orchid dendrobiumWhen buying a noble flower in a store,in a flowerpot with a label saying "Dendrobium nobile", you become the happy owner of one of the most unpretentious hybrid orchids. This group combines species from different climatic conditions, with different preferences for temperature, lighting and flowering period. In their pure form, "dendrobium nobile" orchids are almost never sold, and even in specialized greenhouses you will most likely be sold a hybrid (dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid), which is outwardly no different from the original, but is more adapted to our conditions. That is, it is easier and simpler to care for it. In this article, we will tell you what types of such orchids are, what kind of care they need at home, and talk about how to transplant them. We will also touch on such a topic as the propagation of the dendrobium phalaenopsis hybrid.

General information

Types of epiphytic tropical orchids are divided intotwo groups: leafless and evergreen. In natural conditions, the size of this plant can be very different, and at home - the height of the orchid does not exceed 60 centimeters. A distinctive feature of this species is the presence of so-called bulbs - false above-ground bulbs. Their main task is to accumulate water and nutrients during the rainy season, and actively use them during drought. The bulbs look very diverse: they can be long or short, thin or hanging. Reproduction of representatives of this genus of orchids occurs vegetatively or by seeds (but such reproduction is available only in special conditions). Dendrobium flowering will not go unnoticed. Sometimes buds are formed on leafless and outwardly nondescript stems. The color can be very diverse, however, as well as the shape of the flower. Flowering lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. Very often, these hybrids are grown for cut flowers, which retain their freshness for up to 7-8 days. If the plant is cared for correctly, the life cycle at home will last about 7-8 years.orchid dendrobium nobil


Replanting a Dendrobium Phalaenopsis Orchid- one of the key points in its maintenance. Even if the substrate looks quite good externally, over time many of its important properties are lost. This means that caring for the plant will become increasingly difficult. Let's consider them in more detail.

  • Breathability

Considering that in nature these types of orchidsgrow on trees, and their roots wrap around trunks and branches, we can say that plants are used to "breathing deeply". Although rainfall is a frequent occurrence in the tropics, the roots on the surface dry out very quickly. The climate in the tropics is known for its humid, but in no case wet air! It is very difficult to recreate such an environment at home, which is why the air permeability of the soil is so important. However, over time, the bark begins to decompose from frequent watering, which not only makes it difficult for the roots to breathe, but also contributes to the accumulation of excess moisture and rotting. If measures are not taken in time, the plant will die - no care will help it.

  • Optimum acidity

Initially, the acidity of the substrate is within the pH range5.5 - 6.5, this allows the root system to receive all the necessary nutrients from the soil. Over time, the overall acidity increases, which negatively affects the plant as a whole. Sometimes at home, noble phalaenopsis is grown in pure coffee, periodically watered with lemon or orange juice. This method has the right to life, the main thing is to ensure that the roots do not get burned when the acidity exceeds the permissible norm.

  • Salt ratio

With regular fertilization in the substratesalts accumulate, when their amount reaches catastrophic proportions, the root system is no longer able to perform its functions. And if you do not urgently transplant the phalaenopsis, it will die. Summarizing the above, we can say with confidence that orchids should be transplanted every 2-3 years. Moreover, if we are talking about a newly purchased plant, then it needs to be transplanted almost immediately after flowering ends. The main guarantee of a successful transplant is a well-chosen time (when flowering ends). Then the phalaenopsis will be able to adapt to new conditions as quickly as possible and gain a foothold in the soil with its roots. So, what steps do you need to take to properly transplant the dendrobium phalaenopsis and what care will it need after relocation?

  • The orchid must be removed from the old soil and placed in a basin of water;
  • Clear the root system from the old substrate. To make this easier, let the orchid stand in the basin for about 15 minutes;
  • Carry out a thorough examination of the root system for the presence of rot or dried roots. Remove all unnecessary and treat the damaged areas with a green;
  • Thoroughly dry the plant. How much time will be needed will depend on the temperature of the environment. Usually at home, drying takes about 2-3 hours.
  • Actually transplant the plant into the ground. Substrate can be bought at a specialized store. The pot should be slightly larger than the previous one: to fit the root system in it, and approximately a centimeter of free space remained. At the bottom of the pot you need to put a drainage layer that will prevent rotting of the roots and facilitate the care of the plant in the future.
  • The correct way to transplant a phalaenopsis is to...correctly position it in the pot. To do this, the orchid needs to be examined and planted in the middle of the pot so that the young buds are not buried in the soil. To make the plant more stable, wooden sticks are installed next to the pseudobulbs, and the flower is tied if necessary. Such supports are needed until the orchid takes root.

What kind of care does the flower need in the future?The watering time depends on how long the plant was dried before planting. If it took all night, then you can water it immediately when adding soil. If it took only a couple of hours, then not earlier than after 2-4 days. The first option has the advantage of the soil shrinking on its own under the influence of water - you will immediately see whether you need to add more soil or not. The main thing is that the newly transplanted phalaenopsis takes root well. It cannot be immediately exposed to bright sun, otherwise the plant can get seriously stressed and become very weak.types of orchids dendrobium

Watering and top dressing

Proper care of the plant consists ofregular watering and fertilization. Different species require different watering frequencies, which also depend on the degree of illumination and temperature of the content. The higher these indicators, the more abundant and frequent the watering should be. In bright sunlight, strong growth of new cells is provoked, as a result of which the plant's need for water increases significantly. A decrease in the intensity of illumination contributes to a slowdown in metabolism, and the roots absorb water worse. Therefore, care in winter should be reduced to regular inspection of the plant, so that it is possible to immediately take measures to save it. The most important rule that every owner of a dendrobium phalaenopsis orchid should remember is that the plant needs time to "drink" all the available moisture between waterings. It is impossible to say exactly how long this will take. Everything depends on the temperature regime. Orient yourself by the soil, and an ordinary wooden stick stuck into the ground near the stem of the flower will help you with this. As soon as you decide that it is time to water the orchid, take out the stick and look at it. If there are still traces of moisture, watering should be postponed. These types of orchids are fed during the period of active growth (when flowering begins). To do this, every third watering is done with a specialized fertilizer, which is added according to the instructions.


The simplest reproduction is justDivide an adult and healthy phalaenopsis into parts. For each new plant, it is necessary to leave at least three pseudobulbs or one new shoot and a couple of pseudobulbs. Sometimes, babies may form on nodes where there were no flower stalks. Potentially, each of them can become a new full-fledged plant. It can be removed from the mother plant as soon as the roots and leaves begin to grow. But in this case, it is better to completely cut off the old pseudobulb. Then the reproduction will be more successful: the baby will take root faster, and the mother plant will not suffer at all. Care for a young orchid is the same as for an adult. If the plant has many pseudobulbs that could potentially give a baby (that is, they did not have flower stalks), you can stimulate them to do this. To carry out reproduction, the old pseudobulb is cut off, the cut is cauterized and placed in a glass of water. The water must be changed regularly, the pseudobulb is dried once a week. Usually the baby appears 10-20 days after the cut. In greenhouse conditions, reproduction becomes even easier: just lay the cut pseudobulbs on wet moss and the noble flower will soon produce offspring.

The rest period

The most difficult thing for owners of this type of orchidunderstand what the dormant period is? When does it start and when does it end? And most importantly, what to do with the flower during this time? It is very easy to distinguish an awake plant from a dormant one. During the waking period, the orchid constantly shows signs of life: it produces flower stalks, grows new leaves or roots. The easiest way to determine the condition of the plant is by the roots: if they have green tips, then the orchid is not going to hibernate yet. Care during the dormant period changes dramatically. If with the onset of cold weather you notice that your orchid has fallen asleep, you no longer need to water it. Try to keep the temperature of the flower within 10-16 degrees, then the hibernation will be successful and soon the plant will delight you with new flower stalks. That's all the tricks. Finally, I would like to give one piece of advice: when buying a dendrobium, be sure to ask the seller what kind of care it needs. After all, these hybrids, as already mentioned above, have different preferences. We wish you good luck in growing exotic beauties!

