pregnancy with uterine hypoplasiaWith problems of female infertility and impossibilitypregnancy, unfortunately, many people today are familiar with firsthand. You can see this by looking at any forum dedicated to women's health. But do you know that the causes of almost all types of infertility and other women's problems are often associated with disorders that occurred in the girl's body in childhood and early adolescence? Such disorders include, for example,

Hyperplasia of the uterus

This is one of the types of hormonal dysfunction, that is, a failure in the functioning of the hormonal system. The causes of such a disorder may be:

  • First, the disruption of the hypothalamus of the brain department, which is responsible for the activity of all the endocrine glands in the body) or,
  • Secondly, hypofunction (decreased activity) of the ovaries producing female sex hormones.

As a result of these disturbances in the bodytoo little female sex hormones are produced. As a result, the growth of the uterus and other genitals is delayed. What factors can provoke uterine hyperplasia?

  • Infectious diseases
  • Severe nervous shocks (for example, related to family conflicts or excessive training loads).
  • Poisoning by toxic substances, and the role of "poisoners" can play toxins of tobacco smoke, as well as alcohol and drugs.
  • Insufficient or unbalanced food. There are cases when a new-fangled diet was used to hyperplasia of the uterus, which adhered to the teenage girl in order to "observe the figure."
  • The form of the hypoplastic uterus is usually divided into three types, depending on the moment at which its development ceased:

    • fetal, or embryonic
    • infantile, or children's
    • adolescent

    One of the main symptoms of uterine hyperplasia ismenstrual cycle disorders. Therefore, if a girl of 15-16 years has not yet had her first menstruation, or her periods are irregular and painful, too heavy or, on the contrary, scanty, parents should pay attention to this and show their daughter to a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Many women worry about whether pregnancy is possible with uterine hypoplasia. The question to the doctor on this topic is often asked both in gynecological offices and on medical websites on the Internet. As a rule, doctors answer like this: "Pregnancy with uterine hypoplasia, unless it has stopped developing at the embryonic stage, is possible. But first, a long course of treatment will be required." With a slight underdevelopment of the uterus, physiotherapy procedures and the use of vitamins are often enough. However, in most cases, it is still necessary to turn to the help of hormones - after all, the cause of uterine hypoplasia lies precisely in hormonal disorders. Sometimes the cause of problems with carrying a pregnancy is hypoplasia (underdevelopment) of the cervix. If the normal cervix has a cylindrical shape, then with hypoplasia it retains the shape of a cone, as in girls. Hypoplasia of the cervix does not prevent pregnancy, but can become a serious obstacle to carrying it, due to the occurrence of the so-called isthmic-cervical insufficiency, that is, weakness of the muscles at the junction of the cervix with its body (from istmus - isthmus, cervix - cervix). Too weak muscles are unable to hold the constantly growing heavier fetus, which gradually descends lower and lower. Thus, pregnancy with cervical hypoplasia can end in miscarriage at 20 to 30 weeks. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is very insidious - very often it is completely asymptomatic.

    Increased viscosity of the cervical canal

    This is another common reason.infertility, which can be caused by inflammatory and infectious diseases that were not treated properly in childhood and adolescence. The cervical canal is the transition from the vagina to the cervix. The thick secretion that fills the canal blocks the spermatozoa from entering the uterine cavity for a long time. Only for two or three days, during the period of maximum estrogen activity, does its viscosity decrease. At this time, here in the cervical canal, the spermatozoa undergo a kind of "exam" - after all, only the most mobile and viable ones will be able to overcome it. But with pathologically increased viscosity of the secretion, alas, not a single spermatozoa can pass into the uterine pregnancy possible with uterine hypoplasia. question to the doctor

    Bending of the uterus

    The cause of this pathology may be weakeningtone of the ligaments that support the uterus after pregnancy. But, unfortunately, this problem often “grows” from childhood or stormy youth. Such trouble can be caused, for example, by excessive lifting of heavy objects, extreme jumps with strong shaking of the body - especially during menstruation, when the uterus fills with blood and is quite heavy. Flat feet, chronic constipation, and sometimes even urinary retention can lead to uterine inversion. What is the danger of such a pathology? First of all, because it is very rarely accompanied by any pronounced symptoms, but creates serious obstacles to pregnancy. However, for some women, uterine inversion is just one of the normal options.

    Polycystic ovary

    This disease can be caused by the mostvarious hormonal disorders. The first "offender" is often the pituitary gland - the main endocrine gland in our body, which controls the work of all other organs that produce hormones. What is dangerous about such a pathology? First of all, because it usually appears unnoticed, and proceeds just as unnoticed. Often, polycystic disease begins to develop in very young girls, immediately after the onset of menstruation and manifests itself "only" by an increase in the menstrual cycle. There may be no menstruation for two or three months, or even longer. But not always a girl will pay attention to such a trifle. At this time, she is more concerned with her studies, communication with friends, first love ... Usually, a young woman remembers her health only when it becomes clear that she is unable to get pregnant.

    Is polycystosis possible?

    To this question, doctors clearly answer: yes.Polycystic ovary syndrome is often successfully treated with hormonal drugs. If hormonal therapy does not bring the desired results, ovarian cysts are removed surgically. There is one problem: such an operation gives results only for a few months, sometimes for a year. If you are lucky, this time may be enough to get pregnant and successfully carry the baby. During pregnancy, a woman should be very careful and keep in mind that polycystic syndrome is fraught with such troubles as the threat of miscarriage, frozen pregnancy or premature birth. However, many women with such a diagnosis have successfully carried and given birth to a healthy baby. We recommend reading:

