Summer is just around the corner, and women are dreaming aboutsun and warmth, begin to think about the need to get rid of excess weight. As you know, the surest way to say goodbye to those hated kilograms is to go on a diet. However, diets are different, and if you approach this issue thoughtlessly, instead of extra pounds you can lose your health. Recently, several types of diets have gained special love from women, among which the vitamin-protein diet is the leader - reviews about it are the most enthusiastic. Doctors also recognized the reviews as very favorable, since this diet does not have serious side effects. A huge number of women have successfully used the vitamin-protein diet - reviews say that they achieved amazing results in an extremely short time. The protein-vitamin diet has a number of advantages over its competitors.
- The woman practically does not feel hungry, so this vitamin-protein diet is perfect even for the most avid lovers.
- The main advantage of the protein-vitamin diet is the feedback from people who have tried it themselves. They note the fact that it does not have any negative effects on the human body.
- Another feature, which has a vitamin-protein diet - reviews suggest that people lose about 7 kilograms per month.
The peculiarity of the protein-vitamin diet isthat food can be consumed without limitation in volume, but only vitamin and protein products. The same products that contain carbohydrates and fats should be strictly excluded. It is also forbidden to use all kinds of sauces (sour cream, mayonnaise, or ketchup). Of the seasonings, only a minimal amount of red pepper and table salt is allowed. Vitamin and protein foods should be consumed at different meals, as this contributes to even greater weight loss. In addition, the protein-vitamin diet imposes restrictions on the drinks consumed. If you follow a protein-vitamin diet, you should refuse to drink carbonated drinks, packaged juices containing sugar, coffee, sweet tea and alcoholic beverages. The only thing you can drink with a protein-vitamin diet is unsweetened black or green tea and mineral water. Meals should be fractional, that is, often, but in small quantities. Thanks to this, a person losing weight does not feel hungry. The approximate break between meals should be no more than two hours.
- Sample meal plan for this diet:</ p>
- 9.00 - three cooked (not fried) eggs (protein);
- 11.30. - one fruit of grapefruit (vitamins);
- 13.30 - 250 grams of boiled meat low-fat meat (protein);
- 16.30 – two medium-sized apples (vitamins);
- 18.30 - 250 grams of boiled sea fish (protein);
- 20.30 - one orange (vitamins);
Please note that this is just one ofpossible diets for this diet. As protein foods, you can use low-fat cheeses, low-fat cottage cheese, poultry, etc. And as vitamin foods, you can use vegetables - both raw and boiled. When choosing fruits, pay attention to the fact that it is not recommended to eat too sweet ones, such as grapes or bananas, because they contain a very large amount of carbohydrates.The next most popular is the dietMadonna's vitamin diet. It is also considered a harmless diet that does not have a negative impact on the human body. The main difference between this diet and the usual one is that with the usual one the body suffers from a lack of essential vitamins and minerals. As a result, the condition of the hair, nails and skin suffers. Madonna's vitamin diet is also completely devoid of this drawback. With the light hand of the popular pop star, this diet quickly spread throughout the world. Madonna's vitamin diet has helped a huge number of women get closer to their ideal figure and increase their self-esteem. Below are some recipes for the Madonna vitamin diet. The basis of the Madonna vitamin diet is the following soup. To prepare it, cut the onion, fry it in olive oil, then pour in a liter of water. Add pre-chopped celery and carrots, white cabbage. Cook the soup until the vegetables are ready. In addition to eating this soup, the following products are allowed:
- Monday - absolutely any fruit, except apricots, grapes and bananas;
- Tuesday - any green vegetables (cucumbers, peppers, etc.);
- Wednesday - both fruits and vegetables in unlimited quantities;
- Thursday - two bananas and 0, 5 liters of skim milk;
- Friday - 200 grams of salad from fresh cabbage;
- Saturday - 100 grams of low-fat yogurt;
- Sunday - 150 grams of boiled rice with vegetables;
Those women who tried Madonna's dietvitamin, they note a loss of about 5 kilograms. However, although this is a gentle diet, you should not abuse it. This diet, like any other, should last about a week. If you want to achieve even greater weight loss, a similar diet can be repeated after at least two weeks. Remember that the permissible weight loss is 5 - 6 kilograms per month. If you lose more weight, you risk causing irreparable harm to your health, in addition, the weight is guaranteed to return back. And in order for the result not to be short-term and the weight does not return, you need to carefully monitor your diet all the time. The main component of the menu should be fresh vegetables and vegetable soups. All food should be steamed. Liquid can be consumed in unlimited quantities, abstaining from sweet drinks, tea, coffee and alcohol. Also, do not forget that regular physical activity is necessary to achieve the maximum effect. It is not necessary to spend hours in the gym or fitness club. It is enough to simply walk more often, for example, when returning from work, get off the transport a few stops earlier. This will not only help you lose weight, but also keep all your muscles in good shape, which is also an important component of a good figure. We recommend reading: