chronic cystitis Cystitis is chronic - it is often enoughoccurring disease. By the way, the attack of the disease happens more often in women. Doctors explain this fact by several factors. First, the anatomical features of women - the urethra is much shorter and wider than the male, and is located closer to the anus. So, the risk of infection in the bladder is much higher. In addition, very often for the sake of a woman's beauty, warm clothes are neglected - pants on hips, short skirts, thin pantyhose on a frosty day have become commonplace. And cystitis affects mostly young women. Again, unlike men who, if they are ill with cystitis, it is usually in old age. Although, of course, there are exceptions to this rule - every person has a risk of getting cystitis.

What is cystitis?

What is cystitis? The cavity of the bladder, like most other internal organs, is lined with a mucous membrane. And in the event that under the influence of a certain factor inflammation of this mucous membrane occurs, doctors talk about cystitis. In the same case, if within a year a person experiences two or three relapses of this disease, most likely, he will diagnose chronic cystitis. The causes that can cause the development of chronic cystitis are quite different:

  • General hypothermia and hypothermia of the legs especially.
  • Violation of the normal process of urination - most often in women.
  • Violation of the normal functioning of the circulatory system.
  • Various types of trauma to the bladder and urethra.
  • Various kinds of infections and pathogenic microflora - viruses, bacteria and other.
  • Dystrophy of the walls of the bladder, especially in the advanced stage.

In addition, very often a push to developChronic cystitis in women can become an active sex life - especially after prolonged abstinence. Doctors mark such cases quite often. Therefore, it is necessary to take this risk factor very seriously. It is highly recommended not to radically change the habitual course of sexual intercourse - both artificial prolongation of it, and interruption. Speaking about the causes of the development of acute cystitis, we can not fail to mention another very delicate moment. In the event that you practice anal sex, you need to be extra careful. With this type of sexual contact, the risk of infection of the bladder increases in both partners - both in men and in women. And in women, this risk is higher. Therefore, always use a condom and do not forget about the need to observe personal hygiene. Do not give the disease the slightest chance. Remember also that almost all causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases are also capable of provoking the development of cystitis - first acute, and then chronic. Again, women have a higher risk. Therefore, treat your health with close attention - be careful, do not allow casual sexual intercourse, use personal protective equipment. At the first symptoms of the disease, always seek medical help from a doctor. In addition, women have a very powerful impetus to the development of chronic cystitis may be suppression of urge to urinate. This is explained very simply - if regularly restrain the urge to urinate, inevitably there will be various dysfunctions of the bladder. Muscles of the bladder start to work not synchronously, which has a very negative effect on the functioning of the entire urinary system, and in particular, provokes the development of chronic cystitis. And in some cases, the development of chronic cystitis is possible without any apparent cause. Why this happens - doctors are difficult to answer, but the fact remains: no one is immune from the risk of cystitis. Therefore, information on how to deal with this disease is very relevant for all, without exception. Another question that doctors often ask is the question of how the infection occurs, in the event that the cystitis is caused by an infection? There are several different ways of affecting the bladder:

  • Ascending method of infection

This method of infection occurs most often -with it, the infection enters the bladder from the urethra (urethra). Most often this phenomenon occurs with various sexually transmitted infections - on the ascending path they enter the urethra. And in the event that the sexual certificate does not bring to the woman due satisfaction, development of a cystitis probably even without any pathogenic microflora. The impetus for the disease is precisely stagnation in the pelvic organs, especially in the bladder.

  • Top-down method of infection

In this case, the infection descends into the urinarya bladder from the kidneys. Similar, as a rule, occurs in the event that a person has pyelonephritis, especially his purulent form. Moreover, with this type of infection, cystitis proceeds particularly hard and is pronounced, with a high temperature. In addition, infection of the bladder can occur from the lymphatic system. This occurs if inflammatory processes occur in any pelvic organs - for example, in the ovaries or the prostate gland. More rarely, but still there are cases when the infection enters the bladder through infected blood. This occurs with diseases such as pneumonia, influenza and others. chronic cystitis

Methods of diagnosing the disease

In order to successfully cope with such alike cystitis, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely and correct manner, to reveal how much pronounced dysfunction of the bladder, to determine how much the mucous membrane is affected. And, of course, it is very important to establish what exactly caused the development of chronic cystitis. As it is easy to guess, it's simply impossible to do it yourself. Therefore, when the first symptoms of cystitis occur, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. We'll talk about the symptoms a little later. Modern medicine has a variety of ways to diagnose cystitis. However, the most effective were, are and will be ordinary laboratory tests of urine, including bacteriological, which allow to find out the type of causative agent of the disease. In addition, the analysis of urine allows you to get an idea of ​​the degree of damage to the bladder and the intensity of the inflammatory process. After that, to clarify the diagnosis, the doctor can prescribe the conduct of such types of studies as cystography and cystoscopy. These studies make it possible to clarify the type of disease, the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder. In addition, it is these studies that can accurately determine whether there are tumors, stones, fistula and ulcers in the bladder, as well as other foreign bodies. In addition, it is the cytoscopy that can identify some of the accompanying diseases, often accompanying chronic cystitis. In particularly severe cases, a bladder biopsy may be necessary. Or rather, its mucous membrane. Such studies are most often prescribed to people suffering from a chronic form of cystitis. In addition, doctors can prescribe biopsies in order to rule out more serious diseases - for example, bladder cancer, if the indications are vague.

Symptoms of cystitis

So, how can you understand that a person collidedwith cystitis? As a rule, it is not difficult to do this - the disease has very pronounced symptoms and delivers a lot of unpleasant sensations to the sick person. The state of health considerably worsens. Therefore, it is simply impossible not to notice these symptoms:

  • Obstructed urination

For a person with a cystitis, a toiletturns into a very real torture chamber. During urination, the sick person experiences pain, stinging and burning. And all these symptoms are typical for both acute and chronic forms of the disease. In women, they are very strong.

  • Frequent urination

In sick women, the number ofurination - their number can reach 40 - 45. Very often there are so-called false urge to urinate - they also quite annoy the patient person.

  • Change in color, odor and clarity of urine

In addition, one of the earliest signsis a change in the color of urine - as a rule, it becomes darker, often turbid, with various impurities. In most cases, urine with cystitis has a very specific smell, sometimes very unpleasant. Especially if the cystitis took a neglected form.

  • Blood in the urine

In the event that a person with cystitis is no longerone year, even blood blotches may appear in his blood. In this case, you can not delay a day - as soon as possible seek medical help from a doctor. Women should exclude menstrual discharge.

  • Painful sensations

Cystitis is nothing more than inflammatorythe process in which the bladder becomes involved. Therefore, it is quite natural that a sick person may experience constant pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. During an exacerbation of a cystitis these painful sensations become even more intensive, completely depriving rest of the sick person.

  • General malaise

In chronic cystitis, the patient is constantlyfeels a feeling of general ailment. Weakness, drowsiness, fatigue, pain in the muscles and joints are for a person suffering from cystitis, constant companions. These symptoms are very similar to the flu-like condition.

  • Increased body temperature

With acute cystitis of strong body risesIt is almost impossible to avoid - it can reach up to 39 - 40 degrees. But even with a chronic course of the disease, it often has an increase in body temperature, although not so much - up to 37.5 degrees. Such body temperature, without proper treatment, can persist for many months. acute cystitis

Treatment of chronic cystitis

Of course, chronic cystitis in no caseit is unacceptable to ignore. It must be treated and the treatment should be started as soon as possible. In the event that the treatment is selected correctly and started in a timely manner, the chances of a full recovery are very high. The infection will be destroyed by special drugs, the inflammatory process, localized on the mucous membrane of the bladder, stops, the disease completely recedes. But once again we want to draw your attention - a favorable outcome of the disease is possible only if the doctor correctly diagnosed the disease and picked up the treatment. It is very often possible to observe the opposite picture - improperly selected drugs simply eliminate for some time the symptoms of the disease, masking it. But there is absolutely no benefit from this treatment - one continuous harm. By the way, that's why you should not engage in self-medication in any case. But let's understand this issue in order. By the way, treatment of acute cystitis is carried out on the same principle:

  • Step One - Destruction of pathogenic microflora

Treatment of the inflammatory process does not havethere is no sense in the event that the pathogenic microflora, which provoked the development of cystitis, is not destroyed. Therefore, first of all, the patient is prescribed pharmacological drugs that normalize the microflora of the bladder. Antibiotics doctor selects strictly individually, taking into account the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the body. Step two is the elimination of the inflammatory process. Unfortunately, one elimination of pathogenic microflora is impossible to get rid of cystitis. It is necessary to eliminate the already existing inflammatory process. For this, the doctor also selects the necessary anti-inflammatory drugs. To date, there are very effective and effective uroseptics - drugs that not only destroy the pathogenic microflora, but also eliminate the inflammatory process. As you can see, cystitis treatment is not such a difficult task. But you will have to work hard not only for doctors, but for the sick person himself:

  • Compliance with doctor's recommendations

First, it is necessary to strictly abide by everything withoutexceptions of the recommendation of your doctor. Be responsible for taking medications - skipping just one shot or pill can cast doubt on the success of the entire treatment. In the event that the doctor has appointed you physioprocedures, do not ignore them. Very often people mistakenly believe that they are absolutely useless. But this is not so - physiotherapy treatment is able to speed up recovery to a considerable extent.

  • Compliance with the therapeutic diet

Most pathogenic microflora feels mostthemselves in an acidic environment - reproduction takes place very quickly. A man's urine, which has a high acidity, is the most ideal environment. And the acidity of urine changes more largely because of the diet. Provoke a similar change can be acidic, acute and fatty foods. For the duration of treatment, they must be completely excluded from the menu of a sick person. In addition, chocolate is banned, baked pastries. In the event that you exercise will power and refuse the above products, the treatment will take much longer. In addition, a similar imbalance can be caused by the most common avitaminosis. In the event that the body lacks certain vitamins and minerals, the imbalance of urine acidity develops very often. Therefore, be sure to ensure that the diet is balanced and full. It is also recommended to take vitamin E and a multivitamin complex during treatment. Which is exactly what your doctor will tell you.

  • Drinking regime

The correct drinking regime, perhaps, is not less thanan important component, without which it is impossible to treat chronic cystitis. A sick person should take as much fluid as possible. In a day you need to drink at least three to four liters of fluid. However, watch what the patient drinks. Very often the "well-wishers" can hear the advice to drink beer - they say, it is an effective diuretic. However, this is not so - alcoholic beverages in chronic cystitis are strictly contraindicated, since ethyl alcohol significantly worsens the course of the disease. Treatment of chronic cystitis and taking alcoholic beverages are incompatible. By the way, the same is true for coffee and other caffeinated drinks. Do not also drink too sweet juices, compotes, and even more so carbonated drinks. Even carbonated mineral water is under strict prohibition. It is best to drink non-carbonated table water, unsweetened fruit drinks or a compote of dried fruits. In the event that you tolerate milk well - and women often have the opposite - you are very lucky - milk in this case is very useful.

Treatment of cystitis in folk ways

There are some very effective recipestraditional medicine, which are also very effective in combating chronic cystitis. However, remember that all these recipes can only serve as a supplement to the basic treatment prescribed by the doctor. In no case can it be replaced by folk medicine alone. Otherwise, the consequences of such treatment will not be the most favorable. In addition, be sure to consult before applying a prescription with your doctor. And you can start treatment only after his approval and permission. So, let's get acquainted with these tools:

  • Decoction of chamomile

Pharmacy chamomile - an indispensable assistant personin the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Including, as you already guessed, and chronic cystitis. For treatment, you will need a decoction of chamomile, but not quite normal. Prepare five tablespoons of aloe juice and three tablespoons of dry chamomile inflorescences. Place chamomile in an enamel saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of water and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat and simmer for ten minutes. Turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. At this time, squeeze out the juice. After about 15 minutes strain the broth with gauze cloth and mix with aloe juice. This solution a sick person should drink within a day, in small sips. Treatment should last at least a month, even if the symptoms of the disease disappear much earlier. In the event that you have acute cystitis, this recipe will also be very relevant.

  • Marigold Infusion

Equally effective and infusion of calendula. Calendula has not only aseptic, but also anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the infusion, place three tablespoons of broth in a thermos and pour one cup of boiling water. Insist for a day. Then strain the infusion with gauze cloth. A sick person should drink this broth every morning, on an empty stomach, half the glass. The duration of this course of treatment is 14 days. Pay attention to one important point: at the time of treatment, you must stop using black tea, even in small quantities. As a rule, the feeling of relief comes already on the third - fourth day of treatment. chronic cystitis treatment

Prevention of chronic cystitis

Well, the principle of cystitis treatment is more or lessIs it clear? Great! But do not forget that it is much more reasonable to prevent the development of the disease than to treat it later. And it does not matter if you are a urologist or you have nothing to do with medicine - prevention of cystitis is very important.

  • Compliance with personal hygiene

One of the most important causes of cystitis -violation of personal hygiene. Remember that the maintenance of genitals in cleanliness is an excellent prevention not only of cystitis, but also of many other diseases. Also, keep the underwear clean.

  • Proper nutrition

It has already been mentioned that during treatmentchronic cystitis needs to revisit its diet. Of course, all the time to live in the regime of such a strictly restricted is extremely difficult. However, to revise your menu is still worthwhile - talk about this with your doctor. He will help determine the prohibited products. This will greatly increase the likelihood that with an exacerbation of chronic cystitis you will never again come across. No one is immune from acute cystitis. An attack of the disease can happen at any time. But in order that acute cystitis does not take the chronic form of the flow, it should be treated immediately. Otherwise, the consequences in the form of many months of discomfort and painful long-term treatment are provided to you. And let your history of the fight against cystitis end with your victory and complete defeat of the disease! Be always healthy! We advise you to read:

