When the term of 23 weeks is reached, the baby's skinreddish and looks slightly saggy due to the fact that the forming fat layer does not keep up with the formation of the skin, although fat accumulation occurs much faster. The color of the skin is due to an increase in the number of pigment cells - it becomes less transparent. The baby's activity is already noticeable not only during the examination of pregnancy 23 weeks ultrasound, many mothers notice light and soft kicks, especially those who have given birth before.
Intrauterine development of the baby at 23 weekspregnancy During an endoscopic examination, it is seen that the child, grasping the umbilical cord, pushes off from the amniotic sac or plays. His body is able to absorb part of the liquid that he swallows, and the rest is excreted into the amniotic fluid along with urine. Pregnancy 23 weeks signs of hiccups in the baby are often felt by the mother: the fetus seems to jump inside you. The intestines continue to accumulate original feces - meconium, vellus hairs darken, and the nails are almost formed. Its length from the crown to the sacrum is already about 20 cm, and the weight is about 450 grams.
Mom's belly at 23 weeks pregnantPregnancy 23 weeks symptoms. Some pregnant women may experience false contractions according to Braxton Hicks. These are sudden slightly painful spasms of the uterus, which indicate that the uterus has begun to prepare for the upcoming birth. If you put your hand on your stomach, you can feel these muscle contractions. In most cases, these contractions do not pose a threat to pregnancy, since they have nothing to do with real labor.