1 Chronic bronchitis exacerbated several times inyear, during remission, coughing is observed in the morning, sometimes with the separation of a small amount of viscous sputum. The diagnosis is made after a child or an adult has at least 3 relapses for 2 or more years. Sometimes chronic bronchitis develops as an independent disease without having an anamnesis of broncho-pulmonary pathologies. In this case, they speak of primary chronic bronchitis, its main cause is the diffuse lesion of the bronchial tree.

Symptoms of the disease

The incidence of chronic bronchitis isabout 10% of the total population. Chronic bronchitis symptoms are manifested in the form of a constant dry cough, often occurs in smokers, with a smoking experience of over 20 years, is joined by bronchial asthma, bronchiectatic disease and chronic respiratory failure. Complications of these conditions can lead to death.


Work related to harmful production,especially in case of violation of safety regulations or in case of non-observance of sanitary and hygienic standards, causes professional chronic bronchitis. This production, associated with the inhalation of cotton, coal and cement dust, inhaling toxic fumes and working in extreme temperatures. Hereditary factors increase the risk of chronic bronchitis, but are not the main pathogenetic cause. In the presence of other risk factors, hereditary predisposition to allergic and broncho-pulmonary diseases significantly increases the likelihood of getting sick.

Chronic bronchitis in children

Chronic bronchitis in children develops due tofrequent pneumonia, acute respiratory diseases, passive smoking and living in adverse environmental conditions (metropolitan area, industrial zones). Incorrectly cured or not cured acute bronchitis can serve as a trigger mechanism for the formation of chronic bronchitis. Features of the bronchial tree in children under seven years, create favorable conditions for the chronization of the process. The walls of bronchial tubes in children are loose, prone to swelling, the clearance of the bronchi is small, so sputum evacuation is difficult. In addition, children under seven are more susceptible to infectious diseases, from a natural immune failure (during the period after cessation of breastfeeding and up to seven years, the child's own immunity is formed). Treatment of bronchitis in children must include a drainage massage, gymnastics, which improves the natural outflow of sputum and mucus from the bronchi. Steam inhalations can reverse, further narrow the clearance of the bronchial tree and aggravate the condition. With obstruction of the respiratory tract by phlegm and mucus, there is difficulty in breathing, sometimes accompanied by suffocation. Patients report difficulty in breathing and during remission, usually after physical exertion, sudden temperature changes and when going into a smoky environment.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis

Chronic bronchitis and its treatment isa serious problem for WHO (World Health Organization), since recently the incidence has increased dramatically. And, if acute bronchitis is treated fairly quickly and does not leave after itself changes, then the treatment of chronic bronchitis is long. And only if all the recommendations are followed, you can achieve a stable remission. Chronic bronchitis, folk remedies for which official medicine supports, requires complex measures. Physiotherapy, in particular phytohicles, brings a milking effect, due to inhalation and warming of the affected bronchi. Phytoteas, which retain the elasticity of the bronchi and help restore the epithelium, usually contain mother-and-stepmother, plantain grass and other herbal preparations. Tempering and wiping with cold water with a gradual decrease in temperature contribute to the strengthening of immunity. Adequate physical exercises train the respiratory muscles, which helps achieve a stable remission. Often, persistent chronic bronchitis treatment with folk remedies is more effective than official medicine, can lead to bronchial asthma and disability. Antibiotics are shown only in the period of exacerbation, if chronic bronchitis is complicated by the presence of purulent and putrefactive microflora. It must be remembered that chronic bronchitis whose treatment is long and in most cases depends only on the patient's perseverance develops gradually, so pay more attention to cold therapy and improve immunity. We advise you to read:

