psychology of menOur relationships with the stronger sex are very oftenare complicated and tense. Even having lived side by side with our spouse for several decades, we do not always know how to understand male psychology and predict the actions of the faithful in one situation or another. It would seem that this is nonsense. After all, studying the psychology of a man is not so difficult! His life is built on three pillars: a woman, work, hobbies. All male psychology is connected with them! So we think, presumptuously assuming that, being aware of the preferences of our life traveler, we can quite manipulate him. However, this is not so. Male psychology for women is the same dark forest as female psychology for men. And that is why each gender needs to know what language the “enemy” speaks. The psychology of men is such that they only look so self-confident, assertive and unshakable. Sometimes it seems that they were called the stronger sex only because of their physical superiority. So vulnerable, tender and hurtful they sometimes are! And if you think about how strong women can be... And this strength is often simply incomparable to anything. Yes, this is it, the strength of female love, female wisdom and even cunning. If only we want, we can control a man's feelings, firmly tie him to ourselves, deprive him of peace and sleep. To do this, you just need to know some of the most important secrets of male psychology.

Thin men's organization

Yes, yes, this is not a typo.It is the stronger sex that is the proud owner of such a delicate and vulnerable soul. These are the very first and main secrets of male psychology. They are creatures that should be treated with great care. Forget about the fairy tales in which you read about impenetrable knights and persistent princes. In real life, this is not so. Relationships with a man are like thin crystal. This, of course, does not mean that you should tremble over them like a precious vase, God forbid. But by showing sensitivity, understanding, respect and at the same time doing it tactfully and unobtrusively, you can touch these deepest strings of the male soul. A soul that, just like yours, needs understanding and support. A man also wants to be loved - remember this. A woman can be called a genius who will one day be able to say: “That's it, I get it! Men are not the stronger sex, no. They are the weaker sex, this is a big mistake in the definition!” Of course, this is a loud statement, but it contains the main essence, this is the basis of male psychology. Having understood this essence once, you will gain that invisible power and incredible attraction for the opposite sex. This essence is that every woman has a special inner strength that can be awakened by just one understanding of this. We do not want to say that women are stronger than men, there is no competition here, it is just that our strength is in different things... Understanding this underlies the answer to the question of what is the essence of male psychology. If you understand and believe that a woman is a boundless and almighty ocean into which rivers flow; that a woman is the Universe that gives life; that a woman is a source of pleasure and peace for a man, - you will realize how much your loved one needs you. And having realized this, you will gain even greater strength and knowledge of the peculiarities of male psychology.

Features of male psychology

Male psychology is such that they loveeyes, - this is, of course, an indisputable fact. Who doesn’t like it when there is a beautiful woman nearby who evokes admiring glances from other men? In addition to the fact that it is incredibly pleasant for a man, it elevates him not only in his own eyes, but also in the eyes of colleagues, friends and just passers-by. But here too there is a secret to success with men! Beauty is a flexible concept, very flexible. And men have different tastes. Adapting to the parameters of models or conducting a survey among men is stupid and ineffective. The psychology of men is such that each of them has his own type, subconscious or conscious. In general, a beautiful woman is one who feels like that. Because she spreads around herself the fluids of attractiveness. And therefore, if we were born a woman, we will take care of ourselves, develop femininity, work on our image and style. For some reason, we are convinced that the secrets of seduction, like the psychology of men, are quite simple. As soon as they see long legs, a thin waist, large breasts - they immediately lose their heads. That is why we exhaust ourselves with grueling diets, change the shape of our breasts to the detriment of our own health, spend a lot of money on visiting fitness clubs and salons, and so on and so forth. Meanwhile, American psychologists have found that men are not so much interested in volume as in the proportions of the figure. And half (!) of men do not pay attention to such a factor as weight. Therefore, it is enough to simply maintain the figure and monitor its fitness, doing simple physical exercises or doing the necessary procedures. Fortunately, modern opportunities contribute to this in the best possible way! At the same time, it would be wise to avoid excesses. Aggressive vamp-style makeup and very long sharp nails are an acquired taste. In order to know exactly how to win a man's heart, such subtleties must be tactfully clarified during a conversation with him. And this should be done before a radical change in your image. Male psychology allows for less desperate experiments with women's appearance: men love variety, and novelty only fuels their interest in women.male psychology

Sex secrets for women

Female sexuality is very important ifне один из главных факторов привлекательности женщины в глазах партнера. И самое интересное – то, что психология поведения мужчины в этом вопросе не меняется уже многие сотни лет! Для них не бывает несексуальных женщин! Зато среди нас бывают те, кто еще не открыл это в себе или не развил до достаточной степени. Поэтому все карты нам в руки! Сексуальная женщина сводит мужчину с ума, а одно из основных проявлений его чувств к ней – это то, что он ее хочет. Но и здесь играет правило золотой середины: надо развивать женскую мудрость и проницательность, чтобы отличать искренние желания от простого инстинкта, также как и отличать бабника от ценителя женщин. Знание психологии мужчины вам в этом поможет. Развитие сексуальности в женщине – это огромное поле для фантазии и даже целое искусство. Сексуальным может быть все: от манер, поведения и голоса до одежды и аксессуаров. Развивая сексуальность и привлекательность, важно не быть вульгарной и чрезмерно открытой, – это только оттолкнет большинство мужчин. А ведь многие из нас и не подозревают об этом в попытках соблазнить партнера! И пытаются навязчиво продемонстрировать ему все прелести своей фигуры. В то время как только нежность, мягкость наряду с осознанием своей красоты и женской силы создают неповторимую сексуальную ауру. Добавим немного таинственности, загадки и недосказанности – и мы сможем вскружить голову любому мужчине, который только нам понравится. А разве это не прекрасно? Это касается и сексуальности в одежде. Многие девушки наивно полагают, что чем ее (одежды) меньше, тем лучше. В то же время исследования показывают, что самым сексуальным одеянием мужчины считают обтягивающую блузку, каблуки и длинную, а не короткую, юбку с разрезом. Ведь психология мужчин зиждется на древних охотничьих инстинктах! И азарт в них пробуждает лишь то, что недоступно, а не то, что само идёт к нему в руки. Утверждение, что каждый мужчина хочет видеть в постели страстную львицу, тоже не всегда соответствует действительности. Ведь у них тоже разные темпераменты и вкусы. Важно подходить друг другу, а для этого вам следует быть внимательной, нежной и ласковой в постели с любимым. Понимание глубины его эмоций и желаний, способность щедро дарить свою любовь важнее знания разных поз из Кама-Сутры. От женщины во многом зависит атмосфера, царящая в спальне. Негативные эмоции не должны присутствовать там, это должно быть место для релакса, отдыха и любви. Иногда нам кажется, что мужчине в данный момент нужен только секс, а эмоциональные переживания его не беспокоят. Но ведь и мы зачастую хотим только секса! В этом отношении психология мужчин и женщин бывает равноценна. Зачем тогда ожидать от него постоянной романтики и признаний в любви? Ведь секс сам по себе и есть такое признание! Если же для кого-то из женщин это не так и она разделяет секс и любовь, значит, ей следует поработать над собой, чтобы еще больше раскрыть свою сексуальность и полюбить все, что с этим связано. Корни такого отношения могут уходить, конечно же, в детство и юность, когда нас учили, что секс – это что-то грязное и постыдное, недостойное приличных женщин. Каждой из нас важно понять, что это ошибочное мнение. Секс – это естественно и прекрасно, это открытие своих объятий любви к себе и любви к мужчинам, это, в конце концов, наслаждение, несравнимое ни с каким другим. Почему мы должны лишать себя такого удовольствия, если возможность его подарена природой?

A woman is a mother - is that good?

Agree, the psychology of a man and communication with him– not such simple things. Some ladies practice such a condescending, maternal attitude towards the opposite sex. Showing concern for a man is, of course, very good. And many of them need warmth and affection, similar to mother's. Giving her husband such warmth and affection, usually a woman, as the guardian of the hearth and housewife, involuntarily begins to be interested in the man being well-fed and well-dressed. To some extent, this is pleasant for both men and women. However, maternal feelings should be dosed, and there should be no excess of them. Otherwise, they can drown out the passion between spouses, limiting their relationship to everyday life. But female and male psychology implies a marriage union, first of all, as the unity of two halves of one whole. And only then everything else. This is the secret of this aspect of the relationship. A bad sign is when a man needs maternal care too much and is looking for a woman who could replace his mother. This speaks of his infantilism and lack of independence. Such a man is unlikely to be mature enough for family life and responsibility for his actions, which is very important in a relationship. Therefore, by correctly dosing maternal tenderness and care, you can only strengthen the man's love for you. But excessiveness in this matter can kill it.

Inspiration for a man

They say that all wars in this world beganbecause of women. Is it so? Yes, it is the woman who has the energy that can direct the power of a real man both in a creative and in a destructive direction. And although in our time duels are not held for the sake of women, everything that a man does, he does it, in fact, for her. And in this regard, it is very, very important for him that his work and achievements are appreciated by his woman. This inspires a man to even greater achievements. Well, who among us girls does not like good gifts, travel, beautiful clothes, jewelry and perfume? It turns out that the fact that we have all this (or do not have it) also largely depends on ourselves - this is the psychology of men. Even if you work, the main breadwinner is most often your partner, and this is his main purpose since ancient times, when he hunted mammoths, and his companion sat in a cave, cooking food and raising children. Male psychology in this case is easy to understand. Any guy is incredibly pleased to achieve something and see the admiring eyes of his woman, delighted with what he does. One important secret here is praise from her. Although men are considered or look thick-skinned for the most part, they all like to be praised. The main thing is to do it sincerely and not to fawn, but at the same time do not forget to simply talk about what you like about him and his actions. Of course, here too you need to know the measure, because no one wants to be expected to act only ideally. It is also important for a man to be accepted as he is, and somewhere completely earthly person, who also has the right to make mistakes. It is better to constructively criticize or express words of support than to tell him all the time that he is a superhero. It is important that there is no negativity, and everything is done with love for the person.psychology of man

Sacrifice in relationships

The psychology of men is such that when we go toeverything to keep a partner, it produces a completely opposite effect. Forgiving everything, understanding everything, agreeing with everything and responding with love to his boorish attitude - this humiliates the dignity of a woman. And at the same time humiliates the man next to whom such a woman is. Patience and sacrifice - this is from a completely different fairy tale, they are of no use in a relationship. The secret here is simple - as much as we respect and love ourselves, so does the man. Because a woman who knows her worth will not allow herself to be treated badly. Such ladies, as a rule, are very popular with men. If we consider complete submission to be the secret of seducing men and allow them to wipe their feet on us, we are making a big mistake. This situation is already flawed in its essence, and the path out of it is to nowhere. Perhaps, such behavior will help to tie someone (there are plenty of such examples), but who? Will he look like a real man that every woman needs? Is this the kind of attitude we want towards ourselves? After all, this can only be a man with many complexes and low self-esteem, most often hating women and trying to assert himself at the expense of their humiliation. Such relationships must be broken. Anything that brings discomfort does not deserve our precious time, our nerves and our lives. Yes, you can try to help a man if he wants help and appreciates it. But if he himself does not want to change anything - do not humiliate yourself. After all, in this way we miss the chance to meet another, someone who will sincerely love us! And at the same time, we spoil our nervous system and ourselves become overgrown with complexes. As a result, such a wonderful life passes by ... You must strive for the best and then love will find you itself! Expecting respect and understanding from a man, while trying to respect and understand him - this is natural and right. Only next to such a man can a woman open up like a beautiful flower. And he will be happy about it. And he will become a real man, a man we deserve. Knowing how to conquer a man, we can thus create our own, unique, inimitable and so dear knight! We recommend reading:

