symptoms of poppilomas on the neck Modern man pays a lotattention to their appearance. Of course, this is true, first of all, in relation to the beautiful sex. The abundance of all kinds of cosmetics and beauty specialists do their job, self-care has become more accessible and comfortable. However, the deteriorating ecological situation, the mass of stress factors negatively affect the overall health of a person. The increased development of all kinds of neoplasms on the skin is the best confirmation of this. Often a person has papillomas on his neck. Often people do not think that the appearance of certain foreign bodies on the skin is a kind of signal of the body, a testimony of the incorrect work of the internal organs as a whole.

What is HPV and how to deal with it

HPV - human papillomavirus - for todayday is one of the most common types of tumors. This tumor belongs to the class of benign, which develops from the flat epithelium. Why do such neoplasms appear? The causes of the appearance of papillomas are viruses of the genus Papillomavirus. To date, science knows more than 60 varieties of these viruses, among which more than half are considered dangerous for humans. To catch such a virus can be relatively easy, it is transmitted by a contact-household way because of microdamages of the skin. Transmission of this disease can be achieved through sexual contact between an infected and not infected person, during birth manipulations. There is a great likelihood of the appearance of papillomas in people who have an unregulated sexual life, who abuse alcohol and tobacco. In recent years, young people are becoming more and more infected with this virus. The appearance of papillomas can provoke certain internal shocks of the body, long-term use of drugs, diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, acute viral infections. Papillomas can also appear when you visit a pool or beach, when the skin is almost unprotected. at a doctor's appointment for treatment and removal of papillomas

How to develop papillomas

When ingested into the human body, the virus candoes not manifest itself for a certain number of months. Then, falling into a favorable environment for them, they suddenly appear, causing considerable discomfort to the wearer. Regardless of gender, people are infected with this virus equally, but papillomas for the female are especially dangerous. In addition to purely aesthetic discomfort, they can provoke bleeding, cause itching and irritation. Papillomas are small wart-like bulges on a unique stem as large as 1-2 centimeters. Their color can vary from white to dark brown. These growths have many forms - they can resemble a cauliflower or a cock's crest.

Where there are papillomas and why

Papillomas can appear on the mucosalarynx, which can lead to a violation of the voice or breathing. In any case, if they appeared, then this is an excuse, leaving all their affairs, immediately show up to the doctor, because only timely and prompt treatment will help to avoid the severe consequences associated with this type of virus. In particular, papillomas grow in a very favorable environment for them: in the mucous membranes of the genital organs, in the anus, under the armpits or under the mammary glands. Papillomas in the neck area are especially troublesome for women. Although there is no direct correlation, many doctors associate the appearance of papillomas with the risk of developing cancer in females. The neck areas of women traditionally devote much attention. And this is not surprising, because it is an opportunity to wear a deep neckline, all kinds of jewelry and other outdoor clothes. Not only the neck or face area can be targeted by such viruses. Women need to know that a lot of papillomas can appear where the skin is subjected to the greatest friction, for example, under such a detail of the toilet as a bra. diagnostics of papillomavirus

What are papillomas

There are different types of papillomas, some of themcan pass completely asymptomatically, others can provoke the appearance of condyloma, a relatively small part of them can cause cancer of the cervix. In some cases, the body can effectively fight this virus, in others, effective treatment is possible. It is necessary to clearly realize that overnight, to remove papillomas, especially if they are multiple, it is unlikely to succeed. The most common are simple (vulgar) papillomas. These are small hard buds, which are most often located on the hands, especially on the fingers. In children, such formations can also be observed on their knees. Plantar papillomas like to form on the soles of the feet. They can cause great discomfort to a person when walking. From time to time, such papillomas disappear themselves (in the first place this applies to children), but more often requires surgical intervention specialist. A feature of this type is that around the first major papilloma a number of small papillomas are formed. Flat papillomas can form almost anywhere in the human body and cause unpleasant sensations of itching, redness and inflammation of the infected area of ​​the skin. Filiform papillomas are more common in middle-aged and older people. They can reach a length of 5-6 millimeters and cause all sorts of comfort and inflammation. A feature of these types of formations is that they do not spontaneously disappear. Genital warts are especially dangerous. This type of virus, as a rule, is transmitted sexually and the location of their dislocation - the mucous membranes of the genitals and the cervix. Such viruses can for a very long time not manifest themselves, but they are the statistics most often lead to the appearance of malignant tumors. Often, these viruses, transmitted during childbirth from mother to child, provoke the appearance of newborn anogenital warts and laryngeal papillomatosis.

Diagnosis and treatment of papillomas

Diagnosing such a disease is not difficult. The presence of papillomas can be detected during routine routine examinations of a gynecologist or dermatovenerologist. To test their viral nature, a special method is used that can detect viral particles in smears from the mucous of the genital organs, scrapings, etc. After this, a special sight biopsy should be performed. And if you find at least one papilloma, you need to remove it without delay. In no case should you try to remove such formations yourself, such procedures should be entrusted only to a qualified specialist and only in the appropriate medical institution. Treatment and prevention of such diseases should be strictly integrated. It is necessary to balance your diet by sating it with vitamins, in order to strengthen immunity. Try to avoid a long stay in damp places, be careful with cuts on the skin and avoid serious stress. papilloma removal on the neck by laser

Laser removal of papillomas

Removal of papillomas is often carried out usinglaser, such removal is by far the most optimal. With this method, removal is carried out at any depth and does not cause bleeding. In addition, this removal leaves no traces on the skin, after carrying out this manipulation. Very popular method of cryotherapy - removal of papillomas with liquid nitrogen. Treatment can be carried out through radiosurgery. Such treatment is carried out with the help of a special radio-knife, by means of which the damaged tissue site is removed. Subsequently, these tissues undergo a comprehensive histological analysis. With the use of this technique, the treatment and removal of the papilloma is painless and in the shortest possible time. Removal of papillomas is performed using the method of diathermocoagulation, when such formations are cauterized by high-frequency current. There are no universal methods to combat this disease. This or that removal should be carried out only after carrying out all necessary examinations and analyzes. Only after their careful conduct, the attending physician may decide to remove the papilloma by one or another method. It should be remembered that removal of papillomas is a small, but still an operation, so the choice of this or that method can be associated with various factors, such as the general condition of the patient, the nature of the course of the disease, the age of the person, etc. After direct removal by papillomas, treatment does not end there. It is necessary to treat the entire human body. Very often doctors prescribe treatment with the help of various immunomodulators, which are designed to strengthen the immune system and prevent the recurrence of the papilloma virus. ointments for the treatment of papillomas

Folk methods of treatment with papillomas

Small papillomas can be tried to heal andremove, resorting to folk medicine. To bring them out will help juice celandine, squeezed from sour apples or a simple dandelion. A good effect is provided by castor oil, which contains an acid that destroys the structure of the papilloma, which in turn can bring it out completely. To treat some types of papillomas and warts, you can apply three times a day frozen in the ice gathers herbs from celandine, turn and chaga. Treatment of papillomas can be carried out with the help of pharmaceuticals that are sold in pharmacies. This remedy is therapeutic and can be administered by patients at home. Such a class includes preparations "Super Cleaner", "Feresol", "Verrukacid" and "Cryopharma", as well as "Viferon" ointment. The methods of their use and the duration of the course of treatment can be found in the instructions for these drugs. It is necessary to make a decision about taking a medication after an appropriate consultation with a specialist. However, if the papillomas more and more conquer space on the human body and their growth and development is systemic, treatment should only be done by a doctor. Categorically, it is impossible to treat papillomas by tying them with a thread, self-cutting or ripping out. If this way to remove these formations, then the danger of their transformation from benign to malignant increases. In addition, such rash radical actions are frequent causes of inflammation and infection of other human organs. It should be extremely cautious and in choosing clothes, it should not scratch and irritate the lesion. Categorically, it is necessary to exclude scrapes and burns of these places. To achieve a certain cosmetic effect for the period of treatment, the papilloma can be slightly powdered or make a mask, but nothing more.

