pregnancy or hormonal failureIt's been several days of delay, you feel sick,dizzy, chest pain? Don't immediately rejoice (or panic), because the absence of menstruation and the accompanying symptoms listed above do not always indicate that you are in an interesting position. You could simply have a hormonal imbalance. And after some time, if everything returns to normal, your period will start again. If this does not happen, you will have to go to the hospital to find out the cause. After all, a delay can be both a sign of pregnancy and a symptom of a serious illness.

Why there is a hormonal failure

First, we need to determine why this ishappened to you. Agree, it is easier to eliminate the cause once than to constantly fight the consequences. So, there are several factors that could influence the occurrence of hormonal failure. Among them are:

  • Infectious diseases

Very often in the body of the representativethe fair sex experiences a hormonal imbalance after infection and treatment of infectious diseases. This could be chlamydia, thrush, cystitis, trichomoniasis, syphilis, and so on down the list. By the way, if you have recently encountered such diseases, it is better not to plan children at all for the first six months. First, we get treatment, take tests, and then we have a child.

  • Decreased immunity

Most often this happens in the autumn-wintera period when the lack of vitamins and nutrients is especially felt by our body weakened by frost, cold and rain. The problem could also be provoked by acute respiratory infections, flu, acute respiratory viral infections, etc.

  • Tumor

Whether it is malignant or benigntumor, its presence still has a negative impact on our health. The body is trying to signal that something is wrong. Therefore, if you still have a hormonal imbalance, the first thing you should do is undergo a complete examination at the clinic. Please note: recently, the fair sex is increasingly faced with cysts and breast cancer, polycystic ovary disease, uterine fibroids and other women's diseases. That is why you should not neglect visits to the gynecologist. You should visit a specialist at least once a quarter. Young girls need to visit a mammologist once a year. Ladies who are well over 30 will have to constantly undergo examination on a special device that detects tumors in the breast. In the early stages, the tumor can be removed, but if you wait until the last minute, nothing good will come of it. In advanced cases, even chemotherapy will not help. Unfortunately, in our time we have not yet learned how to stop the development of cancerous tumors. And even if the girl undergoes full treatment, she may have a relapse in the future.

  • Problems with the endocrine system

If the endocrine system stops functioning normallyfunction, serious changes may begin in the body of the fair sex. All this may end sadly, even fatally. Therefore, it is so important not to neglect the disease. Problems should be sought in the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid and pancreas.

  • Operations

If you have recently had surgery, even ifthe most insignificant, you may feel bad at first. It will take some time for the hormonal background to normalize. But still, if the symptoms are too obvious, it is better to consult a specialist.

  • Abortion

So, the woman became pregnant.Changes began to occur in her body, the body is preparing for a long period of bearing a baby. A special hormone is secreted, which is responsible for the development of the fetus. And then the lady decides to have an artificial termination of pregnancy, that is, an abortion. The embryo is no longer there, but the body continues to work in the same direction for some time. As a result - hormonal failure. After such interventions, you should undergo long-term treatment. Plus, do not forget to take tests to exclude the risk of infection or the development of any pathologies. Even after a year, diseases that arose because of this operation may appear, so it is better to think beforehand, weigh the pros and cons.

  • Hormonal tablets

You can find medications for sale in pharmacies,which are popularly called first aid for a torn condom. If you take a pill within the first 48 (12, 24) hours, you can not be afraid of an unplanned pregnancy. In fact, you should not play with such "miraculous" drugs, as it is dangerous to your health. Even after one time, serious consequences can occur, including infertility. And some representatives of the fair sex experiment almost every month. And then they wonder why they cannot have children. By the way, after some time after taking the pill, you will really feel bad: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, loss of appetite. Some ladies even faint.

  • Phytohormones in the diet

A woman shouldn't drink beer. Period.And not only because it contains alcohol. Daily consumption of this drink leads to serious consequences. Ladies start growing moustaches, body hair, shoulders become broad, like men. Review your diet. And if there are too many products containing phytohormones, try to give them up at least for a while.

  • Genetic predisposition

Unfortunately, we take from our parents not onlythe best. Most of the diseases that our mothers and fathers had are passed on to their children. Therefore, if your mother also had similar disorders and anomalies, immediately inform your doctor about it. In this case, you will have to be under constant supervision of specialists.

  • Stress

All diseases come from nerves.Try to remember if there was anything the day before that made you very worried, nervous, anxious. These could be both negative and positive emotions. An upcoming conference, illness of relatives, a marriage proposal – all of this could lead to a hormonal to determine pregnancy or hormonal failure

Hormonal failure or pregnancy: similar and different symptoms

The first thing that catches your eye is the sharpпохудение представительницы прекрасного пола. При этом дама может поглощать пищу в неумеренных количествах, кушая, как говорят в народе, за двоих. Зачастую неумеренный аппетит дамы как раз и принимают за признак беременности. Но нужно рассуждать логично. В первый месяц плод закрепляется, медленно развивается. Ему не нужно так много полезных веществ, как во втором и третьем триместрах. Поэтому, если вы постоянно испытываете чувство голода, едите много, но теряете в весе, сразу же идите к врачу. Также может наблюдаться полностью противоположенный эффект, когда дама ничего практически не ест, а при этом сильно поправляется. Нередко это сопровождается запорами, плохим состоянием кожи (сухостью, появлением прыщей), общей слабостью, проблемами с волосами. В народе говорят, что если женщина подурнела, значит – она беременна. Но не забывайте и о том, что избыток или нехватка гормонов приводит точно к таким же последствиям. Второй признак гормонального сбоя – температура, которая держится более недели. При этом могут наблюдаться и проблемы с работой сердца, учащенный пульс, высокая потливость, даже если женщина находится в прохладном помещении, повышенная нервозность. К сожалению, некоторые симптомы присущи и беременности. Особенно это касается нервозности и проблем со сном. Дамы, которые находятся в положении, зачастую плохо спят ночью, а на протяжении дня чувствуют легкую сонливость. Следующее, что происходит при сбое – нарушении половой функции. Женщинам не хочется интимной близости, им сложнее возбудиться, они не достигают оргазма. А вот при беременности в первые месяцы либидо представительниц прекрасного пола не ухудшается. Еще одно отличие, которое помогает определить, беременность или гормональный сбой у женщины – наличие пучеглазия. Если дама в положении, подобная аномалия у нее не наблюдается. А вот во втором случае у больной такой вид, словно она постоянно чем-то удивлена: глаза широко открыты, виден неестественный блеск (как при высокой температуре), белки выступают немного вперед. Отсутствие менструации – самый первый признак беременности. Об этом знают все женщины детородного возраста. Но, к сожалению, и при проблемах со здоровьем может произойти задержка. Причем проблема может крыться не только в гормональном сбое, но и в некоторых женских болезнях (инфекции, опухоли и т.д.). Поэтому полагаться на данный симптом также не стоит. Плюс, и в том, и в другом случае могут начать расти волосы на теле, появиться пигментные пятна, растяжки на коже, ухудшиться внешность, начаться проблемы со зрением, кожей, зубами. Иногда у дам появляются головные боли, тошнота, головокружение, учащается мочеиспускание. Беременность ли это? Полагаться на перечисленные признаки можно, но если они появились не на следующий день после задержки, а спустя хотя бы три недели. Таким образом, как вы видите, симптомы беременности и гормонального сбоя практически одинаковые. Но есть и отличия, которые помогут вам выяснить, что же у вас. Но все же не стоит играть в доктора, гадать на кофейной гуще, покупать тоннами аптечные тесты и ждать, пока живот появится. Этого может не случиться, а проблема, из-за которой произошел такой бум, станет более серьезной. И лечиться тогда придется не один месяц. pregnancy or hormonal failure in girls

How to determine pregnancy

So, you've been late for a few days?We go to the gynecologist, having previously taken a special kit with us. It is sold in regular pharmacies. First of all, the doctor will examine you, question you and send you for tests. Do not panic! In the early stages, it is quite difficult to determine whether the lady is really pregnant. For this, you will also need to do an ultrasound, give blood for hCG.

  • Pregnancy Test: Results Accuracy

Many ladies, as soon as they havedelay, they immediately buy a pregnancy test. Hooray - two stripes. It means she will soon become a mother! But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If the result is positive, the girl is not necessarily pregnant. An increased level of hormones can also indicate that she has serious health problems. Plus, you should not trust the strip or the joyful "Yes". Yes, the accuracy rate is always high - 90% minimum. But very often, ladies get the wrong result because they do not do everything according to the instructions or if they bought too cheap, expired products, etc. Therefore, if you have been waiting for your period for the second week, and it still has not come, make an appointment with the doctor.

  • Doctor's visit

Somewhere around the 5th week the doctor will be able to tell for suredetermine whether the lady is really pregnant. Often, the fair sex waits for a month and then decides to go to a specialist. So, a woman who is pregnant has an increase in the size of the uterus, changes in consistency, color of the cervix and membrane. But you can notice this not on the first day after fertilization, as you understand.

  • Blood test for hormones

This is a rather complicated method of determination.pregnancy, but it gives almost 100% results. You give blood from a vein, it is sent to a laboratory, where all the necessary tests will be carried out. The results will come in a couple of days. But in this case, there is one but. At least 10-15 days must pass after the delay, otherwise the test may not show anything.

  • Ultrasonography

A girl who may be pregnant is lubricateda special gel on the stomach, then the device is moved along it. At this time, the doctor sees on the monitor whether there is really an embryo inside. There may be errors in the early stages. Therefore, it is recommended to do an abdominal ultrasound (transabdominal) 3-4 weeks after the delay. If you need to know for sure whether you are really pregnant, you can undergo a transvaginal ultrasound, when the sensor (in the form of a tube expanding towards the end) is inserted into the woman's vagina. It is more accurate. However, in this case, expectant mothers are at great risk of losing the child. The fact is that in the early stages this can provoke a miscarriage. Therefore, it is not recommended to resort to such methods without reason. Thus, if you doubt whether you are really pregnant, go to the hospital. If you have health problems, they will quickly give you the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. And then, after six months to a year, you can start planning a child. Those who do not like treatment and going to doctors will have a hard time. Infertility, malignant tumors, diabetes, heart problems (stroke, heart attack), fibrocystic breast formations - this is just a small list of what the fair sex will have to face. So do not risk your health and happiness.

