pancakes with chicken and mushroomsDough products - pancakes and fritters -are prepared quite quickly and are very tender. Want something sweet? Then serve them with condensed milk, hot chocolate, homemade jam or marmalade. In summer, you can use fresh berries and fruits: sprinkle them with sugar, and you will get not only a tasty, but also vitamin-rich dish. Well, in the cold season, you need to come up with something more filling. For example, pancakes with chicken and mushrooms. Agree, it sounds delicious, and the taste is simply incredible. So we suggest getting down to business right now. Here you will find simple, but at the same time original recipes that will help pleasantly diversify your usual diet.

Pancakes with milk, chicken and mushrooms

In fact, there are recipes for the dougha huge variety, there is something to choose from. Pancakes with the addition of yeast are fluffy and dense, on water - thin and tender, the only downside is that in the latter case they may be difficult to remove from the pan. Soda helps to achieve holes in the products. We suggest mastering another version of the dish - pancakes with mushrooms and chicken in milk, which will give real pleasure from eating. Ingredients:

  • Dough for pancakes (at the output of about 50 pieces):
  • 200 grams of sifted white flour
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • butter (for lubricating pancakes) - 25 grams
  • two eggs
  • salt - to taste
  • 750 milliliters of unfermented milk
  • vegetable oil (needed to lubricate the surface of the frying pan)

Filling (per serving, i.e. five pancakes):

  • 35 grams of champignons
  • 20 grams of onions (you can use green)
  • 100 grams of chicken fillet
  • 10 milliliters of olive oil
  • 10 grams of bacon
  • a few feathers of fresh onions (tie pancakes)
  • 25 milliliters of oily cream
  • a tablespoon of dry white wine
  • Salt and pepper - at your discretion
  • five grams of Lolo Rosso salad

Method of preparation:First, make the pancakes, and then move on to the filling. To knead the dough, place the eggs in a deep bowl, pour in the salt and sugar and beat thoroughly. Then sift the flour through a sieve and pour in the pasteurized milk, slightly warmed over low heat. Mix the dough well to get rid of all the lumps. If possible, use a mixer or blender. If you have a frying pan with a regular coating, it may happen that the products will be difficult to remove. In this case, add a little vegetable oil to the finished mass. Let the dough sit - about fifteen minutes - and in the meantime, heat the frying pan well. To prevent the pancakes from sticking, we recommend placing a thick layer of table salt in the dish and warming it well. Then remove it, wipe the metal surface with a dry towel, pour in the oil and start baking the pancakes. To make them thin, do not take too much dough - half a half is enough. Grease the finished products with butter and move on to the filling. Cut the chicken and bacon into small cubes, put them in heated olive oil and fry until half-cooked. Then chop the champignons and peeled onions into small pieces and throw them into the saucepan with the above ingredients. Cook on minimum heat, remembering to stir occasionally, until the products acquire a beautiful brown-golden hue. Then pour them with wine, cream, sprinkle with salt and pepper. When the mass cools down, start “packing” the pancakes. To do this, put one tablespoon (with a slide) of filling in the middle of each ruddy product. Fold the edges of the pancake so that it takes the form of a bag, which should be tied with green onions. As soon as you do, transfer the dish to a heat-resistant glass container and put it in the oven for three minutes, heated to 180 degrees. Serve the dish as follows: decorate each plate with a lettuce leaf, on top of which place the pancake bags. Voila, the dish is ready.pancakes with mushrooms and chicken

Pancakes "in Russian" with mushrooms, chicken and egg

Pancakes cooked with whey haveslightly sour taste. Therefore, unsweetened meat filling is ideal for them. We used champignons, onions, boiled egg and tender chicken meat. Fresh mushrooms can be replaced with dried ones - this will not make the dish worse. The only thing you should pay attention to is that the product must be boiled in salted water and browned in vegetable oil. Then the filling will be juicy and tender. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • four tablespoons of sugar
  • eggs - 2 pieces
  • one and a half glasses of whey
  • two cups of flour (necessarily sifted)
  • vegetable oil - for lubrication of a frying pan
  • salt - at your discretion

For the filling (for five pancakes):

  • one bulb
  • 100 grams of fresh champignons
  • boiled egg - one piece
  • a pinch of salt and ground pepper
  • 70 grams of chicken fillet
  • vegetable oil
  • a large spoonful of sour cream

Method of preparation:You can use either homemade whey or store-bought whey. In this case, it doesn’t matter. At least 60 minutes before you start cooking, take it out of the refrigerator so that the product is at room temperature. Now whisk the chicken eggs with salt and granulated sugar. Pour a glass of whey into the resulting homogeneous liquid and add wheat flour, which you should not forget to sift beforehand. This will make the products thin and airy. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to get rid of lumps. Then add the remaining dairy product and heat the frying pan. When the metal surface reaches the desired temperature, grease it with vegetable oil and pour half a ladle of dough in a thin stream. Fry each pancake on both sides for two to three minutes. When it turns orange-golden, remove it from the stove and start making the next product. In this way, you should use up all the dough. Now you need to make the filling. To do this, put the egg on to boil, and in the meantime cut the chicken into thin strips and the mushrooms into small cubes. Peel the onion and chop it as finely as possible. Put all the ingredients in a preheated frying pan and fry in vegetable oil until they are completely cooked. Then add sour cream and two tablespoons of water, salt and season to taste. Simmer the dish for three minutes, then cool it. Remove the egg shell and grate it on a medium grater, combining it with the rest of the ingredients. Put the cooled filling (one to one and a half tablespoons) in a small pile on each pancake, folding it into an envelope or triangle. To avoid serving cold food to guests, preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the pancakes in it for a while. Want to make a sauce for them? Mix sour cream with crushed garlic clove and fresh finely chopped parsley.pancakes with chicken and mushrooms

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms with cheese

Making pancakes with mushrooms and chicken is onepleasure. The recipe we are going to talk about is absolutely simple. The dough is made from milk with a large number of eggs, it is easy to remove and does not burn. As a result, having spent only half an hour, you will get golden, rosy and tender products. At the very end, the dish is sprinkled with hard cheese and sent to the oven, where the product melts under the influence of temperature and forms a beautiful crispy crust. Now you have a reason to invite friends over - have a pancake party. Ingredients: For the dough:

  • 1000 milliliters of milk
  • four grams of table salt
  • 50 grams of melted butter
  • a dozen eggs
  • two or three cups of sifted flour
  • olive oil

For the filling:

  • half a kilogram of fresh mushrooms (you can take any, according to the recipe - mushrooms)
  • two medium chicken fillets (cooked)
  • black freshly ground pepper
  • salt
  • 35 milliliters of cream
  • Butter - 70 grams
  • 20 grams of fresh parsley
  • sunflower oil (needed for frying)
  • two pinch of nutmeg
  • 200 grams of inexpensive hard cheese

Method of preparation: Если вы впервые взялись за блины, будьте готовы к тому, что они могут сначала не получиться. Но это дело практики. Не опускайте руки и совершенствуйте свои кулинарные навыки, и вскоре уже на глаз сможете определять, сколько теста идет на одно изделие, какой оно должно быть консистенции и тому подобное. Понимание и осознание всех тонкостей приходит с опытом. Недаром же говорят, что первый блин всегда комом. Ну а теперь настройтесь на победу и приступайте к готовке. В отдельной пиале взбейте яйца, добавив к ним немного поваренной соли. Полученную смесь вылейте в теплое молоко и сюда же введите масло. Последнее необходимо сначала растопить, поэтому порежьте его некрупными кусками и поставьте в микроволновку или на паровую баню. Затем соедините все вышеуказанные ингредиенты, смешав их с просеянной мукой. Работайте венчиком сверху вниз, пока не избавитесь от всех комков и не замешаете тесто, которое по плотности должно напоминать жидкую сметану. Полученную массу оставьте на пятнадцать минут, чтобы она настоялась. Теперь разогрейте сковороду, обработайте ее небольшим количеством оливкового масла, взболтайте тесто и начинайте печь блины. Чтобы они вышли тонкими, наливайте немного жидкости — достаточно половины половника. Изделие обжаривайте с каждой стороны по две минуты. Затем аккуратно снимите его с помощью деревянной лопатки и переложите на плоскую тарелку. Точно так же приготовьте остальные блины. Учтите, если они не подгорают, в дальнейшем смазывать сковородку маслом совсем не обязательно. Самое время заняться начинкой. Вымойте шампиньоны, снимите с них пленку и порежьте тонкими ломтиками. Куриное филе необходимо отварить в небольшом количестве подсоленной воды. Когда оно будет готово, слейте лишнюю жидкость и отставьте мясо в сторону. Пока оно остывает, нарубите как можно мельче свежую зелень, а сыр натрите полосками на средней терке. Смажьте дно сотейника подсолнечным маслом и сюда же выложите грибы. Тушите их в собственном соку, добавив соль, черный перец или другие приправы, около семи-десяти минут. Теперь порвите руками на тонкие волокна курицу и соедините ее с шампиньонами. Полейте продукты сливками и сюда же введите масло. Сделайте минимальный огонь и готовьте при постоянном помешивании. В самом конце добавьте щепотку мускатного ореха и рубленую петрушку. Половину порции тертого сыра смешайте с начинкой, а остальное понадобится чуть позже. Учтите, что полученная масса ни в коем случае не должна быть жидкой, поэтому необходимо дождаться, пока выпарится практически весь сок. Затем на каждый блинчик выложите немного курино-грибной смеси, завернув его с краев в виде конверта, треугольника или трубочки. Готовые изделия переложите в посуду, — стеклянную миску, гусятницу или на противень, — предварительно смазанную сливочным маслом. Сверху высыпьте оставшийся твердый сыр. Отправьте кушанье в духовой шкаф, разогретый максимум до 180 градусов. Когда увидите, что блюдо покрылось золотистой коркой, доставайте его и накрывайте на стол. Надеемся, трапеза будет приятной, а блинчики удачными. Теперь и вы владеете секретами приготовления аппетитного кушанья. Опробовав несколько рецептов, выберите наиболее подходящий для себя. Ведь одним удается тесто на воде, другим больше по душе блины на молоке. Главное, чтобы изделия хорошо прожаривались, снимались и не подгорали. А сделать начинку — это не проблема. Если хотите съесть что-нибудь легкое, возьмите творог или ягоды, а чтобы блюдо вышло сытным, используйте курицу, грибы, фарш или бекон. И напоследок запомните несколько правил:

  • Before pouring out the dough, reddish hot frying pan, after oiling it with butter - creamy or vegetable - and only then bake pancakes. The dishes can also be processed with fat or fat.
  • Never be lazy to sift the flour, otherwise the products will come out thick and stiff.
  • Liquid components for the dough combine separately, and only then add them to the dry mix.

Pancakes with chicken and mushrooms can be rolled intoin the form of a roll, envelope or round bag. The more attractive the dish looks, the more appetite the guests will have for it. It is not for nothing that you want to eat beautifully decorated restaurant dishes faster than the same food served simply, without decoration. You can make a sauce for pancakes: sour cream, cream, tomato or other. We wish you success and good reviews about your culinary talent. We recommend reading:

