Furuncles - this is such a muck, from which notnobody is insured. And leave the boils without treatment in any case impossible, because there is a risk of serious enough complications. Let's make a reservation at once - if at you or at your relatives there were furuncles, you necessarily should address for the help as soon as possible to the doctor-dermatologist. Only a doctor can quickly and safely cure boils. Unfortunately, the love of folk medicine often overshadows people's common sense and suppresses the voice of reason. Well, if you have decided to treat boils at home, try, at least, not to hurt yourself. We offer you the safest means of traditional medicine that will help if not completely cured with boils, then at least wait for the opportunity to see a doctor.
Healing Pellet
In the event that boils are localized on the face, it is best to try to treat them with a cake. It is prepared simply, and does not take much time. For the test, you will need:
- Raw yolk of one egg (ideally from a homemade chicken).
- One tablespoon with a slide of any natural honey.
- One tablespoon of unsalted butter.
- 100 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade.
Melt the butter in a water bath. If the honey is thick enough, it must also be melt. Mix all the ingredients, knead the dough - it should be quite elastic, but not very steep. Divide the dough into the required number of pieces, then give it a flat cake shape. Attach the cake to the boil and fix it well with a sticking plaster. By the way, it is worth giving preference to hypoallergenic. Leave cake for at least 12 hours. The remaining dough to prevent it from drying, place in a plastic bag and store on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In most cases, the abscess breaks the first night after the beginning of treatment. For a day, remove the cake and cover with a gauze cloth. And for the night again, attach a fresh cake. This procedure should be carried out on average three to four consecutive nights. As a rule, this time is enough to make the boil begin to heal. If this does not happen, the treatment can be continued.
Baked onions
You can come to the aid of the most commonbow. Take one head of onions of medium size and peel it from the top layer of the husk. Preheat the oven, then place the bulb there for about 40 minutes - it should become soft. Then remove the bulb and cool it. In some sources it is recommended to apply a hot bulb, but this should not be done - you can provoke even more stagnation. So, the bulb has cooled down. Cut it in half and attach it to the boil, fix it with a plaster. The bulb should be changed every three hours, until the pus comes out completely. When you change the bulbs, do not forget about the need to treat the wound with hydrogen peroxide.
Buckwheat cake
If, despite all your efforts, the boilgo through, try making buckwheat cake. True, you will have to tinker a bit - ready-made buckwheat flour will not suit you. Spread out the frying pan, as follows, fry two cups of buckwheat. Then carefully crush the croup to the state of flour - the easiest way to do this is with a coffee grinder. On a water bath, melt a third of a teaspoon of lime natural honey and mix with buckwheat, then add one teaspoon of aloe juice. Knead the dough, and then form small cakes. Attach the cakes to the boil (s), and then fix it with a stick plaster. These cakes must be changed every 5 hours, for three days. Of course, with such treatment of a purulent boil, you will have to take time off and sit at home. But you want to cure an abscess, do not you?
Other assets
In order to cure the boil, you can try and other means:
- Crude potatoes
If you do not want to bother with recipes toolong, try to treat festering with raw potatoes. Peel a small tuber, then carefully wash it and grate it on a fine grater - as if you were planning to cook potato pancakes. The resulting mass wrap in a gauze napkin, then attach to the boil for 30 minutes. This procedure should be done every two hours, at least. As a rule, thus a furuncle should be treated about three days, then there comes an improvement.
- Lilac
If it happens in the warm season, you canTreat abscesses with fresh lilac leaves. Tear off about 30 leaves, scald with boiling water and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is applied to the abscess, cover with gauze and fasten with adhesive plaster. Alas, to cure a boil in this way is unrealistic. But to prevent further stagnation is quite realistic. Finally I would like to remind you once again - do not treat furuncles at home without special need. If, of course, sepsis is not your goal. We advise you to read: