Pregnancy 6 weeks signs:The embryo's neural tube at the beginning of the sixth week of pregnancy is usually already completely covered with tissue and the brain is forming at its end. Visual vesicles in the form of two tiny cup-shaped forms become visible - these are the baby's future eyes forming and the heart, which at this stage is a microscopic tube, begins to beat.
Ultrasound at 6 weeks of pregnancy Pregnancy 6ultrasound week: A good ultrasound scanner at this stage of pregnancy can already detect the contraction of the heart beating in the tiny body. At the same time, individual parts of the larynx and inner ear begin to form, the rudiments of arms and legs appear. In addition, the limbs and rudiments of the brain begin to develop at a rapid pace. The head gradually begins to take on familiar outlines, at this stage the fetus's internal organs (lungs, liver, etc.) are formed, eyes and ears appear. It is during this period of pregnancy that the placenta begins to develop intensively. If you are 6 weeks pregnant, then at this stage the length of the embryo from the crown to the sacrum is from 2 to 4 mm. The volume of amniotic fluid is about 2-3 ml.
Pregnancy 6 weeks symptoms:At this stage of pregnancy, many women feel worse (drowsiness, headaches, early toxicosis, etc.). There may also be intolerance to certain smells, periodic "tingling" in the mammary glands, increased salivation. All these symptoms are a consequence of hormonal changes in the body, the purpose of which is to provide the best conditions for the intrauterine development of your baby. Some tips on how to cope with worsening health on your own:
- Pay special attention to food: Eat often, but in small portions. Arrange yourself breakfast in bed immediately after awakening, even before the rise. Dinner is also better to eat before going to bed, lying in bed. Try to experiment with a variety of products, because it is possible that some of them will reduce nausea.
- As much as possible rest, try not to overwork during the day.
- If vomiting is disturbed, fruits, vegetables and juices will help to restore the loss of fluid in the body. In a word, drink more liquid.
- Avoid contact with unpleasant and irritating smells (toilet water, deodorants and other perfumes).
- Many people help to reduce the attack of nausea in the morning chewing gum or a good toothpaste.
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