changeover pie with applesNothing lifts the mood like a cup ofhot coffee or aromatic tea with a piece of the most delicate delicacy. We suggest you arrange a real holiday for your stomach - we will learn how to cook an apple upside-down pie. This rather unusual dessert turns out incredibly juicy, soft and piquant. Today, there are many varieties of the dish: some add only one type of fruit to it, while others, inclined to variety, on the contrary, happily experiment with the ingredients. For example, they combine walnuts, pears, almonds and apples. All options have a right to exist, because the desserts are different and unlike each other. Each individual product brings its own special flavor "note" to the pie. To decide which of them is the most successful, we suggest you first study several recipes. Perhaps one of them will be to your liking and will become a permanent "guest" in your home. The product will be appreciated not only by children, but also by adults.

Apple dessert-pancake: a simple recipe

Let's start with the simplest:The first recipe for the dish that we offer our readers to study is very easy and understandable for a cook of any level. Neither a beginner, nor even more so a professional, should have any problems with baking. Just follow the instructions below exactly, and the apple pie will definitely turn out great. If the dish takes root in your family, you can safely experiment with its ingredients: for example, next time try adding some fresh pears or nuts to the filling. You will see that each dish will have its own taste advantages. However, you will be able to appreciate them only by preparing the dessert yourself. Ingredients: For the crust:

  • bread crumbs - optional
  • 1/2 two-hundred-pound packet of butter
  • 210 grams of sifted flour
  • 0.5 small spoon (without a slide) baking powder for dough
  • sugar - from 85 to 125 grams (it all depends on your taste preferences)
  • three eggs

For the filling:

  • 115 grams of white sugar
  • ten medium sweet apples
  • a pinch of common salt

For donation:

  • confectionery cream
  • frozen fresh berries

Method of preparation:This apple dessert differs from its flour "brothers" mainly in appearance and assembly procedure. After all, how pies are usually prepared: pour part of the dough into a special form, lay out the fruit ingredients on top in an even layer, then cover the dish with the remaining mass and bake in a preheated oven. Here, everything is the other way around. The recipe begins with preparing the filling, and it is the first thing that goes into the dish. Only then do they add the dough. The finished product should cool well, after which it is removed from the form and served. Externally, the pie is a semi-dome covered with caramelized fruit. So, let's take a closer look at how to make it correctly. The filling first: peel the washed apples, remove the core and seeds from each, then chop into small cubes. Pour granulated sugar into a well-heated saucepan, turn the heat to low and wait until the ingredient begins to melt and change color. It should acquire a slightly brownish tint; When the ingredient turns into caramel, add the fruit and fry for five to eight minutes, stirring occasionally. If desired, you can add salt to the mixture, this will give the filling a unique flavor. Once you have done this, start making the dough. To speed up the process, we recommend taking the butter out of the refrigerator in advance. If you are using a frozen product, remember the quick softening method, it will only take ten seconds. Place the butter in a tight bag and beat it with a rolling pin, then combine it with sugar, and add the sifted flour here. The latter should be mixed with baking powder in advance. Some people add it directly to the finished dough, but this is wrong. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients with a fork. Now, in a separate bowl, beat the eggs with table salt with a whisk, pour them into the mixture. Mix vigorously until you get rid of all the lumps. We have smoothly come to the final stage of preparing the dish - its assembly. This is how it works: thoroughly coat the inside of the pan with oil. To make the product with a nice crispy crust, sprinkle the pan with breadcrumbs. Then put the apples in, pour the sweet glaze and dough over them, and then carefully smooth the top of the product with a special spatula. When the oven heats up to 180 degrees, put the dish in it and bake for fifteen minutes. Then prick it with a match, if it remains dry, carefully remove the pie, cover it with a clean towel and leave it to cool. Before serving, cut the apple dessert into portions, distribute them on plates, decorate with cream and berries. Enjoy!apple pie changer

Apple dessert "Perevertysh" with glaze and nuts

If you see this dessert, you will immediately understand,why it has such an unusual name "Upside-down". It's all about assembling the product: if when making a regular pie, the dough is put into the dish first, and then the filling, then in this case it's the other way around. The walls and bottom of the pan are covered with apples cut into thin slices, and then the viscous elastic mass is poured on top. The dish is perfect for family tea; if you want to diversify the meal and cheer up your loved ones, we suggest serving the dish in a special way. For example, add a scoop of ice cream sprinkled with ground nuts to each serving. You can pour melted chocolate or icing over the pie. There are a lot of options, you just have to choose the right one. Ingredients: Dough:

  • 200 grams of special flour for confectionery products (from the usual it is distinguished by the fact that the protein content in this product is much smaller, making pies more magnificent and softer)
  • the same amount (200 grams) of wheat flour of the highest grade
  • fifteen grams of baking powder
  • salt - optional
  • softened butter - 115 grams
  • two selected eggs
  • four pinch of baking soda
  • 180-200 milliliters of kefir
  • eight to twelve grams of vanillin
  • a tablespoon of rum (if necessary, you can replace it with liqueur or good cognac)

Filling and caramel:

  • 450-550 grams of sweet and sour apples
  • a small piece (about 45 grams) of butter
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 250-300 grams of sugar


  • 130 grams of homemade cream
  • two to three tablespoons of powdered sugar
  • two large handfuls of ground walnuts

Method of preparation: Как видите, этот рецепт отличается от предыдущего в первую очередь количеством необходимых ингредиентов. Вследствие чего блюдо получается немного дороже, да и сама процедура готовки значительно растягивается и занимает довольно продолжительное время. Зато потраченные усилия того стоят: если решитесь на выпечку, на выходе получите невероятно аппетитный и пышный фруктовый пирог. Ну что, давайте углубимся в кулинарное творчество? Сначала выберите самое крупное яблоко, срежьте с него верхушку вместе с хвостиком и на некоторое время уберите в сторону. С оставшихся фруктов снимите шкурку, избавьтесь от лишних косточек и сердцевины, затем порубите некрупными кубиками. Теперь займемся карамелью: приготовить ее очень легко, смотрите сами. В небольшую кастрюлю вылейте холодную воду и поставьте на тихий огонь. Когда она немного подогреется, введите сахар и варите, помешивая. Как только песок растворится, а сама жидкость начнет закипать, увеличьте пламя конфорки. Смесь должна приобрести яркий янтарный оттенок. Добавьте в нее размягченное масло, заранее порезанное на мелкие кусочки. Когда на поверхности карамели появятся пузырьки, подождите еще одну-две минуты и убирайте ее с огня. Полученный сироп слегка остудите, затем перелейте в подготовленную форму для выпечки. Внимание, она ни в коем случае не должна быть разъемной, иначе жидкость выльется наружу! Теперь в центр этой же посуды положите ранее срезанную верхушку от яблока, а рядом равномерно распределите оставшиеся фрукты. Кстати, существует несколько вариантов: например, можете добавлять свежие яблоки или подержать их в кипящей воде десять-двенадцать минут. Хотя во втором случае начинка может получиться слишком мягкой. Самое время приступить к замешиванию теста — именно этим мы и предлагаем заняться дальше. Возьмите миску пошире и поглубже, затем просейте в нее оба вида муки. Сюда же добавьте указанное в рецептуре количество разрыхлителя, три-четыре грамма соли, а также негашеную соду и ванилин. В отдельной посуде хорошо разотрите мягкий сливочный продукт вместе с сахаром, работайте вилкой, венчиком или миксером, пока ингредиенты не приобретут однородность. В полученную массу начинайте постепенно вводить сначала кефир, потом сухую мучную смесь, активно перемешивайте продукты после каждого добавления. В самом конце введите немного рома и замесите в меру жидкое тесто. Учтите, в нем не должно остаться ни одного комочка. Перелейте смесь в посуду с карамелью и яблоками. Основная процедура подошла к концу, теперь осталось лишь испечь изделие. Для этого разогрейте духовой шкаф — выставляйте температуру не выше 190 градусов — и отправьте в него пирог. У вас есть 60 минут свободного времени, так что проведите его, как говорится, с умом и в свое удовольствие. Чтобы блюдо выглядело еще аппетитнее, предлагаем подать его с нежным соусом. Выложите в чашу для блендера сливки и сахарную пудру, потом включите прибор и несколько раз взбейте. В итоге у вас должна образоваться воздушная однородная масса. Если используете грецкие орехи или арахис, сначала очистите их, а потом обжарьте в разогретом сотейнике. Когда продукты немного потемнеют, выключите плиту, остудите их, размельчите скалкой или молотком. Прежде чем доставать пирог, обязательно проверьте его на готовность, аккуратно проткнув спичкой. Попробуйте дерево: если оно сухое, вынимайте десерт и накрывайте на стол. Чтобы извлечь кушанье из формы, прежде дайте ему остыть, потом аккуратно проведите ножом по периметру посуды, отделяя тесто от стенок. Затем накройте плоской тарелкой и быстро переверните. Вашему взору предстанет красивый пирог, полностью покрытый яблоками. Вся глазурь, которая выльется из посуды, очень скоро впитается в изделие, отчего оно будет еще нежнее и сочнее. Если необходимо, аккуратно подравняйте края блюда, срезая ножом все лишнее. Непосредственно перед подачей разделите его на кусочки и каждую порцию украсьте сливочным соусом, посыпьте орехами. Кстати, крем можно заменить шоколадной глазурью — будет вкусно; но об этом в другой раз. Желаем отличного кулинарного настроения и успешной выпечки! delicious pie changer with apples

Honey-apple pie with pears

We invite you to try another very tasty, andThe most important thing is that this dessert is incredibly easy to prepare. If you are planning a picnic with your family, be sure to take a few pieces of this delicacy and some fruit compote with you. This meal will not only lift your spirits, but will also cool you down on a hot day. And in winter, the dish goes perfectly with a cup of hot milk with honey, tea and melted chocolate. You must admit that this dessert is a great reason to gather friends at your home. Ingredients:

  • two juicy large apples
  • 1/2 cup olive oil (take a refined product, it does not get bitter, which means it will not spoil the taste of the pie)
  • fifteen grams of honey
  • baking powder - 1/3 of a large spoon
  • pears - two pieces
  • 130 grams of brown sugar - for dough (plus, two tablespoons will need to be added to caramel)
  • slightly less than two glasses of flour
  • 1/2 small spoonfuls of ground cinnamon
  • fifteen milliliters of fruit juice or plain water

Method of preparation:Take one pear and one apple, peel them with a knife, remove the core and seeds, then grate on the largest grater. Add ground cinnamon to the resulting puree, which will give the future pie an unrivaled aroma, as well as brown sugar. Mix well with a spoon. By the way, if necessary, you can use regular white sand. Now pour vegetable oil over the fruit, but be sure to add a product without a smell, otherwise you will ruin the dish. Sift flour into a deep bowl, add the specified amount of baking powder, then pour the resulting mixture into the pear-apple mass. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, it should be thick. Turn on the oven and wait until it warms up well. The appropriate temperature for baking is 200 degrees. In order not to waste precious minutes, let's spend them usefully - make a sweet syrup. To do this, heat a saucepan, put about two large spoons of sugar in it, the same amount of pre-melted honey and pour water over everything. The latter can be replaced with fruit juice, for example, orange, grapefruit or pear - it will be even tastier. Cook the mixture on minimum heat, stirring it occasionally. Keep in mind that you should not keep it on the stove for more than four minutes. As soon as the sugar melts, remove the dishes. To prepare the pie, it is recommended to use a round mold. Pour slightly cooled caramel into it, put apples and pears here so that they fit tightly, layering on top of each other. Fruit should be peeled and seeded in advance and cut into thin slices. Pour the finished dough into the dish, smooth the top with a spatula and put the product in the oven. The dessert is baked on average from half an hour to 40 minutes. After that, cool it, then cover with a plate and carefully remove from the mold. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making an apple pie. The main thing is to set yourself up for success and strictly follow the cooking instructions. If you want variety, “play” with the filling. The first time, make the dish using only one type of fruit, and the next time, add pears. Don’t forget about the decoration: serve the dessert with ice cream, pour cream over it, sprinkle with nuts or berries. Such little things make the product more beautiful and appetizing. We wish you easy and successful baking!

