how to drive a carA woman behind the wheel gradually ceases to be embarrassingmodern men. Well, how could it be otherwise? After all, every day more and more girls appear on the roads, and each one tries to adhere to all the necessary norms - to do everything correctly, so as not to become the cause of ridicule. So, soon, even those men who still do not believe in the very fact of female driving, will have to recognize in the beautiful half of humanity not only a housewife and keeper of the hearth, but also an experienced independent car-lady, capable of driving a car correctly and skillfully! For each of the ladies, a car means something different. Some cannot imagine their life without speed and the driving process itself, and for some, a car completely replaces public transport. And if there are two or three children in the family, then even an inveterate housewife cannot do without her own "iron horse".

Where to begin

If you still don't have a driver's license,The first thing you need to do is to contact a driving school. They will help you learn all the basic skills, both theory and practice. Of course, experience comes with time, but a good driving school can provide a basic knowledge base for beginners. Be prepared for the fact that for about three months you will fall out of your usual life. In addition, you will have to abandon previously planned plans not related to driving, and completely devote yourself to training. In driving school, a lot of time is devoted to studying the rules of the road, and if you are not familiar with the basics of traffic rules, do not miss classes under any circumstances! The theoretical part is as important as the practical one, because most accidents happen due to ignorance of the rules. After graduating from driving school, do not rush to stop there, especially if you feel that you are not yet able to easily get behind the wheel and drive around the city. In order to get more driving skills, there are special driving courses. And here the number of hours of practice depends only on you. You will be able to independently plan your time and make a schedule of classes, taking into account household chores and work. When choosing courses, you should not be guided by the price and start studying with the most expensive (cheap) instructor. In this case, it is best to pay attention to recommendations, maybe one of your friends or relatives will recommend a good teacher. A thorough approach is needed to properly drive a car

A few tips for novice auto-ladies

What advice would you give to a woman who is driving for the first time?and worries that she will fail, will be the most necessary? After all, the thoughts that “this is not my thing”, “I’m afraid”, “I will never succeed” visit every second girl trying to learn how to drive a car. And yet it is not as scary as you think:

  • Never lose faith! Even if you feel that you do not have enough hours that are allocated for practice. In fact, you are not the only one. Few people can quietly sit behind the wheel immediately after the end of the driving school. In fact, there are additional courses for this;
  • During classes, always disconnect the mobile Nothing should distract you. Concentrate on the lessons, and put your own problems aside for a while. Of course, at the moment you are insured by an instructor and nothing bad will happen. But he will not be present at every your trip - act as if he is not near;
  • If you wear glasses, it is better to switch to contact lenses, since they provide a wider view of the road - it will be much easier to drive;
  • Learn how to fasten your seat beltdriving school. Let this action become a habit of yours. And whatever they say about the cases when the non-fastened belt became a rescue in the event of an accident, remember, the reverse cases are much greater;
  • For the first independent trips, choose secluded places: a field or wasteland is best suited;
  • The first independent route through the city should be familiar to you. First, learn on it, and then you can conquer and more complex peaks.

Learning to park a car

Learn how to park a vehicle correctlymeans – the main problem that worries novice drivers. Unfortunately, driving courses do not pay enough attention to this skill. And then the troubles begin, the main one of which is the incorrect calculation of the parking space. Inexperience is to blame, because a person who has just become acquainted with a car has not yet learned to feel his car, namely - its dimensions. Do not be upset - everything will come with time - patience and training will help you master the parking skills. First, you need to learn how to reverse correctly. When you can drive in reverse without stress and fear, you can begin to study parking skills. Here are some simple tips that will help you park a car in a big city:

  • During peak hours, you have to search for a suitable parking place for a long time, so take yourself for a rule - in every situation, look carefully around, so you do not have to stop abruptly;
  • Once the location is found, turn the turn signal and stop in front of it;
  • Estimate the size of the parking lot and do not forget to take into account that for maneuver you need 30-50 centimeters, both behind and ahead;
  • Looking over your shoulder, gently pull back, turning the steering wheel towards the curb;
  • Halfway into the place, stop and, turning the steering wheel in the opposite direction, start slowly moving again. Be very attentive - do not touch the next car;
  • For better control over the situation, you need not only look over your shoulder, but also learn how to properly use mirrors.

Learning to use mirrors

The car's side mirrors are working.The driver looks in them while moving along the roadway. They reflect everything that happens to the left and right of the car, as well as behind it. Thus, the side mirrors show the entire situation on the road while driving. The rearview mirror is a control mirror. You can also see what is happening behind and partially on the sides.

  • Never look over your shoulder while in motion, so you will miss the situation ahead of yourself. Get used to using mirrors at once;
  • In order to start any maneuver, quickly enough (within 1-2 seconds) to look in the rear-view mirror, and then into the side mirrors;
  • To properly adjust the side mirror, you need, looking at it, turn it until the moment the car disappears from your field of vision;
  • Adjusting the mirror inside the cabin, it is necessary to remember - its center should coincide with the center of the rear window;
  • With correctly tuned mirrors of the "dead zones"around the car should not be. You can check this as follows: ask a friend to walk away from the car for two meters, and then walk around it, disappearing in one mirror, your assistant must immediately appear in the other.

how to learn to drive a car

Should I use tinting?

The question about car tinting is still thereremains controversial. And although more than half of the cars in Russian cities are tinted, and imported cars are already produced with darkened windows, deciding on tinting is a responsible step, especially for a novice driver. And there are reasons for this. Firstly, many drivers are afraid of an accident at night, because tinted windows let in very little light. Secondly, fear of traffic police officers - tinting must comply with the standards, and an unenlightened person, especially a novice lady driver, may not even know these standards. Therefore, when planning to tint your car, be sure to familiarize yourself with the standards and contact only trusted salons. And yet, in most cases, tinting car windows only brings benefits. Agree, it is nicer to feel comfortable and cozy than in an "aquarium", exposing yourself to everyone. The practicality of tinting should not be denied either. A quality film can protect the interior from fading and overheating, and in winter – from frost on the glass. Tinting protects the eyes during daylight hours – vision is not strained as much. In addition, things left unattended in the car are practically invisible. And of course, a car with tinted windows looks more stylish, and a woman driving such a car – more impressive. So, as soon as you understand that you feel confident behind the wheel – feel free to tint your car!

Shoes beginner auto-lady. What to choose?

Men giving "helpful advice onwomen's wardrobe, there will always be more than enough. For example, the instructor will advise you to drive a car only in sneakers, and your husband will never let you approach the car in light clothes. So what to do? After all, although you are a driver, you are still a woman who wants to look attractive at all times. Relax, many of the tips about the wardrobe of a lady driver are completely unfounded, but some of them are still worth listening to. Do not believe the myth that heels are not suitable for a woman behind the wheel! Following this fact, many girls get used to sneakers back in driving school, and then torture themselves with constant changing of shoes all their lives. In fact, you can drive a car in almost any shoes. The exceptions are shoes or boots with very high and thin stiletto heels, as well as shoes with a high and hard platform. Heels are really uncomfortable, since you have to keep your feet slightly suspended, and there is a risk of breaking the heel. And in the platform, the pedals are hard to feel, as a result of which the risk of an accident increases. All other footwear for women behind the wheel is quite acceptable. And here everything will depend on your style and preferences. The only nuance will be the fact that a woman who is driving for the first time should not immediately experiment with heels. First, you need to learn to ride and feel the pedals in more comfortable shoes, for example, in soft pumps or to drive properly

Clothes of the beginning auto-lady. Practicality or beauty?

Here is another controversial issue about equipment.women behind the wheel. Of course, it is difficult to argue that trousers are more comfortable to drive. But this does not mean that you should give up feminine clothing. The only style that is not suitable is tight and long skirts. In general, each of the women, thinking over her wardrobe and accessories, relies on three principles: practicality, safety and beauty. The main thing to remember is that you should not neglect beauty for the sake of practicality. These two concepts are perfectly compatible with each other. Do you like light colors? Put on your favorite spring coat without thinking! Just be a little more careful. More often drive your car to the car wash, keep the interior tidy - and your love for white things will remain mutual for a long time. And if you look irresistible, you will feel more confident on the road. But you do not need to sacrifice safety. Therefore, everything that interferes, closes the view and creates inconvenience is better to exclude. By the way, if you already have your own, time-tested style, try to choose a car for it. Now that would definitely be feminine! Whatever style you prefer and whatever car you buy, don't forget that cars tend to break down. And if a woman is driving - this can lead to a lot of unnecessary problems. Especially if the lady driver is a beginner. There will be fear and uncertainty on her part, and irritation and ridicule on the part of her neighbors on the road. It's good if there is a gentleman who will help the girl cope with the problem, but what if not? That's why always keep the phone numbers of car repair shops, technical assistance, or loyal friends who can always come to your aid.

