how to apply makeup Perhaps, any woman wants to be beautiful ... very muchbeautiful ... no, the most beautiful in the world. Some have given more to nature, some to less. What can you do? Over this we are not powerful. But to correct its omissions is quite realistic. Fortunately, there have passed those times when in the arsenal of women there were only antimony and white. Oh, yes ... more beets! Do you know that it was with her help that they applied a charming blush, which many poets praised, our great-great-grandmothers? It's good that we live at a different time, right? At the disposal of a modern woman is decorative cosmetics of a completely different level. For us, special studies are underway, huge companies work for us. Chemists, biologists, technologists, doctors, dermatologists - a lot of people are engaged in helping us to be the most-most beautiful and desirable. And we have very little - to learn how to apply makeup correctly. In fact, it is not difficult at all. Shall we try?

Important rules

Proper make-up is an art. And art, as you know, has its own laws. How to apply a make-up neatly and beautifully? Let's understand.

  • In order to make the makeup better on the skin, before applying it you need to thoroughly moisturize your face. Use your usual day cream for this.
  • When starting the process, carefully wipe the mirror. Make sure there is enough light in the room. It is recommended to apply daily make-up in natural light. Otherwise, you can simply not see minor flaws - for example, crumbling mascara or inaccurate bed cream.
  • If you want mascara to look beautiful, do not use it for more than three months from the time you open it. The old mascara lay down on the eyes with lumps and quickly crumbles.
  • In order for the eyes to be expressive,it is necessary to paint the roots of the eyelashes - just gently swipe them with a brush from left to right. Only after this, you can proceed with the usual staining procedure. The technique is simple - mascara is applied over the entire length to uniform rotational movements.
  • It is extremely neat to work with eyeliner - too greasy, bright lines look, as a rule, vulgar.
  • The correct make-up implies, in the first placeturn, a reasonable approach to the choice of tonal means. Here you should focus on the type and color of your skin. For oily skin, liquid powder is considered to be the best option - it smooths out all the irregularities and gives the face a matte shade. Owners of dry skin should pay attention to a foundation with a moisturizing effect. For the problem skin is ideal compact powder.
  • The tone of the base and the powder should match the shade of your skin.
  • The color of the blush should be just a little darker than the natural shade of your skin. Otherwise, you risk becoming similar to a Russian doll-nesting doll.
  • Blush, however, like shadows, should always be thoroughly shaded.

Well. With that how correctly to put or render a make up - more precisely, with the basic laws - have understood. Now let's look at everything in detail, step by step. correct make-up

We lay the foundation

The base helps to smooth out all the "roughness"small wrinkles, age spots or freckles. It will make your skin smooth and matte. When choosing a cosmetic for normal skin, it is recommended to give preference not to a foundation lotion, it is still a little "heavy" - but a liquid base with a saturated color. It lies down a thin layer, perfectly moisturizing the skin. Make-up will turn out to be natural and will look beautiful and natural. Than to put a liquid basis? The technique is simple enough, and the "tool" is always with you - it's your fingers! They perfectly feel the necessary amount of funds. Therefore, the composition will lie flat and will be completely invisible. Drop a little on the back of the palm. Gently, with two fingers, drive the base into the skin of the face. Begin the application from the forehead, gradually moving to the chin. If you still decide to choose a foundation of foundation, then it should not be applied with your fingers, but with a sponge. In order to make the layer thinner, the sponge should be slightly moistened. Then apply a little cream on it and gently pat your face. Do you want the tone to look even more natural? Then rinse the sponge thoroughly and gently blot out the face. Redness and pigmentation spots can be masked using a darker tone. Do not apply the foundation to the skin around the eyes - for this purpose, a clarifying cream is best. And to make a make-up in two layers is already search.

Apply the clarifier

If work with the foundation is a process that is not at allcreative, then applying a clarifier is akin to art. The correct make-up without this is simply impossible. With the help of this miracle tool, you can hide even significant wrinkles on the forehead and near the nose, change the size of the eyes and remove the circles under them, eliminate wrinkles at the lips, visually lengthen the face - in general, do almost anything. Perhaps, the most convenient for application means - a cream-lipstick or a mechanical pencil. A liquid clarifier is not suitable for masking strong defects. In addition, it is suitable only for dry and mature skin. According to the rules of applying make-up, the clarifier should be two tones lighter than the base. And put it on top of the foundation, otherwise it will be quickly erased. It is applied, as a rule, with fingers, and it is driven into the skin as well as the base - by a sponge. In order for the product not to accumulate in fine wrinkles around the eyes, you can mix it with the cream. Try not to use matte clarifiers - they look unnatural and sharp. Using a tool in the eye area, try not to approach the edge of the eyelashes. Otherwise they just stick together. makeup is right

We apply powder

To ensure that the base lasts longer on her facemust be fixed with powder. The main rule when choosing a powder - it should exactly match the color of the face. If the skin is reddish or, conversely, too pale, then you should choose a transparent powder. When applying powder, professionals recommend using a damp sponge. Spread the napkin and sprinkle a little powder on it. Lightly wet the sponge and powder the entire face. Did you get stains? Nothing wrong. Just keep patting with a sponge. Very soon the powder will become invisible, and the skin will acquire a peach shade. Such makeup will easily survive many hours of testing.

Apply the blush

Apply blush only in order to hidepallor and "draw" pink cheeks - means not to use all the possibilities of this kind of decorative cosmetics. With the help of blush, you can change the shape of the face - for example, make it more "cheeky", full or, conversely, thin. The color of the blush should match the tone of the lipstick. And to put them easier and best with a brush. Just do not take the same wide as for powder. Brush for blush should be much thinner - this is, in fact, a piece of jewelry! Movement - smooth, circular. After you have applied a blush on your cheeks - draw a brush and forehead. The remaining amount is enough to shade it. If you want your cheeks to look natural - just powder them a little. Happened?

We paint lips

The main trend of the season is naturalness andnaturalness. Therefore, the main task is simply to emphasize, and if necessary, slightly adjust the natural curve of your lips. How to do it? Yes, it's very simple! In order to correct the form, apply a clarifier to the lips' lips - it will mask all the imperfections. Take an sharp sharpened pencil and gently, from one corner of the lips to the other, draw a line. Slightly powder the outline. To do this, you can use a wadded disk - just wrap a finger around it. Lipstick is most conveniently applied with a rounded brush - so the contour will be seen much more clearly. However, there is another option. For a more persistent makeup, it will be correct to completely paint your lips with a pencil, and then apply lipstick. If the skin on the lips is not too dry, then you can use a special powder. Apply it should be 10 to 12 minutes after the lipstick. True to get involved in this tool is not worth it - it does not contain moisturizing and nutrients. how to apply makeup

Beautiful eyes

Perhaps, nothing emphasizespersonality, like the eyes. They make the person expressive. Not for nothing because they say about them - "the mirror of the soul." How to choose your "mirror" worthy of "frame" - how to apply makeup to your eyes? In order to make cosmetics look profitable, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. After all, we are all different, each has its own characteristics. So, the technique of application will be different. Let's see how using simple means - shadows, mascara and podvodki - to emphasize your natural beauty.

  • Makeup for small eyesvisually increase not too large by nature eyes, it will not take much effort. Take light shadows and gently apply them, from the cilia to the very eyebrows. Put shadows of a darker color into the crease of the upper eyelid. Take an acutely sharpened eyeliner and draw a thin line. Start it approximately from the middle of the upper eyelid and bring to the outer corner of the eye. Try to get it as close as possible to the roots of the cilia. In the area under the eyebrows you need to put light shadows. Draw a white pencil on the inside of the lower eyelid - this will make your eyes as open as possible. Always carefully and carefully watch the eyebrows and, if necessary, adjust their arches in time. Your eyebrows should be thin enough; it visually enlarges the eyes and makes the look expressive.
  • Makeup for wide-set eyesShadow is the basis from the line of growth of the eyelashes to the eyebrows. It is better to take medium - not too bright, but not too dark - shades. Do not forget to shade. Take dark shadows and put them on the inner corner of the eye - from the roots of the eyelashes to the bone. Use about 1/3 of the upper eyelid. The remaining 2/3 centuries once again emphasize the shadows of light tone. Apply mascara. Pay special attention to eyelashes located in the center - it is on them that you need to apply the maximum amount of carcass - this visually brings your eyes together.
  • Makeup for deep-set eyesShadow-based on the area from the fold of the upper eyelid to the eyebrows. Put light shadows on the moving part of the upper eyelid. Use dark shadows on the outer corner of the eyes. Slightly darken the area under the eyebrows. If you use eyeliner or eyeliner, then all lines should be as thin as possible, and should be carried as close as possible to the eyelashes. Always choose mascara that gives extra volume - this will help "pull out" even the most deeply set eyes.
  • Makeup for Close-Sated Eyes Takepencil and draw a line along the contour of the lashes of the upper eyelid, taking it out of the eye. The line must visually continue the contour. Thoroughly shade it on the outer corners - it should not be clear. Apply light shadows on the middle and inner parts of the mobile age. Put dark shadows on the outer side of the eyelid - closer to the temples. Apply mascara, stretching eyelashes to the temples, from the middle of the century to the outer corners of the eyes. Eyelashes, located closer to the nose, paint very slightly. Put a light flare on the eyebrow.

Here, perhaps, and all about how to apply makeup. Agree, all is not so difficult. Of course, there is no limit to perfection. And this is just basic knowledge. After all, in order to read scientific treatises is not enough just to learn the alphabet, do you agree? So with makeup ... But to learn this art is quite possible for any woman - there would be a desire. After all, when we want something very much, it will surely come true. So there are women. We advise you to read:

