At this stage, the baby's fingers and toescover the grooves - skin pattern. Pregnancy - 33 weeks ultrasound can show how he pushes and tumbles, he still has enough space to move. However, it gradually narrows and by the end of this week the tumbles will stop. Now the baby sleeps a lot, and when he wakes up, he listens to both the sounds around him and his own feelings. Cognitive activity continues. Now millions of neurons in his brain are developing trillions of new connections. By the end of the 33rd week, the baby weighs about 2000 g. The length is about 30 centimeters. Pregnancy 33 weeks: symptoms. From the moment of conception to this period, 7.5 months or 32 weeks have passed. During this period, the uterus has significantly increased in size. The need to urinate arises more and more often. Now physiological anemia gradually loses its severity, as the number of blood cells returns to normal and begins to correspond to the volume of plasma. Pregnancy 33 weeks: signs. At this stage, a woman's hands, wrists and fingers may ache and become numb. Every day, a pregnant woman becomes more and more irresistible. Graceful flopping on sofas and armchairs, a duck-like waddling gait. At this stage, many women increasingly often have amazingly vivid dreams at night.