If you follow all the recommendations, the probabilityabove, that the desired pregnancy will occur 3 weeks of the menstrual cycle is the optimal time for conception. The woman's body is completely ready for pregnancy. After sexual intercourse, millions of sperm rush to the fallopian tube, the acid-base environment of the vagina helps to increase the speed of movement, but does not destroy the sperm.If you undergo diagnostics, then pregnancy 3week Ultrasound will confirm changes in the body of the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Thanks to these changes, spermatozoa are able to move freely to the egg. About a hundred spermatozoa reach the target and secrete a special enzyme that melts the shell of the egg. After that, the only spermatozoa penetrates inside and it is at this moment that we can say that pregnancy has occurred 3 weeks the signs of which are not yet noticeable even to the expectant mother. At the moment of connection of the spermatozoa and the egg, an important chemical process begins, due to which the remaining spermatozoa cannot penetrate the egg.Pregnancy 3 weeks symptoms:The sperm is absorbed inside the egg, and the carrier of the father's genetic information - the nucleus, connects with the egg's chromosome. Now the future child has a second component of the genome. Three days later, the embryo consists of 32 cells, and its shape is similar to a mulberry. And by the end of the third week, it will look like a hollow ball 0.1-0.2 mm in diameter, and the number of cells will increase to 250. A few days after fertilization, a blastocyst is attached to the upper part of the uterine cavity from the side of the ovary, which released the fertilized egg. This is a hollow bubble filled with liquid. This symptom indicates successful fertilization, and on the tenth day the bubble is firmly attached to the uterine mucosa. The villi are immersed deeper in the endometrium, the number of cells increases, and the embryonic bubble begins to secrete enzymes that completely rebuild the body of the expectant mother. First of all, her menstruation stops. Then the uterine mucosa increases in thickness and envelops the fertilized egg - that is, the placenta is formed - an organ that nourishes and protects the fetus throughout the pregnancy. We recommend reading: