recipe for baked duck Do you know that you can bake a duck in different ways? For example, originally our ancestors baked meat and poultry on the coals. Then they came up with a spit ... True it was already not baked, but fried meat. Then people had a hearth and the prototype of a modern oven. There the bird and meat were baked in clay, in a dough or in pottery. And then invented gas and electric cookers, microwave ovens, multivars ... What will happen next - you can guess forever. However, the recipe for baked duck has remained virtually unchanged since the earliest times. True, we replaced metal and ceramic scallops with pottery, and instead of clay and dough we use foil and polymers (a sleeve for baking). But, despite the prescription and even the antiquity of this method of cooking ducks, many housewives still do not know how to properly bake it and which recipe to choose. We suggest that you use three ways to bake a duck and choose a recipe for cooking it in the oven, in the sleeve and in foil. So choose what suits you best.

Duck baked in the oven

In the oven we'll cook a ruddy duckywith a crispy crust. Time for this, of course, will take a lot, but the result is worth it! Moreover, we will cook it in ginger sauce. Ingredients:

  • Duck carcass about 2.5 kg;
  • Lemon;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • A mixture of Italian herbs;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Black pepper and salt to your taste.

For sauce:

  • Fresh root of ginger;
  • Oranges;
  • Olive oil.

Preparation: We prepare the birdie in advance. If it was frozen, then it is thawed at room temperature. Then, if necessary, scorch, remove all the stumps, carefully my carcass and pickle. For the marinade, squeeze out the juice from the lemon, mix it with salt, black pepper and Italian herbs (ready-made spices can be bought in almost any store). With this mixture we rub the bird on the outside and inside, wrap it in a food film and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about five to six hours. It is most convenient to do this from the evening and leave the duck to marinate for the whole night. Before we start baking the duck, we need to stuff it. For minced meat boil until incomplete preparedness and a half cup of buckwheat and fill the filling with the belly of a duck. The hole at the top of the carcass (where there was a neck) is sewn with thick cotton threads. If a piece of skin remains from the neck, then it can be rolled up and stuffed inside the carcass. But the hole on the stomach, through which we filled the carcass with minced meat, can be sewed or chopped with toothpicks. Prepared carcass we lay back in a goose, greased with vegetable oil, cover with a lid and send it to the oven. We bake a duck at a temperature of 180 degrees for about an hour and a half. During this time it will be necessary three times (every half hour) to get the goose, open the lid and pour the bird with the greased fat. And while the duck cooks, make a ginger sauce. To do this, a small piece (about 50 grams) of ginger root is cleaned and rubbed on a grater with large cells. In the frying pan pour olive oil and fry in it grated ginger until it turns golden. From three or four oranges squeeze the juice and connect it with roasted ginger. In the same frying pan or in a saucepan, boil the sauce over low heat for fifteen minutes. During this time, it should get a little thick. Now (in an hour and a half after the start of baking) open the cover of the gusjatnitsy and leave the bird in the oven for twenty or thirty minutes. If your convection oven has a convection function, you can turn it on at this time. If not, then bake a duck, watering it with fat. We finish the prepared bird for portioned pieces and serve it with ginger sauce. recipe duck baked

Baked duck in foil

Foil is very convenient for bakingany products. On the duck in this case you will not get a crusty crust, but the meat will be very soft and juicy. So the recipe for a duck baked in foil you should like. Ingredients:

  • Duck carcass;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable or butter;
  • Black pepper and salt to your taste.

Preparation: The bird is thawed, if it was frozen, thoroughly washed and dried, wetting with a clean towel or napkin. From inside we rub the carcass mixed with black pepper salt, and outside it is coated with oil. We must bind the shins with string or twine and wrap the duck with three or four layers of foil. We make several punctures at the top of our "cocoon", so that steam comes out of it when baked, and we send the duck to the oven. We bake a bird at 180-200 degrees for about two hours. By the way, in the same way you can bake a duck on charcoal grill or on a fire. Serve the baked duck with a whole carcass, laying on a dish and garnishing with a salad of fresh vegetables. And you can cut it into pieces and serve it with any suitable side dish and sauce. recipes of baked duck

Duck with potatoes in the sleeve

A very simple recipe for cooking duck immediately with garnish. To do this, we use a very popular in the hostess sleeve for baking, in which the meat is juicy and tender. Ingredients:

  • Duck;
  • Potatoes - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Salt and black pepper to your taste.

Preparation: A fat carcass of my duck, we clean from stumps and dry it. We pierce it in several places and prepare a mixture for rubbing. To do this, let's pass garlic through a press or grind it on a grater, mix it with salt and black pepper, and rub it with the gruel from outside and inside. We put the bird in the bag and leave to marinate for two hours. In the meantime, mine and we are cleaning vegetables. Potatoes cut into large slices, carrots in circles, and onion semirings. Solim, pepper and mix vegetables. Part of the filling is placed inside the carcass and sew or chop the hole with toothpicks. We put the stuffed duck in a sleeve, which should be twenty centimeters taller than the carcass. The remaining vegetable mixture is placed in the sleeve on the sides of the duck carcass. Tie the open end of the sleeve and place the carcass on the baking tray with the backside down. We bake a duck in a sleeve in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees for about two hours. Served with vegetable garnish, laying the carcass on the dish as a whole or dividing into portions. If you are told that it is long and hard to cook a duck - do not believe it! Choose any recipe you like and try to make a baked duck. The process does take a lot of time, but the oven will cook. And all this time you can do any other business. Cook with pleasure, and a pleasant appetite for you! We advise you to read:

