body peeling Scrubs are used by all womenThe beautiful sex, wishing to look young and fresh. The solid fine particles contained in these cosmetic products excellently purify the coarsened skin. They remove not only keratinized cells, but also sweat, fat, all kinds of pollution. And a woman after a couple of hours gets a healthy, tender and beautiful skin. Scrub for peeling at home can always be bought at a shopping mall, it would be time to go shopping. They are usually accompanied by instructions, recommendations and other similar information. Plus, sales consultants will always help you make your choice. But it is better to do it at home. In this case, you will know exactly what it consists of. There are no harmful substances in it, which are usually added to cosmetic products. No dyes, flavors, fragrances, etc.

We prepare the scrub: we select the ingredients

Let's find out what products are in thehouse at each mistress, it is possible to use for self-preparation of scrubs. After all, the main thing is that they are useful and safe for the body and face. Agree that it does not make sense to add everything to the miracle mask. At best, there will be no effect, and at worst, irritation will appear. Plus, do not forget to test the resulting mixture on a small area of ​​the skin in order to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction.

  • Sugar

The usual sugar, which we add to tea and coffee,in fact has a high abrasive property. But remember that you should use this ingredient very carefully. First, its particles are very sharp and large, so it can scratch your skin. Plus, they are quickly erased and rounded, which is why efficiency is reduced. Thus, if you decide to use sugar to cleanse the skin, it is worth adding additional ingredients to it. It all depends on your type. It can be aromatic or vegetable oils, moisturizing creams, etc. In this case, we will get a great scrub that relieves dryness. And if you pour a couple of drops of lemon juice into the prepared mixture, then it can be used also for bleaching problem areas of the skin. So, for example, you can quickly and easily cope with age spots. If you have a fat type of skin, it is best to prepare a regular scrub, which includes sugar, oatmeal and milk. To enhance the positive effect, add a spoonful of natural cocoa powder to the mixture. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash the skin with a copious amount of warm water, dry it with a towel and apply a moisturizer to the treated area.

  • Starch and coffee

Such a tool will perfectly suitwomen who do not want to bother with searching and preparing suitable scrubs for a long time. Thanks to him, you can independently peel the body at home, and at any time of the year. It is suitable for both fatty and dry skin types. First of all, you will need to make a cleansing mixture of potato starch. Pour a small amount into gauze (2-3 tsp per liter of water), roll, wet and press properly. The resulting mass mixed with freshly ground coffee beans. It is recommended to use on pigmented skin, which needs clarification.

  • Coffee grounds

Another simple and quite interesting wayCooking scrub at home: take any shower remedy, olive oil or honey, mix it with the brewed coffee grounds. The resulting composition will help clear the skin and give it a bronze tint.

  • Sea salt

Food and sea salt is also indispensablecomponent of many scrubs. To her add and vegetable oils, and honey, and cream, and shower products (gels, balms, liquid soap). In fact, you can even just rub it. However, this should be done only if your skin is sufficiently prepared or low in sensitivity.

  • Cereals

To provide the effect of exfoliation, you needMake a scrub based on buckwheat or rice. Grind the grits in a coffee grinder to the state of powder. Use daily dust. But if you have dry skin, you can make a scrub of bran or oat. Do not forget that the facial scrub should resemble powder rather than the composition for the body can be with larger granules. In the first case, it is recommended to use a coffee grinder to grind salt, rice, buckwheat and other ingredients into a powder. You can also sift through the sieve to remove extra large particles. body peeling

Features of home peeling

As you already understood, peeling is necessary for women,To clear the skin of dust and dirt, which clogs the pores. At the same time, it is necessary to approach the conduct of such cosmetic procedures responsibly, especially if you are doing everything at home. So, for example, representatives of the fair sex with oily skin should resort to cleaning 2-3 times a week. At the same time, ladies, whose face and body are constantly peeling, will have to do the peeling only once in seven days. The next thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the facility. As mentioned above, the most popular are coffee scrubs, as well as mixtures made from sea salt or sugar. Also you can choose additional ingredients that will help to cope with some problems. Oils, for example, soften the skin, relieve dryness, lemon, cucumber, oatmeal eliminate pigmented spots. Do not forget about the indications, contraindications and precautions. There are a number of factors when you can not resort to body peeling. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a specialist (cosmetologist) and consult a dermatologist.

  • Contraindications: who should not do the peeling

At home, it is not recommended to doPeeling face and body to women with problem skin. Therefore, if you have cuts, fresh scars, scratches, wounds, lesions, sores, wait a few weeks. Otherwise, hard particles of scrub will damage the unhealed or inflamed part, which will lead to irritation or suppuration. It is not recommended to perform such manipulations, if you have health problems, an allergic reaction has occurred, you are in a position or have recently given birth. Any mechanical effect on the delicate skin of a woman is completely contraindicated, if she has problems with the cardiovascular system, varicose veins are observed. Naturally, after removing hair on the body, sunburn, chemical peeling, laser treatment and in other similar cases, it is also not necessary to injure your skin. It is better to transfer the procedures not several days in advance, in order to avoid complication or deterioration of the condition.

  • Indications for peeling

To resort to cleaning the skin at homeit is necessary for those women who suffer from ingrown hair, roughness, pigmentation. Make peeling should necessarily city residents to get rid of dirt, which for a working day has time to settle on open areas of the body. Bad ecology, heat, synthetic tissues - all this adversely affects our epidermis. By the way, even if you live in an environmentally clean area, you still have to fight with keratinized particles. Did you notice that the rural women have a rougher skin, arms and elbows are rough. Such girls simply are longer in the sun, without using protective creams. As a result - a bad skin condition. body peeling at home

Basic rules for peeling

Now you should learn how to do it.peeling the body at home, so as not to harm yourself. The main thing is to follow the basic rules, that is, not to experiment with methods and methods of preparing mixtures, preparing and applying funds to problem areas.

  • Unravel the body

To proceed to similar procedures follows immediatelyafter taking a shower, when the skin has enough time for this to soften. It will not be bad if you grab such a product in a bath or sauna, where you can first make a peeling, then a nourishing mask or wrap. If you plan to clean, for example, the skin of your feet, it is not necessary to steam in the shower. This is not profitable, especially if you have counters at home or you are a fighter for the environment and the preservation of nature. In this case, you can make hot compresses. Cook the broth from the herbs, cool a bit, put a towel in it for a couple of seconds. Get out, squeeze and apply to problem areas. Do this carefully so as not to burn yourself.

  • Apply carefully

On the chest, neck, face, buttocks scrub need to be appliedgentle, smooth and slightly massaging movements, so as not to scratch and not damage the delicate skin. But this does not mean that the back, hands, legs can be rubbed until the body blushes. During the procedure, you should not be hurt or uncomfortable.

  • Use the sponge

You can apply the cleanser with both handsand a regular sponge. In the second case, you more evenly distribute the scrub over the body. Plus, the risks of trauma to the upper layers of the epidermis are minimized. The truth then the bast will have to be thrown out.

  • Duration of the procedure

Many women wash off the scrub from the body immediatelyafter application. Maximum, how many they can massage problem areas - two minutes, no more. In fact, to do peeling at home, you need five minutes, plus or minus thirty seconds. This is the time it takes for the keratinized cells to completely peel off, and the dirt to wear off. If you do it quickly, there will be no effect. If long, then you just rub the skin.

  • Moisturize

No matter what type of skin you have, afterpeeling at home on the body is always applied nourishing cream. This is necessary in order to remove irritation, inflammation, tightness. The fact is that almost all such products are slightly dried. Now you know all the subtleties of the usual peeling, so you can safely proceed to the procedure of cleaning the skin. The main thing is to exercise caution in order to avoid the appearance of itching, irritation and other side effects. And, of course, do not forget to listen to your feelings. We advise you to read:

