positive thinkingHow much do you know about what is positive?thinking? Almost everyone has heard something about it, but has never seen it or known it personally. It's a pity, because positive thinking has enormous potential, and if someone doesn't use it, they deprive themselves of a lot of life's blessings. Do you want to be happy and achieve your goals? Then the power of positive thinking is at your service!

What does positive thinking consist of?

What do you think the world around you is like?Bad or good? In fact, both thoughts will be correct, as in the example with a glass half full: you can say that it is half empty, or you can say that it is half full. The world is different, and which side it turns to you depends solely on you. This is the power of positive thinking. But what is its essence? If you dig deeper, positive thinking is a special attitude to yourself, to life, to events that have happened and to those that are yet to happen. Using various methods and psychological techniques, you can tune in to the right wave and improve the quality of your life. And it will begin to change for the better as if by itself! What things does positive thinking include? First of all, it manifests itself in the expectation of pleasant and good things from life: health, joy, happiness and the successful completion of all situations that happen to you. You simply respect yourself and believe in your own strengths and capabilities. However, simple faith is sometimes not enough - activity is needed. And it manifests itself in the search for opportunities, solutions and inspiration. All this can be called creative thinking. By choosing positive thinking, you choose happiness for yourself and your loved ones. Such a person, as a rule, knows what he wants and how he can achieve it. He understands that everyone encounters failures and obstacles on their way, and perceives them as a gift of fate that helps to grow and become stronger. A positive way of thinking can help you achieve success in all your endeavors faster and easier. It fills you with energy and brings happiness - unlike negative thinking. Positive thinking gives you enormous internal resources and power over yourself and your life. You inspire and motivate yourself and your loved ones to conquer new horizons. People begin to respect you, and difficulties go away. Simply put, life begins to smile at you.the power of positive thinking

Principles of positive thinking

You probably already realized that a positive imagethinking - this is the key to happiness and longevity. But what is its essence? In principles - magical formulations that magically (apparently, by the power of thought!) change your life for the better and bring you happiness. What principles of positive thinking are capable of this?

  • The most important thing in the universe is love.It is this in all its manifestations that creates our world: love for oneself and for others, love for one's work and for peace. Take a closer look and you will see that it is really everywhere. For example, why do people go to work as doctors with a small salary? Because they really want to help others and for them to be healthy. Almost every person, choosing between doing good or bad for another, will choose the former, and this is love. Positive thinking is based on this.
  • The universe is infinitely abundant, and resourcesenough for all. Affirm yourself in this thought, because it is it that is given to us with great difficulty. And this is not accidental, because since childhood, we are haunted by thoughts and ideas about the limited resources, for example, a small number of budget places in the institute or one gingerbread that needs to be shared with other children.
  • Each of us is a wizard capable ofcreate yourself and your life. The power of this thought is truly immeasurable! You, of course, can ask: "What about those people who live in poverty and suffering?". Again, positive thinking works, but with a minus sign: the universe fulfills their desires and ideas in the same way, for example, "I am unworthy of all this" or "I should never be happy."
  • We need to love ourselves in this world. So our mind works, that if in our head there are thoughts about our worthlessness, then this idea is transferred to everything around. The world immediately begins to appear in front of us in black, and it never seems like positive thinking.
  • The attitude of the universe towards man is directly related toa person's attitude towards it. You've probably noticed that if you like someone, he responds in kind? The same thing happens with the world. It feels and senses your attitude. If you are friendly, he helps you, if you scold him and get angry - he turns away from you. And the latter is so unpleasant! A positive way of thinking is like an investment: you invest your good attitude in the world and receive your benefits from it.
  • The universe is fair. It sounds shocking, does not it? In the world there is always a huge amount of things that seem terrible, disgusting and unfair to us. But, at the same time, do not forget that we do not know the highest plan, and everything that happens in the world, for some reason, someone needs. Each of us has unlimited possibilities to realize all our expectations. And if he prefers to create only problems for himself, then this is his right, but do not blame the world for this. The situation in which you are, you are worthy, and it is your thoughts and actions that created it.
  • The universe is admirable. It happens that all the good things that happen to us in life, we take for granted, and we take offense at the bad and get angry, saying to ourselves: "Yes, this world is disgusting!". But this is fundamentally the wrong position! We need to rejoice in the world here and now, and not when he will give you what you want: an apartment, a car or a loving husband. This is a positive thinking, not trading in the market!
  • Focus on the positive aspects of life.Of course, it is much easier to fall into despondency and notice all the bad things that surround us. But this does nothing except relieve the shock of facing it. It is much better to focus on the good and develop it in yourself and around you. Do not savor the negative, but think about how good you will feel when you get rid of it. Simply put, always see the glass as half full, not empty - this is a positive way of thinking.
  • positive thinking power of thought

    Development of positive thinking in oneself

    This is all very well, but how to implement it in lifethe wonderful thoughts listed above? Of course, using simple positive thinking techniques. You can apply them every day in your everyday life and admire the results achieved. First of all, positive thinking is about allowing only good and useful feelings into your life: joy, strength, success. Ignore negative thoughts, replacing them with ideas about happiness. In this regard, it can be very useful to reduce the time spent watching the news and serious documents, as well as communicating with sad and negative people. Watch how you build your speech. When talking to yourself, try to use only words that carry a positive charge: “you can”, “I will succeed”, “I can”, etc. ... To illustrate your speech, choose positive and joyful images that you associate with happiness and achievements. Include in the conversation such definitions that have a positive semantic load: “beautiful”, “smart”, “joyful”, “funny”, “bright”. Do not be lazy to use the visualization technique. Before you do anything, clearly and in detail imagine the final positive result. But it is very important not to do this “for show”, but to really believe in what you see and get energy from it. Identify yourself with successful and pleasant people, and you will not notice how their luck will pass on to you. Remember about sources of inspiration. Positive thinking must be fed with energy from somewhere. Watch kind and good films. Read at least one inspiring book a week. Play sports and walk in the fresh air. Travel and play sports. In a word, let yourself and your spiritual impulses go and allow yourself to be filled with joy and good nature. And, of course, try to find as many reasons as possible to smile.

    How do we limit ourselves?

    There are a lot of tricks and ways that wewe limit positive thinking and do not allow it to develop in all its glory. They seem small and insignificant compared to everything we do, but, as we know, big things come from little things. Let's try to analyze the typical mistakes of a modern person that do not allow him to use positive thinking to its full potential:

    • Tendency to generalize.A habit that was initially useful to a person and contributed to the development of his thinking, in some people takes on an exaggerated form, as a result of which they begin to rake everyone under the same brush. A typical example of this tendency is the statement: “All men are bastards.” Therefore, using words like “all,” “always,” “nobody,” “never,” and the like is rarely appropriate and useful for you.
    • Wrong words.Sometimes we think about things in completely negative terms. For example, a mother cannot punish a child who has committed a misdemeanor. However, if you replace the word “punish” with “teach that it is not allowed to do so,” the message changes completely. The same goes for loving the word “problem” - try to use it as rarely as possible, replacing it with more positive synonyms.
    • Negatives disguised as positivestatements. A common phrase that illustrates this feature well is: “You look great today.” Women usually take offense at it - and rightly so! That is, yesterday I looked bad, but today I look good? Or another example: “We need you healthy. Get well soon!” That is, you don’t need me sick? Somehow that’s very unpleasant.

    All these things greatly hinder the development of positivethinking. However, you can get rid of the harmful effects by transforming negative thoughts into positive ones. To do this, you will have to question the usual ideas, for example, the one that says that the world is unfair. Agree, it is much easier to get rid of what you doubt than what seems unshakable to you. And do not forget to fill the resulting void with ideas that embody positive thinking. Living in harmony with yourself and the world is not so difficult. Positive thinking can be used by everyone, and if you do not succeed, there may be two reasons: either you do not have enough tools, or you are too used to using ineffective models. However, you no longer have barriers, since our article has everything you need. Use positive thinking and be happy! We recommend reading:

