At this stage of pregnancy the baby is already welldistinguishes sounds, hears everything that is happening around: recognizes the beating of your heart and is well acquainted with the sound of peristalsis and the noise of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. However, against the background of all these sounds, the child already recognizes the mother's voice well. The child's nervous system continues to develop. Now he is rapidly gaining weight. Pregnancy 32 weeks - ultrasound: By this time, the fetus's head becomes proportional to the body, most of the wrinkles have already disappeared from the baby's face. A decent amount of hair has appeared on the head. Convolutions cut through the surface of the brain. This week, his pupils already constrict when light hits his face. Now your baby weighs about 1800 g, his length from the crown to the sacrum is about 29 centimeters.
Pregnancy 32 weeks: symptoms.The belly, which has grown by this time, causes a lot of trouble. By this time, the baby has already turned head down and is resting its legs under the mother’s ribs. Often, an unsuccessful push with the legs causes chest pain. Therefore, try to sit as straight as possible and watch your posture. Now the internal organs are slightly displaced, but this, as a rule, should not cause any concern. At this stage, fluid retention in the body is possible. As a result, the fingers and ankles swell, the veins swell. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear rings and too tight clothing. Also, at this stage, Braxton Hicks contractions may become more frequent. Continue taking nutritional supplements rich in minerals and vitamins. Pregnancy 32 weeks: signs. Although your baby continues to grow rapidly, the weight gain by 32 weeks of pregnancy should not exceed 11 kg. At this time, a woman may experience pain in the lower back, spreading to the buttocks and lower limbs. Do not be alarmed. This pain is caused by the pressure of the enlarging uterus on the sciatic nerve, which is typical for this stage of pregnancy, as well as frequent urination. The number of stretch marks increases.