peeling of skin on handsMost women with trepidation and attentiontreat their appearance, carefully caring for their face and neck. But many forget about their hands, which require no less care and love. But they suffer from the sun, water, temperature changes, household chemicals, … If you let things slide, the skin on your hands peels. What to do? You just need to follow simple care rules every day. Then your hands will delight you with beauty and tenderness for many years.

Causes of skin peeling

The cosmetics industry produces a variety oftypes of hand care products. And many women with dry and flaky skin, having read the advertising promises of cosmetic brands, cherish the hope of solving this problem once and for all. But the skin of the hands requires care every day. This is due to its vulnerability, tenderness and vulnerability to external factors. The cells of the surface of the hands contain a minimum amount of moisture. And the sebaceous glands that supply the cells of the face with fat are absent on the hands. The main reasons for insufficient skin hydration.

  • Influence of weather conditions. Because of the strong sun, the skin becomes dehydrated, it ages faster. Under the influence of frost and cold wind, the surface becomes more rough, begins to turn red and flake off.
  • The interaction of hands with household cleaning agents and detergents, which destroy protective skin cells - the epidermis. They in many cases contribute to the development of allergies, as well as dermatitis and eczema.
  • Wrong or careless attitude to careby the hands: frequent washing with cold or hot chlorinated water, the use of cheap soap containing lanolin, poorly toweled hands - all this quickly dries the skin.
  • Presence of wounds, scratches, cuts on the hands.
  • Decreased immunity in winter and spring, lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, as well as improper nutrition and insufficient water intake.
  • Fungal diseases and infections, hormonal failure in the body and stress.
  • Genetic heredity, predisposition of the skin to dryness from birth.
  • How to prevent the occurrence of a problem?

    It's actually not that difficult.It is necessary to follow simple rules of hygiene and hand care. First of all - this is cleanliness. For hand washing, you need to choose soap or gel with a high content of fats and oils. The water temperature should be warm and pleasant, without sudden changes. You can clean your hands with special wipes soaked in a composition of natural oils and herbs. It is preferable to wipe them with a soft towel made of natural cotton, carefully touching the delicate areas of skin between the fingers. To protect your hands from the effects of household chemicals when washing or cleaning the house, use gloves, vinyl if possible. To prevent your hands from sweating inside the gloves and from becoming dehydrated, first apply talc to them or lubricate them with any greasy cream. You can first put on thin cotton gloves under rubber gloves, this will help the skin "breathe". It is very important to use cream after any work. Of course, it should be moisturizing, with a high content of vegetable oils, glycerin, minerals and without alcohol. If you plan to go outside, use a special cream with silicone. It will help prevent the negative impact of cold temperatures and wind on the skin of your hands. And a cream enriched with protective elements that protect the skin from drying out and peeling will become a barrier to ultraviolet rays. In the cold season, you cannot refuse gloves or mittens. It is strictly forbidden to use chemical solvents and substances, such as acetone or gasoline, to clean your hands. Severe peeling of the skin will be ensured. It is better to avoid contamination by using gloves. But if glue or paint does get on your hands, try to remove them with a more delicate product. For example, vegetable oil. Fungal diseases and infections can be overcome with the help of medications. For this, it would be better to consult doctors - specialists.peeling of hands

    How to soften the skin of the hands?

    To soften the skin, experts often recommendapply bandages and wraps. It is advisable to use olive oil in this procedure, but any other vegetable oils, such as almond or linseed, are also acceptable. The bandage is soaked in oil and wrapped around the arm. A more effective treatment would be with a mixture of oil and honey (in a 1:3 ratio). Before use, the mixture is heated in a water bath, applied warm (40-45°C) to the bandage, which is then applied to the arms. To make the effect of the oil and honey more effective, the bandage must be covered with oiled paper and secured. A positive result from such treatment may appear almost immediately, but sometimes bandages need to be applied up to twice a week. A mixture of water, glycerin and ammonia softens the skin remarkably. It is enough to mix 3 tablespoons of water at room temperature, 2 tablespoons of glycerin, add 5 drops of ammonia and mix everything. It is necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and rub the gruel into damp skin. Then, using a soft towel or napkin, thoroughly remove the unabsorbed portion of the mixture from the surface of your hands. Traditional healers advise making a cream from equal parts of pork and mutton fat melted in a water bath. It is also rubbed into the skin, preferably at night. Glycerin and water are often used to moisturize the skin. A mixture of 100 milliliters of warm water, 20 milliliters of glycerin and the juice of half a lemon will help reduce dryness and peeling of the hands. You just need to thoroughly cleanse the skin of your hands first and gently rub the resulting cream. It is advisable to do this in the evening before going to bed. You can try to lubricate your hands with an oil solution of vitamins A and E before going to bed. Then put on cellophane gloves first, and then cotton gloves on top. This method also softens well and eliminates peeling. It is very useful to rub linseed oil into the skin of your hands for half an hour with careful movements from top to bottom. A few drops will be enough to eliminate dry skin between the fingers, where it is especially tender. To soften the skin, you can wipe your hands with a homemade lotion. A decoction is prepared from medicinal herbs that can be grown in your garden or bought at a pharmacy. For it, you need to take 20 grams of thyme, chamomile, plantain and marigold and 1 tablespoon of rose hips. It is recommended to mix 1 glass of decoction with olive oil, honey and glycerin (1 tablespoon of each component).

    Effective masks and compresses against peeling skin of hands

    Cosmetologists recommend eliminating peeling handswith the help of various masks and compresses, and this can be done not only in salons, but also at home. Honey-egg mask 1 egg yolk is thoroughly ground with 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. The resulting paste is applied to the hands in an even layer. After complete drying, it is removed with a damp warm napkin. Oatmeal mask Cook porridge from oatmeal, remove excess water. Add a little vegetable oil and stir. Apply the mask to your hands, hold for 15 minutes. Then remove with warm water. Oatmeal mask Pour 40 grams of oatmeal into 20 milliliters of very hot water. Dilute with lemon juice, glycerin and vegetable oil (these components are taken in 10 milliliters each). Apply the mask, hold it for 10 minutes, then wash with warm water. Your skin will be pleased with its softness and elasticity. Protein mask A homogeneous mixture of 2 egg whites, 40 milliliters of vegetable oil, 60 milliliters of lemon juice is rubbed into the skin of the hands 2 times a day. Mask of fresh coltsfoot shoots Mix 200 milliliters of natural fresh milk with 2 tablespoons of gruel from well-cleaned and crushed leaves of the herb. Dip your hands in this mixture and hold for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse with water at room temperature and wipe dry with a towel. Then apply a nourishing cream. This mask helps well to eliminate peeling and dry skin. Such masks from natural ingredients can be done often, every other day or two, as soon as possible. Hand compresses from sour cream and honey These natural products are great at removing redness and peeling of the skin. And sour cream has long been famous for its moisturizing and nourishing properties. So, several recipes for compresses.

  • 1 glass of thick and fatty sour cream should be mixed with1 egg yolk and juice of 1 lemon. For the compress, use gauze folded in several layers. The mixture is applied in a thick layer to the gauze and applied to the skin surface. Cover the compress with cellophane film and thick fabric for 20 minutes. Then clean your hands with a warm, damp cloth and put on cotton gloves.
  • A mixture for the honey compress is prepared as followsway. Take half the glass of honey and olive oil, which is slightly heated, then mixed with 1 teaspoon of salicylic acid and applied to gauze. Then also cover with cellophane and a towel, leave for 15 minutes. The remaining mixture is removed with a napkin soaked in lemon juice.
  • Lovers of parsley and raspberries with pleasure notonly they eat them, but they will also "feed" their favorite pens with useful substances in the form of a compress. To do this, parsley is brewed in half a glass of boiling water. While she insists 20-25 minutes, raspberries are ground in a wooden spoon in an enamel cup. The infusion is mixed with raspberries and applied with the help of gauze on hands. The compress can not stand more than 20 minutes. After - warm water and drying the skin.
  • Burdock very often grows in the dachas andsuburban areas. This weed is a wonderful remedy in the fight against skin peeling. Here you will need half a glass of raspberries, 1 chopped burdock leaf and 1 cup of boiling water. The plant is brewed in boiling water, insists for half an hour, filters. The same is done with raspberries. The cloth is moistened in mixed infusions and put on hands. The compress is held no more than 20 minutes.
  • The same procedure from the infusions of chamomile and raspberryIt is considered to be very effective for helping heavily weathered skin. 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers are ground and boiled, like crushed 200 grams of raspberries. To do this, take 200 milliliters of water. After filtering, the infusions are mixed, and every 7-10 minutes, the gauze compress is dipped into the chamomile and crimson composition, then applying to the sore hands. The procedure is repeated 4-5 times.
  • peeling of the skin of hands

    Scrubs for the care of hands

    The skin on your hands peels for various reasons,which were described earlier. But most often this happens due to insufficient moisture and fat. Improper hand care, the effects of weather and the natural death of skin cells day after day lead to pathological dryness. If the skin is very dry and flaky, then cracks begin to appear. Before applying masks or compresses, it is necessary to remove the keratinized skin particles with a scrub for the face and hands. Special exfoliating masks and peeling creams will also help. They are allowed to be used up to twice a week. Coffee grounds can be an excellent peeling agent. Mix 1 tablespoon of heavy cream with 3 tablespoons of grounds and rub into your hands with massaging movements. Then rinse off the cream with warm water and dry your hands with a napkin. Today, the cosmetics industry offers a huge number of auxiliary products for hand skin care. These include thin cotton gloves. Women who care about their hands know that before going to bed it is useful to lubricate the cleansed and dried skin of the hands with nourishing cream or vegetable oil. And then put on gloves for the whole night.

    Therapeutic baths against skin peeling

    In the cold, hands become very chapped.The skin turns red, becomes rough, crusty, and begins to peel. In such cases, even nourishing cream does not help. Hand baths can be used as a very effective remedy. They will allow your skin to truly rest and your hands to relax in just half an hour. To soften and remove dirt, add a small amount of baking soda or lemon juice to warm water. Using bath salt is no less useful. After the procedure, the skin is necessarily dried and dipped in heated vegetable oil. Recipes for medicinal baths.

  • A 15-minute bath of celery decoction is useful for frequent use. To do this, a small celery root is boiled for half an hour in 1 liter of water.
  • Infusion of plantain (1 liter of boiling water - 1 tablespoon of leaves) remarkably helps to soften the skin of hands with a 15-minute bath. After that, apply the cream with nutrients.
  • Potato broth, traditionally used fortreatment of colds, perfectly heals the cracked skin of the hands, removes flaking and redness. The broth should hold hands for about 15 minutes.
  • Oil bath - this is first aid at a verydry and inflamed skin. In warm water pour a little oil (olive, linseed, sesame or other), stand hands for 20 minutes. Then rub the cream.
  • Milk whey or curdled milk for bathsare not used very often, however, such procedures are no less useful. Before use, 1 liter of whey is slightly heated, for greater effectiveness, it is mixed with potato starch. And then, everything is done as with a regular bath.
  • Without oat flakes can not do here. Hands hold 10-15 minutes in the warm broth of this miracle product.
  • A bath of sauerkraut juice is very popular. It is used at bedtime 2 times a week, especially if the skin of the hands is very coarse and rough. Then apply a fat cream. After that, use cotton gloves.
  • Massage for the beauty of the skin of your hands

    Massage can be done quickly and effectivelyhelp solve the problem of dry and flaky skin on your hands. After all, this is not only a pleasant, but also a very useful procedure. Massage is performed after all the actions described above. Nourishing cream applied to the hands helps to carry out this procedure smoothly and gently. First, the fingertips are massaged, gradually moving to the base of the hand. Careful, unhurried movements capture every area of ​​the palm. Energy points are awakened, skin cells are restored and filled with oxygen. Blood flow increases, the skin becomes more elastic and healthy. Hand massage helps to improve the entire condition of the human body, acting on it as a sedative. Therefore, it is often used before bedtime.

    The use of paraffin therapy to restore the skin of the hands

    Paraffin treatments have a very beneficial effectto restore the water balance of the skin of the hands, eliminate peeling and successfully treat the driest and roughest skin. They are successfully used both in beauty salons and at home. Cleansed skin of the hands is covered with a nourishing cream. Then 4 times in a row, hands are lowered into a bath with heated paraffin. After that, cellophane bags are put on the hands with solidified paraffin and wrapped in a terry towel. Paraffin retains the heat of the skin for a long time, the pores open, through them slags and toxins come out. After the paraffin cools, all unnecessary substances remain on it, the resulting moisture is actively absorbed by the skin inside. Paraffin masks help to increase the elasticity of the skin and its deep cleansing, improve nutrition and appearance. Beautiful and well-groomed hands for any woman are an indicator of her health. Caring for the skin of your hands, preventing its peeling and dryness, you prolong your youth. Patient and thorough care will help rid your skin of many problems. Be healthy and beautiful! We recommend reading:

