Pregnancy Week 10 Pregnancy Week 10: signs. This stage of pregnancy is considered the final stage of the embryo. By 10 weeks of pregnancy, all the parameters of the body have already been laid, now in the next 6.5 months the "construction" of your baby is to be completed. Now that the tail is gone, it becomes more and more like itself: the fingers are already detached, the dentition and taste buds of the tongue appear, the heart is already fully formed, the brain continues to develop at cosmic speed. Although the outer genitals at week 10 are still vague, the testicles of boys are already starting to produce testosterone (a male hormone). Pregnancy 10 week uziUzi on 10th week of pregnancy Pregnancy 10week: uzi. At this time of pregnancy the baby enters the fetal period of its development. Now the embryo can already be officially called the fruit. If up to ten weeks with the embryo everything was in order, it is almost no threat of any congenital anomalies. At this stage of his development, he already has a huge number of achievements! By this time he is already able, although involuntarily, to move independently, he already has pens, legs, elbows, upper lip, ears and fingers (both on arms and legs), knees began to form. Also during this period there is a development of milk teeth and begins to form a diaphragm. The fetus feels comfortable inside a fetal bladder filled with amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). Pregnancy 10th week signsIntrauterine development of the baby at week 10 Ifyou have a pregnancy of 10 weeks, then your baby has grown to the size of a large plum. Usually at this term of pregnancy the length of the fetus is from 31 to 42 mm, and the weight - about 5 grams. Pregnancy Week 10: Symptoms. At this period of pregnancy, many women experience mood swings and increased excitability. This is due to the high content of hormones in the body of pregnant women. Also in the body the following changes can occur: weight gain, a slight increase in the thyroid gland, loose condition of the gums, small nodules may appear in the area of ​​the areola of the mammary glands. Pregnancy 10 Weeks SymptomsTummy at 10 week Can stillnausea and increased fatigue. Very soon the situation will change for the better, you only need to wait for 1-2 weeks, because in most women by the twelfth week of pregnancy the early toxicosis ends. We advise you to read:

