Responsible attitude to one's own healthis considered an integral part of human culture. Especially in recent years, "gynecological diseases" have become younger: even young, nulliparous girls can easily detect abnormalities, quite common among them are seals in the genital area - adipose.
Causes of Lipoma
Many women are not particularly worried when a doctorfinds them on the genitals of fat, considering them a cosmetic problem. But this approach is categorically unacceptable, because the adipose can grow in size, hitting the internal genitalia. The thing is that by its nature, lipoma is a benign formation (the so-called cyst), the cause of which is most often a blockage of the sebaceous glands. If you have a predisposition to oily skin and the appearance of acne, the likelihood of getting this trouble on the labia grows dramatically. In addition, in no way can you trust the diagnosis of friends or acquaintances who have allegedly successfully overcome this problem. Behind a harmless zhirovik can even hide a malignant tumor, and only a gynecologist by means of special analyzes can decide the question of treatment. If, however, the "normal" fat is, it is important to make every effort to avoid getting an infection in it, because in this case the treatment is complicated by the presence of suppuration and high fever. In addition to problems with fatty subcutaneous cells, the cause of lipoma may also be a failure in the hormonal system, heredity or even a bad ecology. But often all the reasons merge, and a woman feels shame and discomfort, postponing the visit to the gynecologist.
Physiology of Wen and its types
The most common reason leading tothe appearance of genital limes is still a violation of the hormonal balance, so women are most vulnerable after 35 years. So, the first step that should be taken is a visit to the doctor. An experienced gynecologist will conduct all necessary examinations to determine, first of all, what kind of trouble the dare has dared to visit you. There are several types of fatigue:
- fibrolipoma (adipose tissue consisting of a large amount of connective tissue);
- Miolipomes (in them, in addition to fat, there are muscle fibers);
- Fibromyolipoma (wen combining the two previous varieties);
- angiolipoma (distinguished by the presence of a large number of blood vessels);
- osteolipomas (have bone tissue in the composition);
- petrified lipomas (such zhiroviki consist of calcareous salts).
Externally, the inexperienced eye is very difficult to distinguishone wand from the other, because they look similar in appearance: they are rounded seals under the skin, located at different depths. If the grease is observed almost on the surface of the skin, you can see that it is white, and with a deep location it is impossible. There is a neoplasm independent of the skin, that is, the skin moves as if on the surface of the lipoma, because the gum retains a certain place on the labia. The exception is "young" adolescents. They are quite mobile, therefore they are more susceptible to mechanical damage, especially on the genitals, for example, through underwear, and even to infection. In any case, the gynecologist sends the material to a histological examination to avoid serious problems.
Prevention and treatment of adipocytes
We will begin with treatment, because women rarelyare interested in this problem until they find something similar on their labia. Older lipoma in almost all cases are subject to surgery, especially if they are inflamed, festering, or you yourself have tried to get rid of the problem. Most often the surgeon resorts to the method of excising the lump on the labia, when the tumor capsule and the damaged tissue around it are completely removed. For several days, additional antibiotic treatment is recommended. Small "quiet" adipose tissue is also removed by the endoscopic method or by liposuction. Innovative methods also include laser and radio wave methods. The advantages of the latter two are that they do not require prolonged anesthesia, exclude infection and the appearance of postoperative scars and scars on the labia. And to a normal sexual life the patient can return already in some days if will follow all recommendations of the doctor. Traditional medicine in the treatment of adipose tissue is also practiced and is quite effective. To this end, the leaves of the mother-and-stepmother are used, which attach to the affected areas of the skin, but similar procedures are difficult to carry out on the labia. You can wash or make a lotion from the broth of burdock root. The most conservative methods are methods using grated baked onions or garlic with the addition of vegetable oil. But let me repeat myself: do not avoid consulting a doctor in any way, since an infected infection very often gets into the affected adipose, which only complicates the problem. Women who once faced with such a problem, of course, will be interested in the question of how to avoid it in the future. The basis of any prevention is, first of all, the hygiene of the genitals. Wash twice daily with laundry soap. If you have oily skin and adipes appear not only on the genitals, it is recommended to correct the diet, excluding from it fat and carbohydrate food. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables, cereals. And one more tip for those who still have gadgets continue to appear: visit the endocrinologist, as the gland in the thyroid gland causes a lump that is difficult to treat. Often inspect your labia and in case of seals, contact the gynecologist right away.