Millions of people feel awkward aboutfoul odor that comes from their mouth. The good news for them is that understanding the causes of this problem and taking appropriate measures will rid them of this nuisance. There are many factors that can cause a repulsive odor, and almost all of them can be dealt with. After reading our article, you will be able to understand what exactly caused the problem and how to get rid of bad breath in your case.
What are the causes of bad breath?
Bad breath, most oftencaused by volatile sulfur compounds - this is indeed the most common cause of bad breath. But what does this mean and where do these compounds come from in our body? There is a common misconception that bad breath can come from the stomach. In fact, only some foods we eat stimulate our body to produce certain chemicals that are then released through the lungs when we exhale. Although food is not the only culprit of the fact that we sometimes smell quite bad, it is still worth knowing which foods to limit in your diet can significantly freshen your breath. Foods that cause bad breath
- Onion and garlic
It's no secret that eating onions orA clove of garlic leaves an unpleasant taste in the mouth and creates a completely unflavorful "cloud" around its lover. But few people understand why this happens. Onions and garlic contain large quantities of volatile sulfur compounds - there are as many of them in these useful plants as, for example, in a rotten egg. That is why they have such a strong ability to "declare" themselves to everyone around you after you eat at least one clove.
- Milk and cheese
Milk and cheese are rich in proteins, which provokesgrowth of anaerobic bacteria in your mouth. The smell of sour milk is caused by bacteria similar to those that give you bad breath. When they “process” proteins and lactose, they release amino acids, which in turn trigger the release of volatile sulfur compounds. If you know you have lactose intolerance and your breath often smells bad, you should avoid milk and dairy products to avoid making the problem worse.
- A fish
Fish is rich in protein, and protein foods"feeds" bacteria, which these same proteins transform into sulfurous secretions, which become the source of stench. (By the way, any protein diet can cause bad breath). Of course, fish is a very healthy product that should not be completely excluded from your diet. Just do not eat fish on the day when it is important for you to exude freshness - for example, the day before a date.
- Spices
Spicy foods are very provocative of unpleasant sensations.smell coming from you, and many may be shocked by this news. The fact is that most people are sure that food only causes bad breath on the day it was eaten. But spices can cause bad breath for two to three days after eating them; this is why many do not associate bad breath with a spicy dish eaten a few days ago and believe that the cause is something else.
- Coffee
Coffee contains manyorganic acids. When you drink coffee, you create an acidic environment in your mouth; this will speed up the reproduction of bacteria. That is why many people, after drinking a cup of delicious, aromatic coffee, feel such a nasty sour-metallic taste in their mouth. The best alternative to coffee in this case may be replacing it with tea.
- Alcohol
Although alcohol cannot be classified as a spicy orprotein products, you should still be aware of its nature if you want to know how to get rid of bad breath. Alcohol causes dry mouth, and this creates ideal conditions for increased production of sulfur compounds: the drier the mouth, the less oxygen, which is very good for anaerobic (getting energy without oxygen) bacteria, the culprits of increased production of volatile sulfur emissions. Almost all of us suffer from some degree of bad breath, because we all eat one or another of the products mentioned above. Is it possible to get rid of the smell without sacrificing the products we eat? Yes, it is possible if you take certain measures, which we will talk about later. Moreover, bad breath is not always caused by the consumption of certain products.
Other possible causes of bad breath
Factors that provoke an unpleasant taste inmouth and bad breath can include things we take for granted and use every day. For example, many of the toothpastes and mouthwashes we swish around in our mouths in an attempt to get rid of bad breath actually contain chemicals that promote the production of volatile sulfur compounds. (These are the additives that make the toothpaste or mouthwash foam.) What else can cause bad breath?
- Bacteria that live in the language: the main cause of odor from the mouth is the accumulation of bacteria on the back of the tongue and in the plaque that appears on the entire surface of this organ. Such bacteria can easily be eliminated by clearing the tongue with special devices or, at worst, with an ordinary toothbrush.
- Bad teeth: rotting teeth are undoubtedly the clear cause of bad breath. Treatment or removal of rotting teeth will help to remove the problem instantly.
- Smoking: this is also the obvious cause of a very unpleasant smell, and for the time being there is not yet a way to drown it. After smoking a cigarette, you will not benefit from a mint chewing gum or a menthol spray - the smell of tobacco is still stronger. Nicotine literally oozes from every part of your body: it smells not only from the mouth; "Smell" hands, hair, your skin. The best way to "cure" an unpleasant smell can be to fight this bad habit.
- Stones in the tonsils: in the tonsils can live a lot of bacteria, which, together with purulent plugs and stones turns into a foul-smelling mass, get rid of which will not help, either cleaning your teeth, or cleaning the tongue. But you can get rid of these stones and destroy bacteria very quickly. But you do not need to do this yourself - the doctor's recommendations will help you.
And yet, is the stomach guilty?
Is bad odor always caused by bacteria?living in our mouth, or are there stomach bacteria that are to blame for this trouble? Scientists once suggested that one of the causes of bad breath could be organisms that cause stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. Many laboratory tests were conducted in an attempt to find substances in exhaled air that confirm the presence of these bacteria in the stomach, but no proof of their responsibility for the bad smell was ever obtained. Still, it is worth recognizing that the stomach cannot produce a foul odor. Even if you feel some kind of "aroma" during belching, it is just the smell of digested food. That is, you smell the smell of the eaten foods with a strong aroma - for example, onions, garlic or any other food with a strong smell - and not the smell caused by the activity of bacteria. (Which is not surprising, because few bacteria can survive in the very acidic environment of our stomach.) This unpleasant odor is temporary and disappears fairly quickly. In rare cases, odors can still be produced by bacteria that do not live in the mouth. There are some diseases - such as cancer - that can cause bad breath. Liver or kidney disease can also cause bad breath. Bad breath can also be a sign of other serious health problems. If you notice an unpleasant and persistent odor from your breath that is not related to the food you eat or the medications you take, you should not ignore this problem. You should see a doctor and undergo the necessary examination so that the doctor can find the cause and prescribe treatment for you.
How to eliminate bad breath
Probably one of the best tools to helpсправиться с проблемой, может стать разжевывание ароматических трав. В культуре некоторых народов до сих пор используется очищение зубов с помощью небольшой расщепленной веточки дерева и разжевывания специальных трав, обладающих ароматическими и лечебными эффектами. Хоть по сегодняшним меркам нам такой способ может показаться и примитивным, но он делает акцент на нужной нам цели: скрывает запах и убивает вырабатывающие летучие серные выделения бактерии. Ведь многие травы не только имеют ярко выраженный аромат, но и обладают антисептическими свойствами. Химическая антисептика стала логичным шагом в устранении неприятных запахов изо рта, и сегодня это наиболее широко применяемый метод. Антисептики и антибиотические добавки в жидкостях для полоскания рта, как правило, довольно эффективно освежают дыхание, по крайней мере на непродолжительное время. (Только при условии, что жидкость не содержит пенообразующее вещество). Сегодня проводятся эксперименты, исследующие идеи физического удаления бактерий из полости рта с помощью масляных растворов, с использованием кислорода, лечением витаминами и минералами и с помощью изменения образа жизни. Конечно, подход с укреплением здоровья кажется более привлекательным и естественным, чем удаление запаха с помощью химических веществ и антибиотиков. Чтобы разобраться, как избавиться от запаха изо рта конкретно вам, необходимо понять причину проблемы. Мы уже назвали основные причины несвежего дыхания, вам остается только проанализировать их применительно к себе. Надо учесть и еще несколько возможных факторов. Это может быть неправильная утренняя и вечерняя гигиена полости рта, некоторые лекарственные препараты, вызывающие сухость во рту, и еда, которая застревает даже в самых маленьких промежутках между зубами и разлагается там в течение дня. Самый первый шаг в решении проблемы неприятного запаха – это, конечно, тщательное соблюдение гигиены. Вам необходимо тщательно и правильно чистить зубы и очищать промежутки между ними с помощью специальной зубной нити. Если вы не уверены, что правильно выполняете эту процедуру, то не стесняйтесь проконсультироваться у гигиениста в стоматологической поликлинике. Полоскание рта должно стать частью вашей повседневной жизни. Вы уже знаете, что причиной зловонного дыхания в большинстве случаев становятся анаэробные бактерии, которые не нуждаются в кислороде, чтобы процветать. Они прекрасно размножаются, прячась от кислорода в зубном налете и питаясь белком из застрявшей в межзубных промежутках пищи. Во время чистки зубов щеткой и специальной нитью вы удаляете налет вместе с бактериями, а когда полощете рот после еды, то удаляете остатки пищи, лишая тем самым бактерий питательной среды и предотвращая возникновение нового слоя налета на зубах. Сразу хотим отметить, что дружественные бактерии, обитающие у нас во рту, нуждаются именно в кислороде, поэтому гигиенические процедуры им не навредят. Далее, вы должны в обязательном порядке посещать стоматолога не менее двух раз в год. Очень важно проводить профессиональную очистку зубов от налета и зубного камня. Кроме того, ваш стоматолог устранит имеющиеся проблемы с зубами и сможет увидеть проблемы потенциальные. Он также даст вам совет о том, какие превентивные меры вы можете предпринять для сохранения здоровья ваших зубов и десен. Да и средство для освежения полости рта тоже лучше пусть подберет профессионал. Надлежащее внимание, которое вы проявите к сохранению своего здоровья, поможет вам навсегда избавиться от неприятного запаха изо рта. Стоит постараться ради такого результата! Советуем почитать: