Pregnancy Week 18 Pregnancy at week 18 is due primarily to strengthening the bone system, so you should eat foods that contain calcium more often. Pregnancy Week 18 SignsIntrauterine growth of the baby at week 18Every day, the facial features of the child are seen better, and the phalanx of the fingers is already well formed, which means that your baby already has his own unique pattern on the fingertips. And although the child is still inside you, he already perceives the world well, which he lets know when he pushes into the stomach. He has already formed a hearing, as the auditory ossicles have already grown, and the area of ​​the brain responsible for receiving sounds has long been formed, you can rest assured that he hears you already. The kid is not afraid of the knocking of your heart and the noise of blood in the vessels, but loud or sharp sounds can scare him. If you have not started talking with the child since the beginning of pregnancy, now conversations with him are mandatory, this will help to establish contact with him, and after birth the child immediately recognizes your voice. The hearing is already well developed, but the retina of the eyes only begins to acquire sensitivity and form. Pregnancy Week 18 UziUzi on the 18th week of pregnancy Pregnancy 18week - ultrasound shows that the motor activity of the baby has increased, it is active, often changes its position, crosses the legs, and turns in the amniotic fluid. Its weight at the moment is about 150 grams, and in length it is about 12.5-14 cm. Pregnancy Week 18 SymptomsTummy at 18 weeks pregnant Pregnancy 18week symptoms: For some women, lying down is no longer acceptable, as it causes discomfort. In the future, the convenient position will be more and more difficult to find because the growing uterus occupies an increasing volume in the abdominal cavity. With the help of pillows you can find a comfortable position for sleep and rest. Pregnancy Week 18 signs of which are reflected in the urinary system of the expectant mother will provide less discomfort during sleep if you empty your bladder before rest, then perform several inclinations and rotational movements of the pelvis. We advise you to read:

