recipe for youth Sometimes we do not even guess about usefulproperties of the plants around us. Take, for example, at least the famous aloe, which can be found on every second window sill in any house of our vast country - from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. Its properties are truly unique, it is one of the most important components of many medicines. Aloe is often used for cosmetic purposes. On its basis or with its application it is possible to create real prescriptions of youth, helping to eliminate many skin problems and ensure its beauty and excellent condition. It is about this side of the use of an evergreen plant that we will tell you. It is well known that since ancient times women have used aloe juice to give the skin a healthy and youthful appearance. The juice of this plant, containing vitamins of groups C, E and B, has a beneficial effect on all skin types. The masks prepared with its use have a moisturizing effect, soften the dry skin, normalize metabolic processes, effectively fight inflammations. Aloe juice has a positive effect on sensitive areas, quickly removing irritation. The most unique properties of aloe juice can be attributed to the fact that its use accelerates the regeneration processes of human cells. Therefore it is not surprising that in folk medicine there are so many prescriptions for youth based on aloe. And it is not accidental in a simple way that this plant is called a century-old - with it you can really keep your health, if not for a century, then for many years. The subject of our conversation will be the preparation of masks using aloe. To do this, the leaves of aloe must be prepared: wash, wrap in a napkin, and then put in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for 10 days. After the expiration of this period, you can start making various cosmetics based on aloe juice. recipes of youth

Masks based on aloe

Mask for any skin For its preparationadd 1 tablespoon of aloe juice to 2 tablespoons of preheated honey, then mix the mixture thoroughly. After this, the mask should be applied to the face for 10 minutes. Using our recipe, you can prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face. Mask for replenishing dry skin For this mask, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice with an equal amount of egg yolk. To this mixture add 1 tablespoon of sour cream. The mask is applied in several layers: the first - on the neck and face, after it dries, the second and subsequent are applied. Apply mask for half an hour, after that, first rinse face with warm water, then rinse with cold. This recipe for eternal youth can safely be included in the program of complex anti-aging skin care for the face - with it an effective fight against dryness and wrinkles is guaranteed. Mask for oily skin Whisk egg white. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2 teaspoons of aloe juice. The resulting mixture is applied to the face with a wide brush or a soft shaving aid. Mask for oily skin, like the make-up mask, is applied layer by layer, after which it is washed off with cold water. This recipe will allow you to eliminate greasy shine on your face, and also refresh your skin.

Recipes for porous skin

If you have porous skin, which is oftenacne is formed, we recommend the use of lotion with aloe. For its preparation, mix 1 part of alcohol and 4 parts of aloe juice. Wipe your face in the morning with this compound, and the amount of acne will decrease significantly. There is another recipe useful for the formation of acne: chop 2 tablespoons of aloe leaves, pour boiling water (3/4 cup), cook for 10 minutes, then filter and peel the face with a strained and cooled composition. recipe of eternal youth

Mask and lotion for dry skin

To prepare such a mask, you need toin equal proportions, mix aloe juice, glycerin, lime honey and filtered water. Each component needs 1 teaspoonful. In the resulting mixture, add about 1 teaspoon of oatmeal. Stir until homogeneous. Ready mixture should be applied to the face and wait 20-25 minutes. This procedure is useful to repeat weekly or more often throughout the month. If desired and necessary, you can repeat the course every 2-3 months. For the preparation of lotion, pour 100 grams of aloe vera leaves with a liter of cold water. Allow the mixture to brew for about 2 hours, then on low heat bring it to a boil and cook for about 5 minutes. The resulting broth cool, strain and pour into a glass container. Lotion can be used to treat the skin of the neck and face.

Anti-Aging Prescription

It is important for every woman that her skin looksyoung and healthy. In this, our recipe will help you: skip the aloe leaves through the meat grinder, put the mass on your face for a while (10-15 minutes). Rinse with warm and cold water. Such procedures will help to make your skin young and elastic, tone it and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. To fight wrinkles, there is another way: after a day, apply on your face a fat cream mixed with aloe juice. Instead, you can use vegetable oil. Components are taken in equal proportions - 1 teaspoonful. The mixture is applied to the face with a brush, after which it is washed off with warm water after a while (20 minutes). Thus, a plant that many people do not even consider decorative, can bring tangible benefits to our bodies and help look great. Using the prescription of youth on the basis of aloe for cosmetic purposes is a simple and cheap way to be beautiful and healthy! We advise you to read:

