how to treat condylomaOne of the most common cosmeticproblems are pointed condylomas - a type of warts that spontaneously appear in intimate places in both men and women. They cause mental and psychological discomfort, are a source of inconvenience and need to be removed according to the doctor's instructions. Many people who have suddenly discovered warts are perplexed and ask questions about what it is and how to cure such an acquired cosmetic defect. This article is devoted to ways to get rid of unsightly neoplasms that prevent us from feeling comfortable and calm. Pointed condylomas are a visible manifestation or, in other words, the main symptom of such an unpleasant disease as papillomavirus infection (HPV). In the recent past, virologists recognized only one way to become infected with it - unprotected sexual contact with a carrier. However, nowadays it is increasingly said that HPV is also transmitted intrauterine, that is, from mother to baby, or during childbirth. The possibility of infection through blood and even everyday life, for example, through clothing, is not excluded. But still, the main route of transmission of infection is sexual. The virus, entering our body, penetrates the DNA of the epithelial cells of the genitals and perineum, thereby disrupting their proper functioning. They begin the process of active growth and division, which is what ultimately leads to unaesthetic growths, familiar to most of us as pointed condylomas. Why are some people familiar with the problems associated with the appearance of such warts on the body, while others have not even really heard what it is? The fact is that the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes the appearance of this type of warts, is controlled by the immune system. When the immune system is weakened - for example, after a long, serious illness or surgery - it wakes up, and the result of its "activity" are condylomas on the mucous membranes of the genitals, near the anus or even in the oral cavity. Since the virus is transmitted sexually, a huge number of people are its carriers. However, only 1-2% of all get sick - as a rule, those with weakened immunity, as mentioned above. The manifestation of the virus can be singular (the appearance of one small wart) or multiple (several condylomas in the same or different places).how to cure condyloma

Treatment of genital warts

As for the methods of combating condylomas,This issue is decided by the attending physician, not by the patient. Since it is the specialist who, after a detailed collection of anamnesis and evaluation of test results, will be able to select the therapy that will be most effective in each specific case. In this case, the doctor will take into account the type of condylomas, their location and quantity and will listen to the patient's wishes. However, it is the specialist's competence to offer the correct, in his opinion, method of getting rid of condylomas. There are several ways to treat and remove warts. But none of them allows you to cope with the virus itself completely. It is only possible to carry out symptomatic therapy and, if necessary, direct removal of condylomas. Simply put, the treatment is aimed at "putting to sleep" the virus, making it temporarily inactive. Sometimes it is enough to consult a practicing immunologist and take antiviral and immune-boosting drugs. If drug therapy is ineffective, condylomas are removed by cryodestruction, electrocoagulation or laser. This article will discuss these and some other generally accepted measures that have proven effective in treating HPV.

  • Cryodestruction (freezing) method with liquidnitrogen The basis of this method of ridding a patient of condylomas is the targeted impact on them using low temperatures. The advantages of this method of treatment are undeniable, since it is well tolerated by a person and, what is important, does not require the use of local anesthesia or other method of pain relief. In addition, after cryodestruction, scars are formed in very rare cases.
  • Laser removal With this type of therapyyou should not start treating condylomas - this is rather a backup option. Laser removal requires anesthesia and is often accompanied by the formation of scars. In addition, the process of such treatment itself is associated with the release of viruses into the air, so the staff must work in masks, and the room itself must be well ventilated.
  • Electrocoagulation method In contrast tocryodestruction, in which case the condylomas are exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, you cannot do without anesthesia. As, however, it is often impossible to avoid the formation of scars at the site of the warts. When a patient is treated with electrocoagulation, viruses get into the air, so the doctor and nearby staff must wear masks, and the room where the procedure is performed must have a powerful exhaust hood.
  • Treatment with podophyllotoxin This is a drug,created on the basis of an extract from a special type of plant. It causes necrosis of condylomas. It is treated by applying a special solution to warts twice a day at twelve-hour intervals. This should be done for three days. Then there should be a week-long break, after which the treatment is resumed and continued until the condylomas disappear, but not more than five weeks. The drug should be applied with great care - it is toxic, so it should not get on healthy skin. Local reactions often include redness and an unpleasant burning sensation. This method is intended for home procedures, but it should be prescribed and monitored by the attending physician. The high toxicity of the drug does not allow its use in pregnant women or women planning a pregnancy. And all other representatives of the fairer sex during the period of therapy of genital warts with podophyllotoxin should use reliable methods of contraception or even temporarily abstain from sex.
  • Use of interferon This drug is eitherinject the warts or inject it intramuscularly. This type of treatment is accompanied by very unpleasant side effects, such as severe malaise, weakness, chills, fever, headache. And its effectiveness is not higher than that of other methods used in the treatment of condylomas. Therefore, many specialists do not recommend this method of removing warts due to the large number of pronounced side effects.
  • Treatment with imiquimod The procedure consists oflocal application of a five percent cream with the aforementioned name to the pointed condylomas. This is done three times a week immediately before going to bed, and in the morning the remains are washed off with soapy water. The duration of treatment should not exceed sixteen weeks. This drug is especially effective in women if the condylomas are small and few in number. In our country, imiquimod is still in the process of registration, so it is currently not available for widespread use.

Sometimes it happens that condylomas disappear.on their own, without any treatment. However, you shouldn't count on it: by letting the situation take its course, you expose yourself to a certain risk. What happens if condylomas are not treated? Over time, they will begin to be injured and bleed; sexual intercourse and even friction of the wart against underwear will cause unpleasant sensations and discomfort. In any case, pointed condylomas should be differentiated from other types of warts, as well as from malignant neoplasms. And only a doctor can do this, through a visual examination and laboratory tests. Therefore, it is not recommended to delay a visit to a specialist. In addition, prolonged absence of treatment can lead to suppuration of condylomas. Their damage leads to the formation of bleeding and very painful ulcers. In the absence of effective therapy, the number of warts can steadily increase - sometimes they can cover the entire skin in the genital area. And the virus itself, which is in human blood for a long time and uncontrolled, leads to a decrease in immunity and an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, as well as to the emergence and development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. To date, there are no clear parallels between genital warts and oncology, but there are several reliable cases when cancerous neoplasms arose in their place. Therefore, one cannot treat the papillomavirus with the carelessness characteristic of most people. I would like to remind you once again that none of the listed methods of combating condylomas can completely cure you of the disease itself, much less protect you from a relapse, which occurs in thirty percent of cases. But an integrated approach can significantly reduce the risk of resumption of papillomavirus activity. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to combine the removal of warts with immunomodulatory therapy, which should be carried out by a doctor of the appropriate qualifications. And since HPV is a common problem, finding a specialist in this field will not be difficult. Getting rid of the aesthetic defect caused by warts is also not at all difficult. Today, such cosmetology services as condyloma removal have become widespread. They are provided not only in the capital, but also in regional and district centers. Specialists recommend that both sexes remove condylomas in a timely manner, as they can interfere with normal sexual intercourse, and in women they also interfere with childbirth. In addition, the removal of genital warts will help restore peace of mind and increase confidence in your own attractiveness. We recommend reading:

