By the time pregnancy reaches 5week - its presence is beyond doubt, the child no longer looks like a flat disk, now the baby looks like a cylinder 1.5-2.5 mm in diameter. And in cell division, you can trace the logic. And by the time the diagnosis of pregnancy is made, the 5th week of ultrasound can show where the child's legs, back, arms and head will be located. The spinal cord and the neural tube running along it are already visible - this is the future spine of the child, at the top the neural tube is expanded - this is the future brain. It is for the correct formation of the central nervous system that folic acid is so important, which the expectant mother should take regularly.
Intrauterine development of the baby at 5 weeksPregnancy 5 weeks symptoms: The most important thing that happens at this stage of pregnancy is the laying of the central nervous system and heart, along with the formation of the heart, the laying of the upper respiratory tract occurs. At the same time, coronary vessels and the rudiments of the pancreas and liver begin to form. The embryo has a C-shape, and along the neural tube, tissue segments are formed from which muscle tissue will further develop. Already at this period, the embryo is protected by two membranes that look like a bubble, this is the yolk sac - it is where the formation of blood cells for the embryo occurs. The yolk sac together with the embryo occupies about 1 cm in diameter, the share of the embryo in it is only 1.5 mm.
Ultrasound at 5 weeks of pregnancy Pregnancy 5week the signs are already obvious: This is toxicosis of pregnancy - the expectant mother feels sick in the morning, some women experience vomiting and cravings for salty foods. Sometimes women note that they have begun to urinate more often or their legs swell slightly in the evenings. But not all women suffer from toxicosis, some pregnant women are lucky - they do not experience even mild morning sickness and the usual irritability. Those who are unlucky need to wait until the end of the 12th week of pregnancy - around this time the symptoms of early toxicosis end. If toxicosis poses a real danger to the life of the mother, you need to see a doctor. In general, the first trimester from 1 to 13 weeks of pregnancy is the most important period in the development of the child, the expectant mother needs to be more attentive, since at this time the likelihood of miscarriages is highest. We advise you to read: