different means of contraception Family planning is the basis of modernsociety and demographic situation. Some modern women postpone the procreation process at a later date. Career growth, financial difficulties leave their imprint on the timing of the appearance of children. Therefore, the primary role is played by the choice of a contraceptive method. It is from the proper selection of a method or drug that a woman's health depends.

About contraception

Prevention of unwanted pregnancyin various ways and is contraception. It can be used with the help of mechanical or chemical means. There are many modern methods of contraception, which allow to avoid undesirable consequences. For example, abortion has a negative impact on health in general, and also has a negative effect on the future planning of the child. When choosing a suitable method of contraception, you can focus on the Perl index. It reflects the statistical data on the number of people who approached one way or another. Thus, it is possible to know the effectiveness of contraceptives. The choice of method of contraception depends on a number of factors. The presence of chronic diseases, age, sexual preferences, the desire to have a child in the future - all this affects the choice of a suitable drug. In addition, many pharmacological agents can avoid sexually transmitted diseases. These protection measures can not be universal for all. Some couples change contraceptives from time to time, others find a remedy that satisfies them, and use it constantly. Selection of the desired drug is purely individual. When choosing a method, it is recommended to consult with a specialist. Perhaps, it is the doctor who will be able to find the necessary remedy. examination with a gynecologist

Oral contraceptives

Combined hormonal drugs takeinside in the form of special tablets, capsules. They are designed for a specific female cycle. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, these medications also regulate the menstrual cycle well. They are highly effective, due to the fact that they inhibit the maturation of the egg. There are also tablets that can be consumed after a complete sexual intercourse. Each drug contains a different amount of hormones. So, many tablets have an increased content of estrogens. Specialists assign them to those girls who, according to blood tests, see an increase in "male" hormones. These drugs normalize the level of hormones, reduce pain during the menstrual cycle, help to cope with polycystic ovary syndrome, reduce the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. However, it is necessary to select contraceptives carefully so as not to harm your body. These oral preparations have a number of contraindications: vein thrombosis, coronary heart disease, liver disease, diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, vascular diseases, etc. Take the pill strictly according to the instructions, you can not interrupt the reception. If for any reason the day of admission was missed, then use other means of contraception. There is an opinion that oral contraceptives affect the body weight. However, modern and properly selected drugs minimize the degree of negative consequences. Therefore, a large number of women choose hormone pills as a reliable method of contraception. intrauterine devices

Intrauterine devices

The funds represent a specialPlastic form, which is placed in the uterine cavity. Among many women, the notion of a "spiral" is known, which got its name from a spiral shape. Modern means are issued in the form of the letter "T". The intrauterine contraceptive contains hormones or copper, which affect the endometrium and motility of spermatozoa. These drugs are considered highly effective, as they impede full fertilization. But their use is recommended already giving birth to women. In addition, after 5 years they are recommended to be replaced. They also have contraindications: inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, pregnancy, endometriosis, etc. The introduction of intrauterine devices should be under the supervision of a doctor, after the procedure it is necessary to make ultrasound of the vagina. Intramuscular means include special gels, suppositories, and creams that suppress the process of ovulation. However, these medications do not protect against various sexually transmitted diseases. Means can sometimes cause side effects: uterine bleeding, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. At the first symptoms it is necessary to address to the attending physician. To such preparations carry condoms, a diaphragm, a cervical cap. They are made of elastic latex. For greater effect, these contraceptives are recommended to be supplemented by other means (for example, intrauterine suppositories). emergency contraception

Physiological methods

These contraceptive methods are based on the calculation ofthe most favorable days for sexual intercourse. Thanks to them, some girls calculate the days when ovulation occurs. One of these methods is the rhythm or calendar method. To correctly calculate the days you need, you need to know the length of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, ovulation occurs on the 14-15 day from the beginning of menstruation. 5 days before and after the middle of the menstrual cycle are considered the most likely for conception. Therefore, at this time it is necessary to follow additional methods of contraception (for example, condoms). To correctly calculate the days, the menstrual cycle should be regular. Its duration is usually about 30 days. The method of basal temperature measurement helps to find out if a woman has ovulation. For this, every morning, without getting out of bed, you need to measure the temperature in the rectum with a conventional thermometer. Typically, in the middle of the cycle, the temperature can rise by about 0.4 degrees. This recovery will mean the beginning of a period favorable for conception. However, this method is not very effective, since a rise in temperature can be associated with illness or other factors. Interrupted sexual intercourse is another popular way to prevent conception. It involves the extraction of the penis from the vagina before the ejaculation begins. However, this method brings psychological and sexual discomfort to partners. In addition, the probability of conception with this method of contraception is still great.

Sterilization method

There is male and female sterilization. This surgical intervention is highly effective as a method of contraception. After the procedures, the return of the reproductive function is possible, but unlikely. Such surgical blocking is recommended for men and women who categorically do not want to have children, their age exceeds 35 years. There are a number of contraindications for the procedure: psychological deviations, infectious diseases, the presence of a tumor. When choosing a remedy, you should carefully consider all the possible options. In order to make the right decision, you need to consult your partner and consult with qualified specialists. After all, the health of a man, a woman and their children depends on how correct the decision will be.

