human papillomavirus treatment Human papillomavirus recentlyoccurs more and more often. However, not all people know exactly what this disease is, how it manifests itself and, most importantly, how it is treated. This is what will be discussed below - readers will know when to worry and consult a doctor to start treatment of the disease. What is papilloma? Doctors call this term a skin tumor in which connective tissue and blood vessels are located. In all cases, this tumor is benign. The connective tissue, covered with a layer of epithelium, grows upward, towering above the level of the skin. Such formations can be very much. Most often, in appearance, the papilloma very much resembles a cauliflower. In especially severe cases, if there is a large amount of papillomas on the human skin, doctors talk about a phenomenon such as papillomatosis. The color of the papilloma can be very different - from dark brown to white. In the event that the papilloma is located on the skin of the face, it often has a bright pink shade. It goes without saying that such a problem is a significant cosmetic defect, and it is precisely such formations that patients first of all begin to treat. And in the event that the papilloma is located on the mucous membranes of the larynx, they have a bright pink color, and can disrupt the normal respiratory or speech process.

Methods of transmission of papillomavirus

In order to minimize the riska disease that is not so easy and cure, it is necessary to know how the virus enters the human body, and how to avoid infection. The most important condition for infection to occur is direct contact of the mucous membranes with the virus itself. Incidentally, the presence of microtraumas on the mucous membranes greatly increases the risk of infection. There are several main ways of infection with papillomavirus:

  • Traditional sexual intercourse

Most often, infection occurs duringtraditional sexual intercourse, in which partners forget about the need for protection. And pay attention to the fact that in this case only barrier means of contraception are effective. All the others are simply ineffective. And do not forget that you can get infected not only from a person who shows signs of the disease, but also from someone who is simply a carrier of the virus, without signs of disease.

  • Oral and anal sex

During these types of sex, contrary tothe common opinion, get infected with sexually transmitted infections, including the papilloma virus, can be highly likely, if barrier means of contraception are not used. And this is not surprising - because the mucous membranes are present in the rectum, and in the oral cavity. So, the papilloma virus has every chance to penetrate the human body. And later it will have to be treated.

  • Infection of the child during childbirth

Unfortunately, even small children sometimesare infected with this papilloma virus. There is an infection at a time when the crumb passes through the birth canal of the mother. However, sometimes there are cases when even those infants who were born as a result of cesarean section are infected. Therefore, doctors suggest that you can get a virus through intrauterine infection.

  • Infection in contact with raw meat or fish

Often, this disease is also found inthose people who are constantly in contact with either raw fish, or, much more often, with raw meat - are engaged in cutting carcasses. In the people of a similar phenomenon was called "wart of a butcher." Therefore, the treatment of papillomas must be treated by land lovers and professional chefs. treatment of human papillomavirus

What happens in the body?

Immediately after the human papillomaviruspenetrate into the body, it begins to spread with the blood current throughout the body. Having chosen those other cells, the virus penetrates into them, hitting DNA. As a result of this process, the cell begins to function differently, not as healthy. The infected cell begins to be extremely actively divided, which is why the growth that is so typical for this disease occurs. It is necessary to draw the reader's attention to another important aspect - the duration of the incubation period. It can be very different - from several weeks to several years. This criterion is greatly influenced by the state of the human immune system. In the event that immunity is good, the human papilloma virus can in no way manifest itself for a very, very long time. But if the immune system is weakened at least a little, the virus is immediately activated. Approximately the same as with infection with the herpes virus. And then you will have to cure the disease for a long time. That is why doctors - dermatologists immediately warn a sick person that in no case should they blame their partner for infidelity. It is very likely that you or he was infected several years ago. And, in addition, we must not forget that this virus can be completely asymptomatic, so that a person does not even know about his disease until he learns about it during a planned survey. And according to the doctors, such people are about 65%. That is, in other words, most of the adult population of the planet has this virus in the body and practically all of us need treatment urgently.

Complications of this disease

To the great regret, often people do not realizethe seriousness of the disease, mistakenly believing that there is absolutely no danger in it, and refuse to treat the virus. At first glance this really seems so. It is possible to live with the disease without starting treatment, and feel quite tolerable at the same time. But what do doctors say about this? This will be discussed below. So, the person was infected with the human papillomavirus. The disease can occur absolutely asymptomatically for a very long time. During this period it is really safe, since it does not have any negative impact on the human body. However, sooner or later it makes itself felt, manifesting itself in the very entities grouped by papillomas. If a person turned to a doctor and began receiving timely treatment, he will quickly get rid of the papilloma virus. But if a sick person, for whatever reasons, did not start treatment for the virus and did not consult a doctor, there are probably two options for the development of events. In the best case, if the immunity of an infected person is very strong, complete self-healing is possible. However, unfortunately, this phenomenon is extremely rare. Most often the disease, if it is not cured in time, goes to a chronic stage, with regular relapses. And the disease will recur until the sick person begins to treat the virus. However, this is not the worst case scenario. The papilloma virus present in the body of an infected person can, with a high probability, provoke the development of various neoplasms. Moreover, tumors can be of two types - both benign and malignant (cancerous). Malignant neoplasms caused by the presence in the human body of the papilloma virus, most often include cancer of the uterus, cervix and vagina in women, and in men - a cancerous tumor of the penis. So is it worth it to risk your health? After all, curing the human papilloma virus can be much easier than getting rid of a malignant tumor. Therefore, if you know yourself in these lines, is it time to begin treatment?

A little more about the features of the disease

As already mentioned above, the growth of the papilloma can be seen in the most diverse areas of the skin. There are several main locations for localization:

  • In the armpits
  • In the neck area, both in front and behind
  • In women - under the mammary glands, and in a fairly large number, as a rule
  • On the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nasopharynx, and even on the vocal cords (such papillomas are much more difficult to treat)
  • The internal organs - the cavity of the stomach, the mucosa of the bladder, whose treatment is also problematic, as in the previous case
  • Well, about the genitals and the anus is not even necessary to say - there the papilloma virus is most often localized

It is widely believed that inIn most cases, the papilloma virus affects women (or they are just the first to start treatment for the virus, in contrast to the irresolute in matters of health of the stronger sex). However, doctors say that this is not the case - both men and women are equally often infected with this disease. The only factor that can affect the risk of infection with the virus of the papilloma is the state of the immune system, but not the sex of the person. Just as well as cure the virus, you can both a man and a woman for an equal period of time. how to treat human papillomavirus

Methods of diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Even more recently, even diagnose a virusthe human papilloma was difficult, not to mention the fact that it was effectively treated. However, in recent years, virology has been a real breakthrough. For doctors, it is no longer difficult not only to diagnose the disease, but also to treat it. Moreover, there is already a specially developed vaccine that prevents the development of the papilloma virus in the human body. It was called Gardasil. It is thanks to the vaccine that the virus can be cured practically without consequences for the body. It has already been said that often the disease is detected absolutely accidentally, during the planned examination. However, unfortunately, such a survey is not carried out by all people. To date, mandatory screening for the presence of human papillomavirus is subject to:

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases

All people are subject to inspection, regardless ofsex, in which any sexually transmitted infection is detected - whether it be syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV infection and others. Such people should be ready to treat not only the detected diseases, but also those that are not yet diagnosed.

  • The presence of pathological changes in the skin

Sometimes human papillomas canto vary to such an extent that in appearance they can not be recognized even by an experienced physician. That is why an analysis for the presence of human papillomavirus is necessary in the case of any incomprehensible neoplasms on human skin. Moreover, any rashes and spots on the skin should be treated.

  • Erosions and other pathologies, both the cervix and the body of the uterus

Human papillomavirus in women is oftenleads to the development of diseases of the sexual system of a woman, therefore, with a careless attitude towards itself, it will be necessary to treat not only viruses, but also the consequences of their vital activity. And in this case, treatment can be delayed. The diagnosis of the presence of the human papilloma virus in the human body is almost 100% authentic these days. However, doctors can carry it out in several stages - it's a little more complicated than simply revealing, for example, iron deficiency anemia on the basis of indicators of a general blood test. To date, the following diagnostic methods are widely used:

  • Visual examination of pathological skin changes. As a rule, if the papilloma virus is not mutated, it is easily recognized by a doctor
  • Colposcopic examination
  • Cytological examination
  • Histological examination

In addition, in the survey to determinethe presence of the human papilloma virus the doctor will always take smears for microscopic and bacteriological examination from the cervical canal, the urethra and the vagina. In addition, the technique of PCR diagnostics is also very effective. After the doctor has ascertained that the human papillomavirus is actually present, the patient will receive the necessary treatment. And to treat human papillomavirus needs complex. It is important here to remove the papillomas themselves from the skin of a sick person, and destroy the virus that parasitizes the cells of the human body. Therefore, treatment should not be independent, otherwise you can heal the disease before the emergence of new diagnoses. At the first appearance of papillomas should consult a doctor.

Removal of papillomas

A person suffering from a papilloma virus,treatment of the virus is shown by removal of papillomas from the skin. Doctors use several different methods: removal by liquid nitrogen, laser treatment, moxibustion with special pharmacological preparations - so-called chemical removal, surgical removal of especially large groups of papillomas. The doctor in each case decides how to treat the patient, and which of the ways to remove the papillomas can be chosen for this person.

Destruction of the virus in the human body

Unfortunately, the treatment and removal of the papillomas themselvesdoes not mean a complete recovery of a person. If you cure the papilloma all the same, they will very quickly appear again. That is why the next stage of the treatment of the virus is needed - drug. Medicines for the destruction of the virus should also be prescribed only by a doctor. With all the appointments of a doctor after the end of the course of treatment, HPV will come full recovery of the person. However, one should not forget about precautionary measures in any case - after all, human papillomavirus is not chickenpox, and the human body does not have immunity to it, therefore it is worthwhile to treat the disease more carefully than regular flu. It is not superfluous to note that the treatment should be comprehensive, and the person at this time should give up all the bad habits that can activate the action of the virus. We advise you to read:

