 Armenian lavash
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 200 gr. crab sticks
  • 3 eggs
  • 250 gr. hard cheese
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method: Eggs boil, clean and grate on a fine grater. Wipe the cheese on a small grater. Garlic clean and pass through garlic. Dill wash and finely chop. Crab sticks cut into cubes. After that, fennel is combined with eggs, and garlic with cheese. Pour lavash on a clean table and smear it with mayonnaise, on top - crab sticks. Then cover with a second sheet of lavash, grease with mayonnaise and lay out a mixture of cheese and garlic. Cover with a sheet of lettuce and put the crushed eggs with greens. After this pita with stuffing carefully folded into a roll, cover with foil and put into the refrigerator for 1.5 hours. Crab roll in lavash - ready! Before serving, cut into slices. Bon Appetit!

Lavash roll with greens


  • 6 Armenian lavashi
  • 1 bunch of dill
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 bunch of green onions
  • 1 bunch of cilantro
  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 300 gr. hard cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper, salt

Cooking method: Eggs boil and finely chop. Wash the greens and chop. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Mix all ingredients, pepper, salt. Each pita bread, split in half. In the middle of each part put a little stuffing and wrap the lavash with an envelope. The same thing to do with the remaining stuffing and pita bread. After the envelopes are ready, fry them in a frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil. Lavash roll with greens - ready! Bon Appetit! We advise you to read:

